Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

services/wtk/training/conf_wtk.h File Reference

Configurations for Widget Toolkit library.

Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries.


 Left frame border size. More...
 Right frame border size. More...
 Top frame border size. More...
 Bottom frame border size. More...
 Radius of resize handle (second quadrant of circle). More...
 Width of resize handle. More...
 Height of resize handle. More...
 Minimum width of contents window of a frame. More...
 Minimum height of contents window of a frame. More...
 Height of titlebar area. More...
 Caption text X offset inside title bar. More...
 Caption text Y offset inside title bar. More...
 Background color of frame contents window. More...
#define WTK_FRAME_BORDER_COLOR   GFX_COLOR(240, 240, 240)
 Frame border color. More...
#define WTK_FRAME_TITLEBAR_COLOR   GFX_COLOR(128, 128, 255)
 Background color of frame title bar. More...
 Caption text foreground color. More...
#define WTK_FRAME_RESIZE_COLOR   GFX_COLOR(64, 192, 192)
 Resize handle color. More...
 Distance from origin before dragging operation kicks in. More...
 Radius of drag origin and target handles. More...
 Pixmap pixel count for storing drag handle background graphics. More...
 Drag origin handle color. More...
 Drag target handle color. More...
 Button border color. More...
 Color of button background (text color when highlighted). More...
 Color of button text (background color when highlighted). More...
 Size of checkbox square. More...
#define WTK_CHECKBOX_BOX_X   0
 Checkbox square X offset. More...
#define WTK_CHECKBOX_BOX_Y   0
 Checkbox square Y offset. More...
 Checkbox caption text X offset. More...
 Checkbox caption text Y offset. More...
 Checkbox square frame color. More...
 Checkbox square background color. More...
 Checkbox square select mark color. More...
 Checkbox caption text color. More...
 Move support for sliders. More...
 Width of the slider knob, including borders, in pixels. More...
 Color of all the slider's borders. More...
 Color of the slider's background. More...
 Color of the slider knob when normal. More...
 Color of the slider knob when moving. More...
 Color of the progress bar's frame border. More...
 Color of the plot's frame border. More...
 Scale factor for fixed-point calculation. More...
 The length of the tick marker. More...


typedef uint16_t wtk_string_size_t
 Datatype holding the length of strings. More...
 Radius of radio button circle. More...
 Radio button circle center X offset. More...
 Radio button circle center Y offset. More...
 Radio button caption text X offset. More...
 Radio button caption text Y offset. More...
 Radio button circle color. More...
 Radio button circle background color. More...
 Radio button select mark color. More...
 Radio button caption text color. More...
typedef uint8_t wtk_radio_group_size_t
 Datatype holding reference count for radio button groups. More...
 Icon button select mark color. More...
typedef uint8_t wtk_icon_group_size_t
 Datatype holding reference count for icon button groups. More...