Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

Quick Start Guide for TCC - Recoverable Fault

The supported board list:

  • SAM D21/R21/L21/L22/DA1/C21/HA1G16A Xplained Pro

In this use case, the TCC will be used to generate a PWM signal, with a varying duty cycle. Here the pulse width is increased each time the timer count matches the set compare value. There is a recoverable fault input which controls PWM output. When this fault is active (low) the PWM output will be frozen (could be off or on, no light changing). When fault is released (input high) the PWM output will go on.

When the PWM signal connects to LED, LED will light. If fault input is from a button, the LED will be frozen and not changing it's light when the button is down and will go on when the button is up. To see the PWM waveform, you may need an oscilloscope. SAMHA1G16A Xpro LED is PA00 which isn't connected out, use PA04 instead, so we can't see LED blink but only see the waveform from oscilloscope.

The PWM output and fault input is set up as follows:

Board Pin Connect to
SAM D21 Xpro PB30 LED0
SAM D21 Xpro PA15 SW0
SAM R21 Xpro PA06 EXT1 Pin 3
SAM R21 Xpro PA28 SW0
SAM L21 Xpro PB10 LED0
SAM L21 Xpro PA16 SW0
SAM L22 Xpro PB18 EXT3 Pin 9
SAM L22 Xpro PC01 SW0
SAM DA1 Xpro PB30 LED0
SAM DA1 Xpro PA15 SW0
SAM C21 Xpro PA15 LED0
SAM C21 Xpro PA28 SW0
SAM HA1G16A Xpro PB03 SW0

The TCC module will be set up as follows:

  • GCLK generator 0 (GCLK main) clock source
  • Use double buffering write when set top, compare, or pattern through API
  • No dithering on the counter or compare
  • No prescaler
  • Single Slope PWM wave generation
  • GCLK reload action
  • Don't run in standby
  • No waveform extentions
  • No inversion of waveform output
  • No capture enabled
  • Count upward
  • Don't perform one-shot operations
  • No event input except channel 0 event enabled
  • No event action
  • No event generation enabled
  • Counter starts on 0
  • Recoverable Fault A is generated from channel 0 event input, fault halt acts as software halt, other actions or options are all disabled

Quick Start


There are no prerequisites for this use case.


Add to the main application source file, before any functions, according to the kit used:


Configure TCC

  1. Create a module software instance struct for the TCC module to store the TCC driver state while it is in use.
    This should never go out of scope as long as the module is in use. In most cases, this should be global.
  2. Create a TCC module configuration struct, which can be filled out to adjust the configuration of a physical TCC peripheral.
    struct tcc_config config_tcc;
  3. Initialize the TCC configuration struct with the module's default values.
    This should always be performed before using the configuration struct to ensure that all values are initialized to known default settings.
  4. Alter the TCC settings to configure the counter width, wave generation mode, and the compare channel 0 value and fault options. Here the Recoverable Fault input is enabled and halt action is set to software mode (must use software to clear halt state).
    config_tcc.counter.period = 0xFFFF;
    config_tcc.compare.wave_generation = TCC_WAVE_GENERATION_SINGLE_SLOPE_PWM;
    config_tcc.compare.match[CONF_PWM_CHANNEL] = 0xFFFF;
    config_tcc.wave_ext.recoverable_fault[CONF_PWM_CHANNEL].source =
    config_tcc.wave_ext.recoverable_fault[CONF_PWM_CHANNEL].halt_action =
  5. Alter the TCC settings to configure the PWM output on a physical device pin.
    config_tcc.pins.enable_wave_out_pin[CONF_PWM_OUTPUT] = true;
    config_tcc.pins.wave_out_pin[CONF_PWM_OUTPUT] = CONF_PWM_OUT_PIN;
    config_tcc.pins.wave_out_pin_mux[CONF_PWM_OUTPUT] = CONF_PWM_OUT_MUX;
  6. Configure the TCC module with the desired settings.
  7. Create a TCC events configuration struct, which can be filled out to enable/disable events and configure event settings. Reset all fields to zero.
    struct tcc_events events;
    memset(&events, 0, sizeof(struct tcc_events));
  8. Alter the TCC events settings to enable/disable desired events, to change event generating options and modify event actions. Here channel event 0 input is enabled as source of recoverable fault.
    events.on_event_perform_channel_action[CONF_PWM_CHANNEL] = true;
  9. Enable and apply events settings.
  10. Enable the TCC module to start the timer and begin PWM signal generation.
  11. Register the Compare Channel 0 Match callback functions with the driver.
  12. Enable the Compare Channel 0 Match callback so that it will be called by the driver when appropriate.
    (enum tcc_callback)(TCC_CALLBACK_CHANNEL_0 + CONF_PWM_CHANNEL));

Configure EXTINT for fault input

  1. Create an EXTINT module channel configuration struct, which can be filled out to adjust the configuration of a single external interrupt channel.
    struct extint_chan_conf config;
  2. Initialize the channel configuration struct with the module's default values.
    This should always be performed before using the configuration struct to ensure that all values are initialized to known default settings.
  3. Adjust the configuration struct to configure the pin MUX (to route the desired physical pin to the logical channel) to the board button, and to configure the channel to detect both rising and falling edges.
    config.filter_input_signal = true;
    config.detection_criteria = EXTINT_DETECT_BOTH;
    config.gpio_pin = CONF_FAULT_EIC_PIN;
    config.gpio_pin_mux = CONF_FAULT_EIC_PIN_MUX;
  4. Configure external interrupt channel with the desired channel settings.
    extint_chan_set_config(CONF_FAULT_EIC_LINE, &config);
  5. Create a TXTINT events configuration struct, which can be filled out to enable/disable events. Reset all fields to zero.
    struct extint_events events;
    memset(&events, 0, sizeof(struct extint_events));
  6. Adjust the configuration struct, set the channels to be enabled to true. Here the channel to the board button is used.
    events.generate_event_on_detect[CONF_FAULT_EIC_LINE] = true;
  7. Enable the events.
  8. Define the EXTINT callback that will be fired when a detection event occurs. For this example, when fault line is released, the TCC fault state is cleared to go on PWM generating.
  9. Register a callback function eic_callback_to_clear_halt() to handle detections from the External Interrupt Controller (EIC).
  10. Enable the registered callback function for the configured External Interrupt channel, so that it will be called by the module when the channel detects an edge.

Configure EVENTS for fault input

  1. Create an event resource instance struct for the EVENTS module to store.
    This should never go out of scope as long as the resource is in use. In most cases, this should be global.
  2. Create an event channel configuration struct, which can be filled out to adjust the configuration of a single event channel.
    struct events_config config;
  3. Initialize the event channel configuration struct with the module's default values.
    This should always be performed before using the configuration struct to ensure that all values are initialized to known default settings.
  4. Adjust the configuration struct to request that the channel will be attached to the specified event generator, and that the asynchronous event path will be used. Here the EIC channel connected to board button is the event generator.
    config.generator = CONF_FAULT_EVENT_GENERATOR;
  5. Allocate and configure the channel using the configuration structure.
    The existing configuration struct may be re-used, as long as any values that have been altered from the default settings are taken into account by the user application.
  6. Attach a user to the channel. Here the user is TCC channel 0 event, which has been configured as input of Recoverable Fault.
    events_attach_user(&event_resource, CONF_FAULT_EVENT_USER);

Use Case


Copy-paste the following code to your user application:

while (true) {


  1. Enter an infinite loop while the PWM wave is generated via the TCC module.
    while (true) {