Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

at30tse75x.h File Reference

AT30TSE75X driver.

Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries.

#include <compiler.h>
#include <i2c_common.h>
#include <i2c_master.h>
#include "conf_at30tse75x.h"


#define AT30TSE752_EEPROM_TWI_ADDR   0x57
#define AT30TSE754_EEPROM_TWI_ADDR   0x56
#define AT30TSE758_EEPROM_TWI_ADDR   0x54
#define AT30TSE_CONFIG_CMP_INT   (1 << 9)
#define AT30TSE_CONFIG_FT0   (1 << 11)
#define AT30TSE_CONFIG_FT1   (1 << 12)
#define AT30TSE_CONFIG_FTQ(value)   ((AT30TSE_CONFIG_FTQ_Msk & ((value) << AT30TSE_CONFIG_FTQ_Pos)))
#define AT30TSE_CONFIG_FTQ_1_fault   0
#define AT30TSE_CONFIG_FTQ_Msk   (0x03 << AT30TSE_CONFIG_FTQ_Pos)
#define AT30TSE_CONFIG_FTQ_Pos   13
#define AT30TSE_CONFIG_NVRBSY   (1 << 0)
#define AT30TSE_CONFIG_OS   (1 << 15)
#define AT30TSE_CONFIG_POL   (1 << 10)
#define AT30TSE_CONFIG_R0   (1 << 13)
#define AT30TSE_CONFIG_R1   (1 << 14)
#define AT30TSE_CONFIG_REG   0x01
#define AT30TSE_CONFIG_RES(value)   ((AT30TSE_CONFIG_RES_Msk & ((value) << AT30TSE_CONFIG_RES_Pos)))
#define AT30TSE_CONFIG_RES_10_bit   1
#define AT30TSE_CONFIG_RES_11_bit   2
#define AT30TSE_CONFIG_RES_12_bit   3
#define AT30TSE_CONFIG_RES_2_fault   1
#define AT30TSE_CONFIG_RES_4_fault   2
#define AT30TSE_CONFIG_RES_6_fault   3
#define AT30TSE_CONFIG_RES_9_bit   0
#define AT30TSE_CONFIG_RES_Msk   (0x03 << AT30TSE_CONFIG_RES_Pos)
#define AT30TSE_CONFIG_RES_Pos   13
#define AT30TSE_CONFIG_SD   (1 << 8)
#define AT30TSE_NON_VOLATILE_REG   0x00
#define AT30TSE_TEMPERATURE_REG   0x00
#define AT30TSE_THIGH_REG   0x03
#define AT30TSE_THIGH_REG_SIZE   2
#define AT30TSE_TLOW_REG   0x02
#define AT30TSE_TLOW_REG_SIZE   2
#define AT30TSE_VOLATILE_REG   0x10


void at30tse_eeprom_read (uint8_t *data, uint8_t length, uint8_t word_addr, uint8_t page)
 Reads data from the EEPROM. More...
void at30tse_eeprom_write (uint8_t *data, uint8_t length, uint8_t word_addr, uint8_t page)
 Writes the EEPROM with data provided. More...
void at30tse_init (void)
 Configures the SERCOM I2C master to be used with the AT30TSE75X device. More...
uint16_t at30tse_read_register (uint8_t reg, uint8_t reg_type, uint8_t reg_size)
 Reads the value from the register reg. More...
double at30tse_read_temperature (void)
 Reads the temperature value. More...
void at30tse_set_register_pointer (uint8_t reg, uint8_t reg_type)
 Sets the register pointer with specified reg value. More...
void at30tse_write_config_register (uint16_t value)
 Writes the configuration register reg with the value passed. More...
void at30tse_write_register (uint8_t reg, uint8_t reg_type, uint8_t reg_size, uint16_t reg_value)
 Writes the specified register reg with the reg_value passed. More...