Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

contiki-clock.h File Reference
#include "contiki-conf.h"


 A second, measured in GCLK generator 5 clock source. More...


void clock_delay (unsigned int delay)
void clock_delay_usec (uint16_t dt)
 Delay a given number of microseconds. More...
unsigned short clock_fine (void)
int clock_fine_max (void)
 Deprecated platform-specific routines. More...
void clock_init (void)
 Initialize the clock library. More...
CCIF unsigned long clock_seconds (void)
 Get the current value of the platform seconds. More...
void clock_set_seconds (unsigned long sec)
 Set the value of the platform seconds. More...
CCIF clock_time_t clock_time (void)
 Get the current clock time. More...
void clock_wait (clock_time_t t)
 Wait for a given number of ticks. More...