Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

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Here is a list of all modules:
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oStandard I/O (stdio)Common standard I/O driver that implements the stdio read and write functions on AVR and SAM devices
|\Standard serial I/O (stdio)Common standard serial I/O management driver that implements a stdio serial interface on AVR and SAM devices
oCommon WL DefinitionsAll General Definitions used by the Wireless Stack applications are defined in this module
|oIEEE ConstantsIncludes IEEE Constant Definitions
|oMAC Build ConfigurationsAll Build configurations Macros are defined in this module
|oReturn ValuesAll return Value Enumerations are defined in this module
|\Common Stack DefinitionsIncludes Stack Definitions
oPALThis module acts as a wrapper layer between the Wireless stack and the ASF drivers All hardwar level acess to the ASF drivers from the stack happens through this module
|\Common SW TimerImplements the software Algorithm for Timer Handling in the Stack
| \Group_pal_common_hw_timerImplements a common api interface for accessing timer drivers of all architectures
oSAM Timer/Counter (TC) DriverThis driver for Atmel® | SMART ARM®-based microcontrollers provides an interface for the configuration and management of the timer modules within the device, for waveform generation and timing operations
oCompiler abstraction layer and code utilitiesCompiler abstraction layer and code utilities for Cortex-M0+ based Atmel SAM devices
|oStatus Codes
|oPreprocessor - Macro Recursion
|oPreprocessor - Macro Repeat
|oPreprocessor - Stringize
|\Preprocessor - Token Paste
oGlobal interrupt managementThis is a driver for global enabling and disabling of interrupts
|\Deprecated interrupt definitions
oAtmel part identification macrosThis collection of macros identify which series and families that the various Atmel parts belong to
|oAVR UC3 parts
|oAVR XMEGA parts
|omegaAVR parts
|\SAM parts
oSAM System (SYSTEM) DriverThis driver for Atmel® | SMART ARM®-based microcontrollers provides an interface for the configuration and management of the device's system relation functionality, necessary for the basic device operation
oSAM System Clock Management (SYSTEM CLOCK) DriverThis driver for Atmel® | SMART ARM®-based microcontrollers provides an interface for the configuration and management of the device's clocking related functions
oSAM System Interrupt (SYSTEM INTERRUPT) DriverThis driver for Atmel® | SMART ARM®-based microcontrollers provides an interface for the configuration and management of internal software and hardware interrupts/exceptions
oSAM System Pin Multiplexer (SYSTEM PINMUX) DriverThis driver for Atmel® | SMART ARM®-based microcontrollers provides an interface for the configuration and management of the device's physical I/O Pins, to alter the direction and input/drive characteristics as well as to configure the pin peripheral multiplexer selection
oSAM Port (PORT) DriverThis driver for Atmel® | SMART ARM®-based microcontrollers provides an interface for the configuration and management of the device's General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) pin functionality, for manual pin state reading and writing
oGroup_trx_accessThis module includes api's and defenitions required for Devices with externally plugged transceivers(Non Soc's)
oBusy-Wait Delay RoutinesThis module provides simple loop-based delay routines for those applications requiring a brief wait during execution
oSAM Serial Peripheral Interface (SERCOM SPI) DriverThis driver for Atmel® | SMART ARM®-based microcontrollers provides an interface for the configuration and management of the SERCOM module in its SPI mode to transfer SPI data frames
oSAM External Interrupt (EXTINT) DriverThis driver for Atmel® | SMART ARM®-based microcontrollers provides an interface for the configuration and management of external interrupts generated by the physical device pins, including edge detection
oTransceiver Abstraction LayerThe Transceiver Abstraction Layer (TAL) implements the transceiver specific functionalities and provides interfaces to the upper layers (like IEEE 802.15.4 MAC )and uses the services of PAL
|\AT86RF212B Transceiver Abstraction LayerThe AT86RF212B is a low-power ,low voltage 700/800/900 MHz radio transceiver designed for industrial and consumer ZigBee/IEEE 802.15.4, 6LoWPAN, RF4CE and high data rate sub 1GHz ISM band applications
| oTAL State MachineThe different operating states of the Transceiver are controlled by the TAL state machine
| oTAL Initialization and resetPerforms initialization and reset functionalities of the transceiver
| oTAL Energy DetectionPerforms the ED scan functionalities
| oTransceiver Interrupt HandlingHandles Transceiver related Interrupts
| oTAL PIB StorageThe PIB(Pan Information Base) attributes related to the TAL are Stored and handled by the TAL PIB storage
| oTAL Frame Transmission UnitThe Frame Transmission Unit generates and transmits the frames using PAL
| \TAL Frame Reception UnitThe Frame Reception Unit reads/uploads the incoming frames
oResource ManagementThe Resource Management provides access to resources to the stack or the application
|oBuffer ManagementBuffer Management (large and small buffers): provides services for dynamically allocating and freeing memory buffers
|\Queue ManagementQueue Management: provides services for creating and maintaining the queues
oIEEE 802.15.4 MAC v3.1.1The IEEE standard 802.15.4 MAC Layer defines the protocol and compatible interconnection for data communication devices using low data rate, low power and low complexity, short-range radio frequency (RF) transmissions in a wireless personal area network (WPAN)
|oMAC Core Layer(MCL)The MAC Core Layer (MCL) abstracts and implements IEEE 802.15.4-2006 compliant behavior for non-beacon enabled and beacon-enabled network support
|oMAC Build ConfigurationsAll Build configurations Macros are defined in this module
|oMAC Data StructuresThis module defines all the MAC Data Structures
||oMAC Core Layer(MCL)The MAC Core Layer (MCL) abstracts and implements IEEE 802.15.4-2006 compliant behavior for non-beacon enabled and beacon-enabled network support
||\MAC DefinitionsAll Definitions used by the MAC Layer is described here
|| \MAC Data StructuresThis module defines all the MAC Data Structures
||  oMAC Core Layer(MCL)The MAC Core Layer (MCL) abstracts and implements IEEE 802.15.4-2006 compliant behavior for non-beacon enabled and beacon-enabled network support
||  \MAC DefinitionsAll Definitions used by the MAC Layer is described here
||   \MAC Data StructuresThis module defines all the MAC Data Structures
||    oMAC Core Layer(MCL)The MAC Core Layer (MCL) abstracts and implements IEEE 802.15.4-2006 compliant behavior for non-beacon enabled and beacon-enabled network support
||    \MAC DefinitionsAll Definitions used by the MAC Layer is described here
||     \MAC Data StructuresThis module defines all the MAC Data Structures
||      oMAC Core Layer(MCL)The MAC Core Layer (MCL) abstracts and implements IEEE 802.15.4-2006 compliant behavior for non-beacon enabled and beacon-enabled network support
||      \MAC DefinitionsAll Definitions used by the MAC Layer is described here
||       \MAC Data StructuresThis module defines all the MAC Data Structures
|oMAC DefinitionsAll Definitions used by the MAC Layer is described here
||\MAC Data StructuresThis module defines all the MAC Data Structures
|| oMAC Core Layer(MCL)The MAC Core Layer (MCL) abstracts and implements IEEE 802.15.4-2006 compliant behavior for non-beacon enabled and beacon-enabled network support
|| \MAC DefinitionsAll Definitions used by the MAC Layer is described here
||  \MAC Data StructuresThis module defines all the MAC Data Structures
||   oMAC Core Layer(MCL)The MAC Core Layer (MCL) abstracts and implements IEEE 802.15.4-2006 compliant behavior for non-beacon enabled and beacon-enabled network support
||   \MAC DefinitionsAll Definitions used by the MAC Layer is described here
||    \MAC Data StructuresThis module defines all the MAC Data Structures
||     oMAC Core Layer(MCL)The MAC Core Layer (MCL) abstracts and implements IEEE 802.15.4-2006 compliant behavior for non-beacon enabled and beacon-enabled network support
||     \MAC DefinitionsAll Definitions used by the MAC Layer is described here
||      \MAC Data StructuresThis module defines all the MAC Data Structures
||       oMAC Core Layer(MCL)The MAC Core Layer (MCL) abstracts and implements IEEE 802.15.4-2006 compliant behavior for non-beacon enabled and beacon-enabled network support
||       \MAC DefinitionsAll Definitions used by the MAC Layer is described here
|\MAC PrototypesAll MAC Prototypes are described in this module
| oMAC API'sThe application interfaces the MAC stack via the MAC-API
| |oMAC Request API'sThis module describes all MAC Request API's
| |oMAC General API'sThis module describes all MAC General API's
| |\MAC Response API'sThis module describes all MAC Response API's
| oMCL API'sThis module describes all Mac Core Layer(MCL) API's
| |oMCL Request API'sThis module describes all MCL Request API's
| |oMCL General API'sThis module describes all MCL General API's
| |oMCL Confirmation API'sThis module describes all MCL Confirmation API's
| |oMCL Indication API'sThis module describes all MCL Indication API's
| |\MCL Response API'sThis module describes all MCL Response API's
| \MAC Callback'sThis module describes all MAC Callback's
|  oMAC Confirmation Callback'sThis module describes all MAC Confirmation Callback's
|  \MAC Indication Callback'This module describes all MAC Indication Callback's
oSecurity toolboxThe STB (Security Toolbox) is a high level security abstraction layer providing an easy- to-use crypto API for direct application access.It is placed on top of the SAL and abstracts and implements transceiver or MCU dependent functionality that encrypts or decrypts frames usimg CCM according to 802.15.4/Zigbee
|\Group_salSAL Security abstraction layer The SAL (Security Abstraction Layer) provides an API that allows access to low level AES engine functions abstraction to encrypt and decrypt frames
oSIO2HOST - UARTThis module performs serial input/output functionalities via UART
oSerial Interface (Serial)See Quick start guide for Serial Interface service
oSAM Serial USART (SERCOM USART) DriverThis driver for Atmel® | SMART ARM®-based microcontrollers provides an interface for the configuration and management of the SERCOM module in its USART mode to transfer or receive USART data frames
oGeneric board supportThe generic board support module includes board-specific definitions and function prototypes, such as the board initialization function
|\SAM D21 Xplained Pro board
| \FeaturesSymbols that describe features and capabilities of the board
 \TAL CSMA/CA ModulePerforms channel access mechanism for frame transmission For Detailed information refer CSMA-CA algorithm section of IEEE Std 802.15.4-2006
  \Slotted CSMA ModuleTransmits data using Slotted CSMA/CA mechanism