The different operating states of the Transceiver are controlled by the TAL state machine.
Functions | |
tal_trx_status_t | set_trx_state (trx_cmd_t trx_cmd) |
Sets transceiver state. More... | |
Variables | |
bool | tal_rx_on_required |
Indicates if the transceiver needs to switch on its receiver by tal_task(), because it could not be switched on due to buffer shortage. More... | |
tal_state_t | tal_state |
Current state of the TAL state machine. More... | |
tal_trx_status_t | tal_trx_status |
Current state of the transceiver. More... | |
tal_trx_status_t set_trx_state | ( | trx_cmd_t | trx_cmd | ) |
Sets transceiver state.
trx_cmd | needs to be one of the trx commands |
References ANT_EXT_SW_DISABLE, ANT_EXT_SW_ENABLE, Assert, BUSY_RX, BUSY_RX_AACK, BUSY_TX, BUSY_TX_ARET, CMD_DEEP_SLEEP, CMD_FORCE_PLL_ON, CMD_FORCE_TRX_OFF, CMD_PLL_ON, CMD_PREP_DEEP_SLEEP, CMD_RX_AACK_ON, CMD_RX_ON, CMD_SLEEP, CMD_TRX_OFF, CMD_TX_ARET_ON, ENABLE_GLOBAL_IRQ, ENTER_CRITICAL_REGION, FUNC_PTR, LEAVE_CRITICAL_REGION, pal_timer_delay, pal_trx_irq_en, pal_trx_irq_flag_clr, PAL_WAIT_1_US, PLL_ON, RG_IRQ_MASK, RG_IRQ_STATUS, RG_TRX_STATE, RG_TRX_STATUS, RX_AACK_ON, RX_ON, SR_ANT_EXT_SW_EN, SR_IRQ_MASK, SR_PA_EXT_EN, SR_TRX_STATUS, STATE_TRANSITION_IN_PROGRESS, switch_pll_on(), tal_awake_end_flag, tal_trx_status, trx_bit_read(), trx_bit_write(), trx_config(), TRX_DEEP_SLEEP, TRX_IRQ_4_CCA_ED_DONE, trx_irq_awake_handler_cb(), TRX_IRQ_DEFAULT, trx_irq_handler_cb(), trx_irq_init(), TRX_OFF, TRX_OFF_TO_SLEEP_TIME_CLKM_CYCLES, trx_reg_read(), trx_reg_write(), TRX_SLEEP, TRX_SLP_TR_HIGH, TRX_SLP_TR_LOW, TX_ARET_ON, and write_all_tal_pib_to_trx().
Referenced by handle_received_frame_irq(), handle_tx_end_irq(), perform_cca_twice(), send_frame(), slotted_csma_state_handling(), tal_generate_rand_seed(), tal_pib_set(), tal_rx_enable(), tal_set_frequency(), tal_set_frequency_regs(), tal_task(), tal_trx_sleep(), tal_trx_wakeup(), and write_all_tal_pib_to_trx().
bool tal_rx_on_required |
Indicates if the transceiver needs to switch on its receiver by tal_task(), because it could not be switched on due to buffer shortage.
Referenced by handle_received_frame_irq(), handle_tx_end_irq(), internal_tal_reset(), tal_pib_set(), tal_rx_enable(), tal_task(), and tal_trx_sleep().
tal_state_t tal_state |
Current state of the TAL state machine.
Referenced by handle_tx_end_irq(), internal_tal_reset(), send_frame(), slotted_csma_start(), tal_pib_set(), tal_rx_enable(), tal_task(), tal_trx_sleep(), tal_tx_frame(), trx_irq_handler_cb(), tx_done(), and tx_done_handling().
tal_trx_status_t tal_trx_status |
Current state of the transceiver.
Referenced by mac_ready_to_sleep(), perform_cca_twice(), set_trx_state(), stb_ccm_secure(), tal_pib_set(), tal_set_frequency(), tal_set_frequency_regs(), tal_trx_sleep(), tal_trx_wakeup(), trx_init(), and trx_reset().