Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

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File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
o*app_config.hThese are application-specific resources which are used in the application in addition to the underlaying stack
o*app_frame_format.hDefines various structure definitions, used to communicate with Peer node over the air - Performance Analyzer application
o*app_init.hInitialization prototypes and enumerations - Performance Analyzer application
o*app_peer_search.hFunction prototypes for Peera Search process - Performance Analyzer application Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Microchip Technology Inc
o*app_per_mode.hPER Measuremnt mode prototypes and defines
o*app_range_mode.hRange Measurement mode related prototypes and defines
o*at86rf233.hFile contains register and command defines specific for AT86RF231
o*avr2025_mac.hCopyright (c) 2014-2018 Microchip Technology Inc
o*bmm.cThis file implements the functions for initializing buffer module, allocating and freeing up buffers
o*bmm.hThis file contains the Buffer Management Module definitions
o*board.hStandard board header file
o*bpm.cBPM driver
o*bpm.hBPM driver
o*common_hw_timer.hCopyright (c) 2014-2018 Microchip Technology Inc
o*common_sw_timer.cCopyright (c) 2013-2018 Microchip Technology Inc
o*common_sw_timer.hCopyright (c) 2013-2018 Microchip Technology Inc
o*compiler.hCommonly used includes, types and macros
o*conf_board.hConfiguration File for SAM4L-EK Board
o*conf_clock.hChip-specific system clock manager configuration
o*conf_common_sw_timer.hUSART Serial configuration
o*conf_hw_timer.hUSART Serial configuration
o*conf_perf_analyzer.hModule configuration
o*conf_sio2host.hSerial Input & Output configuration
o*conf_spi_master.hSpi Master configuration
o*conf_trx_access.hCommon TRX Access Configuration
o*conf_uart_serial.hSerial USART service configuration
o*cycle_counter.cARM functions for busy-wait delay loops
o*cycle_counter.hARM functions for busy-wait delay loops
o*delay.hCommon Delay Service
o*dfll.cChip-specific DFLL implementation
o*dfll.hDFLL management
o*sam4l/dfll.hChip-specific DFLL definitions
o*flashcalw.cFlashCALW driver for SAM4L
o*flashcalw.hFlashCALW driver for SAM4L
o*genclk.hGeneric clock management
o*sam4l/genclk.hChip-specific generic clock management
o*gpio.cGPIO driver
o*gpio.hSAM GPIO driver
o*hw_timer.cCopyright (c) 2014-2018 Microchip Technology Inc
o*hw_timer.hCopyright (c) 2014-2018 Microchip Technology Inc
o*ieee_154g.hThis header holds all IEEE 802.15.4g-2012 constants and attribute identifiers
o*ieee_const.hThis header holds all IEEE 802.15.4-2006 constants and attribute identifiers
o*init.cSAM4L Xplained Pro board initialization
o*init_state.cInitilization functions and utilities - Performance Analyzer application
o*interrupt.hGlobal interrupt management for 8- and 32-bit AVR
o*interrupt_sam_nvic.cGlobal interrupt management for SAM D20, SAM3 and SAM4 (NVIC based)
o*interrupt_sam_nvic.hGlobal interrupt management for SAM D20, SAM3 and SAM4 (NVIC based)
o*io.hArch file for SAM
o*ioport.hCommon IOPORT service main header file for AVR, UC3 and ARM architectures
o*ioport_gpio.hSAM architecture specific IOPORT service implementation header file
o*led.hSAM4L Xplained Pro board LEDs support package
o*mac.hProvides MAC API to access MAC Layer functionality
o*mac_api.hMAC API for IEEE 802.15.4-2006
o*mac_build_config.hThis header file declares macros for various build configurations
o*mac_config.hThese are all timer IDs which are used in MAC
o*mac_msg_const.hThis file defines all message constants
o*mac_msg_type_data_ind.hThis file defines all message structures for the MAC
o*mac_msg_types.hThis file defines all message structures for the MAC
o*main.cMain of Performance_Analyzer application
o*mrepeat.hPreprocessor macro repeating utils
o*osc.cChip-specific oscillator management functions
o*osc.hOscillator management
o*sam4l/osc.hChip-specific oscillator management functions
o*pal.hPAL related APIs
o*pal_generic.hPAL Generic APIs
o*parts.hAtmel part identification macros
o*peer_search_initiator.cInitiator/Transmitter functionalities in Peer Search Process - Performance Analyzer application
o*peer_search_receptor.cReceptor functionalities in Peer Search Process - Performance Analyzer application Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Microchip Technology Inc
o*per_mode_common_utils.cCommon utilities for both Initiator and Receptor in PER Measurement mode - Performance Analyzer application
o*per_mode_initiator.cInitiator/Transmitter functionalities in PER Measurement mode - Performance Analyzer application This is the source code of a Packet Error Rate Measurement mode as Initiator
o*per_mode_receptor.cReceptor functionalities in PER Measurement mode - Performance Analyzer application Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Microchip Technology Inc
o*perf_api.hAPI function protypes - Performance Analyzer application
o*perf_api_serial_handler.cSIO service implementation - Performance Analyzer application
o*perf_api_serial_handler.hThis file contains macros and function prototypes for SIO handling
o*perf_msg_const.hThis file defines all Req, confirm, Indication message constants
o*performance_main.cMain of Performance_Analyzer application
o*performance_main.hAPI function protypes - Performance Analyzer application
o*pll.cChip-specific PLL implementation
o*pll.hPLL management
o*sam4l/pll.hChip-specific PLL definitions
o*preprocessor.hPreprocessor utils
o*qmm.cThis file implements the functions for initializing the queues, appending a buffer into the queue, removing a buffer from the queue and reading a buffer from the queue as per the search criteria
o*qmm.hThis file contains the Queue Management Module definitions
o*range_measure.cRange Measurement mode functionaities - Performance Anallyzer application
o*read.cSystem-specific implementation of the _read function used by the standard library
o*return_val.hReturn values of APIs
o*sam4l_xplained_pro.hSAM4L Xplained Pro board definition
o*serial.hSerial Mode management
o*sio2host.cHandles Serial I/O Functionalities For the Host Device
o*sio2host.hEvent handling Serial I/O Functionalities
o*spi.cSerial Peripheral Interface (SPI) driver for SAM
o*spi.hSerial Peripheral Interface (SPI) driver for SAM
o*spi_master.cSPI master common service for SAM
o*sam_spi/spi_master.hSPI master common service for SAM
o*spi_master.hSPI Master Mode management
o*stack_config.hStack configuration parameters
o*status_codes.hStatus code definitions
o*stdio_serial.hCommon Standard I/O Serial Management
o*stringz.hPreprocessor stringizing utils
o*sysclk.cChip-specific system clock management functions
o*sam4l/sysclk.hChip-specific system clock management functions
o*sysclk.hSystem clock management
o*tal.cThis file implements the TAL state machine and provides general functionality used by the TAL
o*tal.hThis file contains TAL API function declarations
o*tal_build_config.hThis file contains TAL API function declarations
o*tal_config.hFile contains TAL configuration parameters
o*tal_constants.hThis file contains constants used througthout the TAL
o*tal_ed.cThis file implements ED Scan
o*tal_generic.hThis file contains defines for TAL types
o*tal_helper.hThis file contains TAL helper function declarations
o*tal_init.cThis file implements functions for initializing TAL
o*tal_internal.hThis header file contains types and variable definition that are used within the TAL only
o*tal_irq_handler.cThis file handles the interrupts generated by the transceiver
o*tal_irq_handler.hThis header file contains the interrupt handling definitions
o*tal_pib.cThis file handles the TAL PIB attributes, set/get and initialization
o*tal_pib.hThis file contains the prototypes for TAL PIB functions
o*tal_pwr_mgmt.cThis file implements TAL power management functionality of the transceiver
o*tal_rx.cThis file implements the frame reception functions
o*tal_rx.hFile contains macros and modules used while processing a received frame
o*tal_rx_enable.cFile provides functionality supporting RX-Enable feature
o*tal_slotted_csma.cThis file implements slotted CSMA-CA functions
o*tal_slotted_csma.hFile provides CSMA-CA states
o*tal_timer_config.hFile contains TAL timer configuration parameters
o*tal_tx.cThis file handles the frame transmission within the TAL
o*tal_tx.hFile contains the TAL sub-state macros and functions that perform frame transmission
o*tal_types.hThis file contains defines for TAL types
o*tc.cSAM Timer Counter (TC) driver
o*tc.hSAM Timer Counter (TC) driver
o*tfa.cImplementation of Transceiver Feature Access (TFA) functionality
o*tfa.hThis file is the interface for Transceiver Feature Access (TFA) functionality
o*tpaste.hPreprocessor token pasting utils
o*trx_access.hHAL related APIs for externally plugged transceivers
o*uart_serial.hUart Serial for SAM
o*usart.cUniversal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART) driver for SAM
o*usart.hUniversal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART) driver for SAM
o*usart_serial.cUSART Serial driver functions
o*user_interface.cLED, Button and terminal print functions - Performance Analyzer application
o*user_interface.hLED,Button,Terminal print event prototypes and defines
o*wait_for_event.cEvent handling functionalities to start Peer Search - Performance Analyzer application
o*wdt_sam4l.cWatchdog Timer (WDT) driver for SAM4L
o*wdt_sam4l.hWatchdog Timer (WDT) driver for SAM4L
\*write.cSystem-specific implementation of the _write function used by the standard library