Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

per_mode_initiator.c File Reference

Initiator/Transmitter functionalities in PER Measurement mode - Performance Analyzer application This is the source code of a Packet Error Rate Measurement mode as Initiator.

Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "app_init.h"
#include "tfa.h"
#include "tal_internal.h"
#include "tal_helper.h"
#include "tal_constants.h"
#include "tal_pib.h"
#include "app_frame_format.h"
#include "perf_api.h"
#include "conf_board.h"
#include "perf_api_serial_handler.h"

Data Structures

struct  set_param_cb_t
 Structure used for updating the parameters after sending them to peer. More...


static float calculate_net_data_rate (float per_test_duration_sec)
 Function to calculate net data rate for the current PER test. More...
static float calculate_time_duration (void)
 Function to Calculate the time taken for PER Test. More...
uint8_t check_error_conditions (void)
 Function to check the error conditions before. More...
static void config_ack_request (bool config_value)
 To set or reset ACK request value. More...
static void config_crc_peer_node (bool config_value)
 To configure CRC settings on peer node. More...
static void config_csma (bool config_value)
 To configure CSMA Setting in the transceiver. More...
static void config_frame_retry (bool config_value)
 To configure frame retry Setting. More...
static void config_frequency (float frequency)
 Function to configure the ISM frequency based on the request. More...
static void config_rpc_mode (bool config_value)
 toggle RPC mode request More...
static void config_rx_desensitization (bool config_value)
 To configure rx desensitization level in the transceiver. More...
static void configure_frame_sending (void)
 To Configure the frame sending. More...
static void configure_range_test_frame_sending (void)
 To Configure the frame sending. More...
void disconnect_peer_node (void)
 Function to request the peer to get disconnected from source node. More...
 FLASH_DECLARE (uint8_t perf_config_param_size[])
void get_board_details (void)
 prints the hardware details More...
static void get_crc_settings_peer_node (void)
 Function used to query CRC settings in remote node. More...
void get_current_configuration (void)
 To Get the updated/latest values of all configurable parameters on source and peer node. More...
uint8_t get_param_length (uint8_t parameter_type)
void get_sensor_data (void)
 To get the Sensor data like Battery voltage. More...
void identify_peer_node (void)
 Identifying peer node. More...
void initiate_per_test (void)
 Initiates the test procedure. More...
void initiate_range_test (void)
 Initiates the Range test procedure. More...
void per_mode_initiator_ed_end_cb (uint8_t energy_level)
 User call back function after ED Scan completion. More...
void per_mode_initiator_init (void *parameter)
 Initialize the application in PER Measurement mode as Initiator. More...
void per_mode_initiator_rx_cb (frame_info_t *frame)
 Callback that is called if data has been received by trx in the PER_FOUND_PER_INITIATOR state. More...
void per_mode_initiator_task (void)
 Application task for PER Measurement mode as initiator. More...
void per_mode_initiator_tx_done_cb (retval_t status, frame_info_t *frame)
 Callback that is called once tx is done in the PER_FOUND_PER_INITIATOR state . More...
void perf_get_req (uint8_t param_type_data)
 Function to get the various configuaration paramters for PER Test. More...
void perf_set_req (uint8_t set_param_type, param_value_t *param_value)
static void range_test_timer_handler_cb (void *parameter)
 This function is called periodically by the range test timer to initiate the transmission of range test packets to the receptor. More...
static bool send_crc_set_req (crc_set_req_t crc_msg)
 Function used to change CRC settings on peer node. More...
static bool send_crc_status_req (void)
 Function used to send crc status request to get CRC settings on the peer node. More...
static bool send_disconnect_command (void)
 Function used to send disconnect peer node command. More...
static bool send_identify_command (void)
 Function used to send identify peer node command. More...
static void send_parameters_changed (uint8_t param, uint8_t val)
 Function to send the parameters which has been updated to the receptor node. More...
static bool send_peer_info_req (void)
 Function to configure and send the peer node info request. More...
static bool send_per_test_start_cmd (void)
static bool send_range_test_marker_rsp (void)
 Function to send the response packet for the marker sent from the receptor. More...
static bool send_range_test_start_cmd (void)
 Function to send the range test start command to the receptor to start the mode in the receptor. More...
static bool send_range_test_stop_cmd (void)
 Function to send the range test stop command to the receptor to stop the mode in the receptor. More...
void send_remote_cmd (uint8_t *serial_buf, uint8_t len, bool ack_req)
 Function to send the command to Remote node to perform remote test. More...
static bool send_result_req (void)
 Function used to request PER test result. More...
static bool send_set_default_config_command (void)
 Function used to send set default config peer command. More...
static void set_channel (uint16_t channel)
 To set the Channel. More...
static void set_channel_page (uint8_t channel_page)
 To set the Channel Page. More...
void set_default_configuration (void)
 To set the default values of all configurable parameters on source and peer node. More...
static void set_parameter_on_transmitter_node (retval_t status)
 Set the parameters like channel,tx power etc on transmitter node. More...
static void set_phy_frame_length (uint16_t frame_len)
 To set PER Test frame length. More...
static void set_transceiver_state (uint8_t trx_state)
 Set Transceiver state as per the state given. More...
static void set_tx_power (uint8_t tx_power_format, int8_t power_value)
 To set the Tx power of the Transceiver. More...
void start_ed_scan (uint8_t ed_scan_duration, uint32_t channel_sel_mask)
 To start the ED scan. More...
static void start_range_test (void)
static void start_test (void)
void stop_range_test (void)
 Function to Stop the range Test in PER Mode. More...
static void toggle_trx_sleep (uint8_t sleep_mode)
 To toggle between sleep /deep state. More...
static void wait_for_reply_timer_handler_cb (void *parameter)
 Wait for reply timer handler is called if any command sent on air times out before any response message is received. More...


static uint8_t channel_before_scan
static uint32_t end_time
static uint32_t frame_access_failure
static uint32_t frame_failure
static uint32_t frame_no_ack
static uint32_t frames_to_transmit
static uint32_t fw_feature_mask = 0
 This is variable is to keep track of the specific features supported. More...
static uint16_t no_of_roll_overs
static uint16_t num_channels
uint8_t op_mode = TX_OP_MODE
bool pkt_stream_stop = true
static uint32_t range_test_frame_cnt = 0
static bool range_test_in_progress = false
static uint32_t restart_time
static uint32_t scan_channel_mask
static uint8_t scan_duration
static bool scanning = false
static uint8_t seq_num_initiator
static set_param_cb_t set_param_cb
static uint32_t start_time
static bool trx_sleep_status = false