Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

src Directory Reference


file  tal.c
 This file implements the TAL state machine and provides general functionality used by the TAL.
file  tal_ed.c
 This file implements ED Scan.
file  tal_init.c
 This file implements functions for initializing TAL.
file  tal_irq_handler.c
 This file handles the interrupts generated by the transceiver.
file  tal_pib.c
 This file handles the TAL PIB attributes, set/get and initialization.
file  tal_pwr_mgmt.c
 This file implements TAL power management functionality of the transceiver.
file  tal_rx.c
 This file implements the frame reception functions.
file  tal_rx_enable.c
 File provides functionality supporting RX-Enable feature.
file  tal_slotted_csma.c
 This file implements slotted CSMA-CA functions.
file  tal_tx.c
 This file handles the frame transmission within the TAL.