Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

nm_bsp.h File Reference

This module contains WILC BSP APIs declarations.

Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries.


#define __M2M_DMA_BUF_ATT__   __attribute__((aligned(32)))
#define BSP_MIN(x, y)   ((x)>(y)?(y):(x))
#define CONST   const
#define FALSE   (0)
#define NM_BSP_B_L_16(x)   (x)
#define NM_BSP_B_L_32(x)   (x)
#define NMI_API
#define NULL   ((void*)0)
#define TRUE   (1)


typedef signed short sint16
 Range of values between -32768 to 32767. More...
typedef signed long sint32
 Range of values between -2147483648 to 2147483647. More...
typedef signed char sint8
 Range of values between -128 to 127. More...
typedef void(* tpfNmBspIsr )(void)
 Pointer to function.
Used as a data type of ISR function registered by nm_bsp_register_isr. More...
typedef unsigned short uint16
 Range of values between 0 to 65535. More...
typedef unsigned long uint32
 Range of values between 0 to 4294967295. More...
typedef unsigned char uint8
 Range of values between 0 to 255. More...


sint8 nm_bsp_deinit (void)
void nm_bsp_free (void *pvMemBuffer)
 Free memory. More...
sint8 nm_bsp_init (void)
 Initialization for bsp (Board Support Package) such as Reset and Chip Enable Pins for WILC, delays, register ISR, enable/disable IRQ for WILC, ...etc.
You must use this function in the head of your application to enable WILC and Host Driver communicate each other. More...
void nm_bsp_interrupt_ctrl (uint8 u8Enable)
 Enable/Disable interrupts. More...
voidnm_bsp_malloc (uint32 u32Size)
 Allocate memory. More...
void nm_bsp_register_isr (tpfNmBspIsr pfIsr)
void nm_bsp_reset (void)
 Reset NMC1500 SoC by setting CHIP_EN and RESET_N signals low, CHIP_EN high then RESET_N high. More...
void nm_bsp_sleep (uint32 u32TimeMsec)

static uint32 u32CertChunkSize __M2M_DMA_BUF_ATT__   __attribute__((aligned(32)))
#define NM_BSP_B_L_32 (   x)    (x)