Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

tcp_pcb Struct Reference

#include <tcp.h>

Public Member Functions

 TCP_PCB_COMMON (struct tcp_pcb)
 protocol specific PCB members More...

Data Fields

tcpwnd_size_t acked
tcp_connected_fn connected
tcpwnd_size_t cwnd
u8_t dupacks
tcp_err_fn errf
tcpflags_t flags
 common PCB members More...
u8_t keep_cnt_sent
u32_t keep_idle
u8_t last_timer
u32_t lastack
u16_t mss
u8_t nrtx
struct tcp_segooseq
u8_t persist_backoff
u8_t persist_cnt
tcp_poll_fn poll
u8_t pollinterval
u8_t polltmr
u32_t rcv_ann_right_edge
tcpwnd_size_t rcv_ann_wnd
u32_t rcv_nxt
tcpwnd_size_t rcv_wnd
tcp_recv_fn recv
struct pbufrefused_data
u16_t remote_port
s16_t rtime
s16_t rto
u32_t rtseq
u32_t rttest
s16_t sa
tcp_sent_fn sent
tcpwnd_size_t snd_buf
u32_t snd_lbb
u32_t snd_nxt
u16_t snd_queuelen
u32_t snd_wl1
u32_t snd_wl2
tcpwnd_size_t snd_wnd
tcpwnd_size_t snd_wnd_max
tcpwnd_size_t ssthresh
s16_t sv
u32_t tmr
struct tcp_segunacked
struct tcp_segunsent
u16_t unsent_oversize

tcp_pcb::TCP_PCB_COMMON ( struct tcp_pcb  )

protocol specific PCB members

tcpwnd_size_t tcp_pcb::acked

Referenced by tcp_input(), tcp_process(), and tcp_receive().

tcp_connected_fn tcp_pcb::connected

Referenced by tcp_connect().

u8_t tcp_pcb::dupacks

Referenced by tcp_receive(), and tcp_rexmit_fast().

tcp_err_fn tcp_pcb::errf

common PCB members

u8_t tcp_pcb::keep_cnt_sent
u32_t tcp_pcb::keep_idle

Referenced by tcp_alloc(), and tcp_slowtmr().

u8_t tcp_pcb::last_timer

Referenced by tcp_alloc(), tcp_fasttmr(), and tcp_slowtmr().

u8_t tcp_pcb::persist_backoff

Referenced by tcp_receive(), and tcp_slowtmr().

u8_t tcp_pcb::persist_cnt

Referenced by tcp_receive(), and tcp_slowtmr().

tcp_poll_fn tcp_pcb::poll

Referenced by tcp_poll().

u8_t tcp_pcb::pollinterval

Referenced by tcp_poll(), and tcp_slowtmr().

u8_t tcp_pcb::polltmr

Referenced by tcp_alloc(), tcp_receive(), and tcp_slowtmr().

tcp_recv_fn tcp_pcb::recv

Referenced by tcp_alloc(), and tcp_recv().

s16_t tcp_pcb::rto

Referenced by tcp_alloc(), tcp_receive(), and tcp_slowtmr().

u32_t tcp_pcb::rtseq

Referenced by tcp_output_segment(), and tcp_receive().

u32_t tcp_pcb::rttest
s16_t tcp_pcb::sa

Referenced by tcp_alloc(), tcp_receive(), and tcp_slowtmr().

tcp_sent_fn tcp_pcb::sent

Referenced by tcp_sent().

u32_t tcp_pcb::snd_lbb
u32_t tcp_pcb::snd_wl1
u32_t tcp_pcb::snd_wl2

Referenced by tcp_alloc(), and tcp_receive().

tcpwnd_size_t tcp_pcb::snd_wnd_max
s16_t tcp_pcb::sv

Referenced by tcp_alloc(), tcp_receive(), and tcp_slowtmr().