WINC1500 (Wi-Fi) | |
Standard I/O (stdio) | Common standard I/O driver that implements the stdio read and write functions on AVR and SAM devices |
 Standard serial I/O (stdio) | Common standard serial I/O management driver that implements a stdio serial interface on AVR and SAM devices |
Implementation of SD/MMC/SDIO Stack | |
FatFS file system service | Service of FatFS file system |
Port of low level driver for FatFS | Low level driver for FatFS |
HTTP client service | This module provides implementation of HTTP client 1.1 for WINC1500 board |
BSP | Description of the BSP (<strong>B</strong>oard <strong>S</strong>upport <strong>P</strong>ackage) module. |
 Data Types | |
 Defines | |
 Functions | Lists the available BSP (<strong>B</strong>oard <strong>S</strong>upport <strong>P</strong>ackage) APIs. |
  nm_bsp_init | Initialization for BSP (<strong>B</strong>oard <strong>S</strong>upport <strong>P</strong>ackage)
such as Reset and Chip Enable Pins for WINC, delays, register ISR, enable/disable IRQ for WINC, etc. |
  nm_bsp_deinit | De-initialization of the BSP (<strong>B</strong>oard <strong>S</strong>upport <strong>P</strong>ackage). |
  nm_bsp_reset | Resets the WINC SoC by setting CHIP_EN and RESET_N signals low, then after an appropriate delay,
this function will put CHIP_EN high then RESET_N high, for more details on the timing between signals
please check the WINC data-sheet. |
  nm_bsp_sleep | Sleep in units of milliseconds. |
  nm_bsp_register_isr | Register ISR (Interrupt Service Routine) in the initialization of the HIF (Host Interface) Layer. |
  nm_bsp_interrupt_ctrl | Synchronous enable/disable of WINC to host interrupts. |
Common | |
 Defines | |
 Functions | |
OTA | The WINC supports OTA (Over-The-Air) updates. |
 Callbacks | Lists the different callbacks that can be used during OTA updates. |
 Defines | Specifies the macros and defines used by the OTA APIs. |
 Enumerations and Typedefs | Specifies the enums and Data Structures used by the OTA APIs. |
 Functions | Lists the full set of available APIs to manage OTA updates and Host File Downloads. |
  Common | |
  WINC | |
  HFD | |
SSL | Provides a description of the SSL Layer. |
 Callbacks | Provides detail on the available callbacks for the SSL Layer. |
 Enumerations and Typedefs | Specifies the enums and Data Structures used by the SSL APIs. |
 Functions | Provides detail on the available APIs for the SSL Layer. |
 TLS Defines | |
  TLS Socket Options | The following list of macros are used to define SSL Socket options |
  Legacy names for TLS Cipher Suite IDs | The following list of macros MUST NOT be used |
  TLS Cipher Suite IDs | The following list of macros defined the list of supported TLS Cipher suites |
WLAN | |
 Callbacks | Provides detail on the available callbacks for the Wlan APIs. |
 Defines | Specifies the macros and defines used by the Wlan APIs. |
  DebugDefines | |
 Enumerations and Typedefs | Specifies the enums and Data Structures used by the Wlan APIs. |
 Functions | Here are listed all the functions that implement the Wlan APIs. |
  Initialization | Here are listed all the functions that implement the Wlan Initialization APIs. |
  Wlan Events | Here are listed all the functions that implement the Wlan Events APIs. |
  Connection | Here are listed all the functions that implement the Wifi Connection APIs. |
  Scanning | Here are listed all the functions that implement the Wifi Scanning APIs. |
  Hot-Spot (Access-Point) | Here are listed all the functions that implement the Wifi Hot-Spot (Access-Point) APIs. |
  Bypass Mode | Here are listed all the functions that implement the Bypass Mode APIs. |
  Roaming | Here are listed all the functions that implement the Wifi Roaming APIs. |
  Power Save | Here are listed all the functions that implement the Power-Save APIs. |
  Configuration | Here are listed all the functions that implement the Wlan Configuration APIs. |
  System Time | Here are listed all the functions that implement the System Time APIs. |
  Provisioning | Here are listed all the functions that implement the Wifi Provisioning APIs. |
  Crypto | Here are listed all the functions that implement the Wifi Crypto APIs. |
Version | Describes the APIs for reading the version information of the WINC firmware. |
 Defines | Specifies the macros and defines used by the version APIs. |
 Functions | Lists the APIs for reading the version information of the WINC firmware. |
Socket | BSD compatible socket interface between the host layer and the network protocol stacks in the firmware |
 Defines | |
  TCP/IP Defines | The following list of macros are used to define constants used throughout the socket layer |
 Error Codes | The following list of macros are used to define the possible error codes |
 DataTypes | Specific Enumeration-typedefs used for socket operations |
  Asynchronous Events | Specific Enumeration used for asynchronous operations |
 Callbacks | |
 Functions | |
  socketInit | The function performs the necessary initializations for the socket library through the following steps: |
  socketDeInit | |
  socketState | |
  registerSocketCallback | Register two callback functions one for asynchronous socket events and the other one for DNS callback registering function |
  socket | Synchronous socket allocation function based on the specified socket type |
  bind | Asynchronous bind function associates the provided address and local port to the socket |
  listen | After successful socket binding to an IP address and port on the system, start listening on a passive socket for incoming connections |
  accept | The function has no current implementation |
  connect | Establishes a TCP connection with a remote server. |
  secure | Converts an (insecure) TCP connection with a remote server into a secure TLS-over-TCP connection. |
  recv | An asynchronous receive function, used to retrieve data from a TCP stream. |
  recvfrom | Receives data from a UDP Socket |
  send | Asynchronous sending function, used to send data on a TCP/UDP socket |
  sendto | Asynchronous sending function, used to send data on a UDP socket |
  close | Synchronous close function, releases all the socket assigned resources |
  nmi_inet_addr | Synchronous function which returns a BSD socket compliant Internet Protocol (IPv4) socket address |
  gethostbyname | Asynchronous DNS resolving function |
  sslEnableCertExpirationCheck | Configure the behavior of the SSL Library for Certificate Expiry Validation |
  setsockopt | The setsockopt() function shall set the option specified by the option_name argument, at the protocol level specified by the level argument, to the value pointed to by the option_value argument for the socket specified by the socket argument |
  getsockopt | Get socket options retrieves This Function isn't implemented yet but this is the form that will be released later |
  m2m_ping_req | The function sends ping request to the given IP Address. |
 Byte Order | The following list of macros are used to convert between host representation and network byte order |
Spi Flash | |
 Function | |
  spi_flexible_flash_find_section | |
  spi_flash_get_size | |
  spi_flash_write | |
  spi_flash_erase | |
SAM Port (PORT) Driver | This driver for Atmel® | SMART ARM®-based microcontrollers provides an interface for the configuration and management of the device's General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) pin functionality, for manual pin state reading and writing |
Compiler abstraction layer and code utilities | Compiler abstraction layer and code utilities for Cortex-M0+ based Atmel SAM devices |
 Status Codes | |
 Preprocessor - Macro Recursion | |
 Preprocessor - Macro Repeat | |
 Preprocessor - Stringize | |
 Preprocessor - Token Paste | |
Global interrupt management | This is a driver for global enabling and disabling of interrupts |
 Deprecated interrupt definitions | |
Atmel part identification macros | This collection of macros identify which series and families that the various Atmel parts belong to |
 AVR UC3 parts | |
 AVR XMEGA parts | |
 megaAVR parts | |
 SAM parts | |
SAM System Pin Multiplexer (SYSTEM PINMUX) Driver | This driver for Atmel® | SMART ARM®-based microcontrollers provides an interface for the configuration and management of the device's physical I/O Pins, to alter the direction and input/drive characteristics as well as to configure the pin peripheral multiplexer selection |
SAM Serial Peripheral Interface (SERCOM SPI) Driver | This driver for Atmel® | SMART ARM®-based microcontrollers provides an interface for the configuration and management of the SERCOM module in its SPI mode to transfer SPI data frames |
SAM System (SYSTEM) Driver | This driver for Atmel® | SMART ARM®-based microcontrollers provides an interface for the configuration and management of the device's system relation functionality, necessary for the basic device operation |
SAM System Clock Management (SYSTEM CLOCK) Driver | This driver for Atmel® | SMART ARM®-based microcontrollers provides an interface for the configuration and management of the device's clocking related functions |
SAM System Interrupt (SYSTEM INTERRUPT) Driver | This driver for Atmel® | SMART ARM®-based microcontrollers provides an interface for the configuration and management of internal software and hardware interrupts/exceptions |
Busy-Wait Delay Routines | This module provides simple loop-based delay routines for those applications requiring a brief wait during execution |
SAM External Interrupt (EXTINT) Driver | This driver for Atmel® | SMART ARM®-based microcontrollers provides an interface for the configuration and management of external interrupts generated by the physical device pins, including edge detection |
SAM Timer Counter for Control Applications (TCC) Driver | This driver for Atmel® | SMART ARM®-based microcontrollers provides an interface for the configuration and management of the TCC module within the device, for waveform generation and timing operations |
SAM Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) Driver | This driver for Atmel® | SMART ARM®-based microcontrollers provides an interface for the configuration and management of the device's Analog-to-Digital Converter functionality, for the conversion of analog voltages into a corresponding digital form |
SAM RTC Calendar (RTC CAL) Driver | This driver for Atmel® | SMART ARM®-based microcontrollers provides an interface for the configuration and management of the device's Real Time Clock functionality in Calendar operating mode, for the configuration and retrieval of the current time and date as maintained by the RTC module |
AT30TSE75X Temperature Sensor | This driver provides API for AT30TSE75X temperature sensor through I2C interface |
Serial Interface (Serial) | See Quick start guide for Serial Interface service |
SAM Serial USART (SERCOM USART) Driver | This driver for Atmel® | SMART ARM®-based microcontrollers provides an interface for the configuration and management of the SERCOM module in its USART mode to transfer or receive USART data frames |
SD/MMC/SDIO common stack | SD/MMC/SDIO basic APIs used by SD/MMC/SDIO memory APIs (sd_mmc_stack_mem_group) |
 Common SPI interface for SD/MMC stack | |
  Common SPI interface for SD/MMC stack | Implementation |
 SD/MMC Memory | SD/MMC memory APIs required by CTRL_ACCESS module (Memory Control Access) |
  Implementation of SD/MMC Memory | |
 SD/MMC Protocol Definition | |
Memory Control Access | Common abstraction layer for memory interfaces |
Generic board support | The generic board support module includes board-specific definitions and function prototypes, such as the board initialization function |
 SAM D21 Xplained Pro board | |
  Features | Symbols that describe features and capabilities of the board |
Asfdoc_sam0_sercom_i2c_group | |