Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

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Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
oC_system_clock_dfll_configDFLL-specific data container
oC_system_clock_dpll_configDPLL-specific data container
oC_system_clock_moduleSystem clock module data container
oC_system_clock_xosc_configXOSC-specific data container
oCextint_chan_confExternal Interrupt Controller channel configuration structure
oCextint_eventsExternal Interrupt event enable/disable structure
oCextint_nmi_confExternal Interrupt Controller NMI configuration structure
oChttp_client_configHTTP client configuration structure
oChttp_client_dataStructure of the HTTP client callback
oChttp_client_data_disconnectedStructure of the HTTP_CLIENT_CALLBACK_DISCONNECTED callback
oChttp_client_data_recv_chunked_dataStructure of the HTTP_CLIENT_CALLBACK_RECV_CHUNKED_DATA callback
oChttp_client_data_recv_responseStructure of the HTTP_CLIENT_CALLBACK_RECV_RESPONSE callback
oChttp_client_data_requestedStructure of the HTTP_CLIENT_CALLBACK_REQUESTED callback
oChttp_client_data_sock_connectedStructure of the HTTP_CLIENT_CALLBACK_SOCK_CONNECTED callback
oChttp_client_moduleStructure of HTTP client connection instance
oChttp_client_reqHTTP client request instance
oChttp_client_respHTTP client response instance
oChttp_entityA structure that the implementation of HTTP entity
oCin_addrIPv4 address representation
oCport_configPort pin configuration structure
oCrtc_calendar_alarm_timeAlarm structure
oCrtc_calendar_configRTC configuration structure
oCrtc_calendar_eventsRTC Calendar event enable/disable structure
oCrtc_calendar_timeTime structure
oCrtc_tamper_configRTC Tamper configuration structure
oCrtc_tamper_input_configRTC tamper input configuration structure
oCsd_mmc_cardSD/MMC card information structure
oCsockaddrGeneric socket address structure
oCsockaddr_inSocket address structure for IPV4 addresses. Used to specify socket address information to connect to. Can be cast to sockaddr structure
oCspi_configSPI configuration structure
oCspi_master_configSPI Master configuration structure
oCspi_moduleSERCOM SPI driver software device instance structure
oCspi_slave_configSPI slave configuration structure
oCspi_slave_instSPI peripheral slave instance structure
oCspi_slave_inst_configSPI peripheral slave configuration structure
oCStructCPtrStructure of pointers to constant 64-, 32-, 16- and 8-bit unsigned integers
oCStructCVPtrStructure of pointers to constant volatile 64-, 32-, 16- and 8-bit unsigned integers
oCStructPtrStructure of pointers to 64-, 32-, 16- and 8-bit unsigned integers
oCStructVPtrStructure of pointers to volatile 64-, 32-, 16- and 8-bit unsigned integers
oCsw_timer_configSW timer configuration structure
oCsw_timer_handleSW timer handler structure
oCsw_timer_moduleSW timer module structure
oCsystem_clock_source_dfll_configConfiguration structure for DFLL
oCsystem_clock_source_osc32k_configConfiguration structure for OSC32K
oCsystem_clock_source_osc8m_configConfiguration structure for OSC8M
oCsystem_clock_source_xosc32k_configConfiguration structure for XOSC32K
oCsystem_clock_source_xosc_configConfiguration structure for XOSC
oCsystem_gclk_chan_configGeneric Clock configuration structure
oCsystem_gclk_gen_configGeneric Clock Generator configuration structure
oCsystem_pinmux_configPort pin configuration structure
oCtcc_capture_configConfiguration struct for the TCC module capture
oCtcc_configTCC configuration structure
oCtcc_counter_configConfiguration struct for the TCC module base counter
oCtcc_eventsTCC event enable/disable structure
oCtcc_input_event_configTCC input event enable/disable/configure structure
oCtcc_match_wave_configConfiguration struct for the TCC module match/wave generation
oCtcc_moduleTCC software device instance structure
oCtcc_non_recoverable_fault_configConfiguration struct for TCC module non-recoverable fault
oCtcc_output_event_configTCC output event enable/disable/configure structure
oCtcc_pins_configConfiguration struct for the TCC module output pins
oCtcc_recoverable_fault_configConfiguration struct for TCC module recoverable fault
oCtcc_wave_extension_configConfiguration struct for the TCC module waveform extension
oCtstrConfAutoRateAuto TX rate selection parameters passed to m2m_wifi_conf_auto_rate
oCtstrConnectAlpnReplyConnect Reply, contains sock number, error value and index of negotiated application protocol
oCtstrConnectReplyConnect Reply, contains sock number and error value
oCtstrCyptoRespCrypto response
oCtstrDnsReplyDNS Reply, contains hostName and HostIP
oCtstrECDomainParamECC Curve Domain Parameters
oCtstrECPointElliptic Curve point representation
oCtstrEllipticCurveDefinition of an elliptic curve
oCtstrEthInitParamStructure to hold Ethernet interface parameters. Structure is to be defined and have its attributes set, based on the application's functionality before a call is made to initialize the wi-fi operations by calling the m2m_wifi_init function. Part of the wi-fi configuration structure tstrWifiInitParam. Applications shouldn't need to define this structure, if the bypass mode is not defined
oCtstrHifHdrStructure to hold HIF header
oCtstrM2MAPConfigAP Configuration
oCtstrM2MAPConfigExtAP Configuration Extension
oCtstrM2MAPModeConfigAP Configuration
oCtstrM2mBatteryVoltageBattery Voltage
oCtstrM2mBinaryHeaderStructure holding compatibility version info for firmware binaries
oCtstrM2mClientStatePS Client State
oCtstrM2mConnCredCmnWi-Fi Connect Credentials Common section
oCtstrM2mConnCredHdrWi-Fi Connect Credentials Header
oCtstrM2MConnInfoM2M Provisioning Information obtained from the HTTP Provisioning server
oCtstrM2MDefaultConnRespResponse error of the m2m_default_connect
oCtstrM2MDeviceNameConfigDevice name
oCtstrM2mEnableLogsEnable Firmware logs
oCtstrM2MGenericRespGeneric success/error response
oCtstrM2MIPConfigIP configuration (static/DHCP). The same structure is used for DCHP callback as well as static IP configuration
oCtstrM2mIpCtrlBufStructure holding the incoming buffer's data size information, indicating the data size of the buffer and the remaining buffer's data size. The data of the buffer which holds the packet sent to the host when in the bypass mode, is placed in the tstrEthInitParam::au8ethRcvBuf attribute. This following information is retrieved in the host when an event M2M_WIFI_RESP_ETHERNET_RX_PACKET is received in the Wi-Fi callback function tpfAppWifiCb
oCtstrM2mIpRsvdPktReceived Packet Size and Data Offset
oCtstrM2mLsnIntListen interval
oCtstrM2MMulticastMacM2M add/remove multi-cast mac address
oCtstrM2MProvisionInfoM2M Provisioning Information obtained from the HTTP Provisioning server
oCtstrM2MProvisionModeConfigM2M Provisioning Mode Configuration
oCtstrM2mPsTypePower Save Configuration
oCtstrM2mPwrModePower Mode
oCtstrM2mReqScanResultScan Result Request
oCtstrM2mRevStructure holding firmware version parameters and build date/time
oCtstrM2MScanWi-Fi Scan Request
oCtstrM2mScanDoneWi-Fi Scan Result
oCtstrM2MScanOptionThis struct contains the configuration options for Wi-Fi scan
oCtstrM2MScanRegionWi-Fi channel regulation region information
oCtstrM2MservercmdPS Server CMD
oCtstrM2mServerInitPS Server initialization
oCtstrM2mSetMacAddressSets the MAC address from application. The WINC load the mac address from the effuse by default to the WINC configuration memory, but that function is used to let the application overwrite the configuration memory with the mac address from the host
oCtstrM2mSha256CtxtSHA256 context data
oCtstrM2mSlpReqTimeManual power save request sleep time
oCtstrM2MSNTPConfigSNTP Client Configuration
oCtstrM2MStopScanOptionThis struct holds additional configuration options for Wi-Fi scan
oCtstrM2mTxPwrLevelTx power level
oCtstrM2mWifi1xHdrWi-Fi Authentication 802.1x header for parameters. The parameters (Domain, UserName, PrivateKey/Password) are appended to this structure
oCtstrM2mWifiApIdSpecify an access point (by SSID)
oCtstrM2mWifiAuthInfoHdrGeneric Wi-Fi authentication information to be sent in a separate HIF message of type M2M_WIFI_IND_CONN_PARAM (preceding M2M_WIFI_REQ_CONN)
oCtstrM2mWifiConnHdrWi-Fi Connect Request (new format) for use with M2M_WIFI_REQ_CONN. This structure is sent across the HIF along with the relevant auth details. One of: tstrM2mWifiPsk tstrM2mWifiWep tstrM2mWifi1xHdr If further authentication details need to be sent (such as client certificate for 1x TLS), they are sent with header tstrM2mWifiAuthInfoHdr in a preceding HIF message of type M2M_WIFI_IND_CONN_PARAM
oCtstrM2mWiFiGainIdxGain Table index selection corresponding to specific WiFi region
oCtstrM2mWifiGainsParamsGain Values
oCtstrM2MWifiMonitorModeCtrlWi-Fi Monitor Mode Filter
oCtstrM2mWifiPskPassphrase and PSK for WPA(2) PSK
oCtstrM2mWiFiRoamingRoaming related information
oCtstrM2MWifiRxPacketInfoWi-Fi RX Frame Header
oCtstrM2mWifiscanResultWi-Fi Scan Result
oCtstrM2mWifiStateChangedWi-Fi Connection State
oCtstrM2MWifiTxPacketInfoWi-Fi TX Packet Info
oCtstrM2mWifiWepWEP security key header
oCtstrM2mWiFiXOSleepEnableChoose to keep the XO on or off over deep sleep
oCtstrM2MWPSConnectWPS Configuration parameters
oCtstrM2MWPSInfoWPS Result
oCtstrNmBusCapabilitiesStructure holding bus capabilities information
oCtstrNmI2cDefaultStructure holding I2C default operation parameters
oCtstrNmI2cSpecialStructure holding I2C special operation parameters
oCtstrNmSpiRwStructure holding SPI R/W parameters
oCtstrNmUartDefaultStructure holding UART default operation parameters
oCtstrOtaControlSecControl Section Structure. The Control Section is used to define the working image and the validity of the roll-back image and its offset, also both firmware versions are kept in this structure
oCtstrOtaHostFileEraseStatusRespHost File OTA Information
oCtstrOtaHostFileGetStatusRespHost File OTA Information
oCtstrOtaHostFileReadStatusRespHost File OTA Information
oCtstrOtaInitHdrThis struct contains the OTA image header
oCtstrOtaUpdateInfoThis struct contains the OTA update information
oCtstrOtaUpdateStatusRespThis struct contains the OTA update status
oCtstrPrngM2M Request PRNG
oCtstrSendReplySend Reply, contains socket number and number of sent bytes
oCtstrSockErrDetail about socket failures. Used with get_error_detail
oCtstrSocketAcceptMsgSocket accept status
oCtstrSocketBindMsgSocket bind status
oCtstrSocketConnectMsgSocket connect status
oCtstrSocketListenMsgSocket listen status
oCtstrSocketRecvMsgSocket recv status
oCtstrSslCertExpSettingsSSL Certificate Expiry Validation Settings
oCtstrSystemTimeUsed for time storage
oCtstrTlsCrlEntryCertificate data for inclusion in a revocation list (CRL)
oCtstrTlsCrlInfoCertificate revocation list details
oCtstrTlsSrvSecFileEntryThis struct contains a TLS certificate
oCtstrTlsSrvSecHdrThis struct contains a set of TLS certificates
Structure, holding the Wi-fi configuration attributes such as the wi-fi callback , monitoring mode callback and Ethernet parameter initialization structure.
oCUnion1616-bit union
oCUnion3232-bit union
oCUnion6464-bit union
oCUnionCPtrUnion of pointers to constant 64-, 32-, 16- and 8-bit unsigned integers
oCUnionCVPtrUnion of pointers to constant volatile 64-, 32-, 16- and 8-bit unsigned integers
oCUnionPtrUnion of pointers to 64-, 32-, 16- and 8-bit unsigned integers
oCUnionVPtrUnion of pointers to volatile 64-, 32-, 16- and 8-bit unsigned integers
oCusart_configUSART configuration struct
\Cusart_moduleSERCOM USART driver software device instance structure