Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

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Data Structures

struct  i2c_master_config
 Configuration structure for the I2C Master device. More...
struct  i2c_master_module
 SERCOM I2C Master driver software device instance structure. More...
struct  i2c_master_packet
 I2C master packet for read/write. More...


enum  i2c_master_baud_rate {
 I2C frequencies. More...
enum  i2c_master_callback {
 Callback types. More...
enum  i2c_master_inactive_timeout {
 Values for inactive bus time-out. More...
enum  i2c_master_interrupt_flag {
 Interrupt flags. More...
enum  i2c_master_start_hold_time {
 Values for hold time after start bit. More...


static enum status_code i2c_master_lock (struct i2c_master_module *const module)
 Attempt to get lock on driver instance. More...
static void i2c_master_unlock (struct i2c_master_module *const module)
 Unlock driver instance. More...

Configuration and Initialization

static bool i2c_master_is_syncing (const struct i2c_master_module *const module)
 Returns the synchronization status of the module. More...
static void i2c_master_get_config_defaults (struct i2c_master_config *const config)
 Gets the I2C master default configurations. More...
enum status_code i2c_master_init (struct i2c_master_module *const module, Sercom *const hw, const struct i2c_master_config *const config)
 Initializes the requested I2C hardware module. More...
static void i2c_master_enable (const struct i2c_master_module *const module)
 Enables the I2C module. More...
static void i2c_master_disable (const struct i2c_master_module *const module)
 Disable the I2C module. More...
void i2c_master_reset (struct i2c_master_module *const module)
 Resets the hardware module. More...

Read and Write

enum status_code i2c_master_read_packet_wait (struct i2c_master_module *const module, struct i2c_master_packet *const packet)
 Reads data packet from slave. More...
enum status_code i2c_master_read_packet_wait_no_stop (struct i2c_master_module *const module, struct i2c_master_packet *const packet)
 Reads data packet from slave without sending a stop condition when done. More...
enum status_code i2c_master_write_packet_wait (struct i2c_master_module *const module, struct i2c_master_packet *const packet)
 Writes data packet to slave. More...
enum status_code i2c_master_write_packet_wait_no_stop (struct i2c_master_module *const module, struct i2c_master_packet *const packet)
 Writes data packet to slave without sending a stop condition when done. More...
void i2c_master_send_stop (struct i2c_master_module *const module)
 Sends stop condition on bus. More...
void i2c_master_send_nack (struct i2c_master_module *const module)
 Sends nack signal on bus. More...
enum status_code i2c_master_read_byte (struct i2c_master_module *const module, uint8_t *byte)
 Reads one byte data from slave. More...
enum status_code i2c_master_write_byte (struct i2c_master_module *const module, uint8_t byte)
 Write one byte data to slave. More...
enum status_code i2c_master_read_packet_wait_no_nack (struct i2c_master_module *const module, struct i2c_master_packet *const packet)
 Reads data packet from slave without sending a nack signal and a stop condition when done. More...


void i2c_master_register_callback (struct i2c_master_module *const module, i2c_master_callback_t callback, enum i2c_master_callback callback_type)
 Registers callback for the specified callback type. More...
void i2c_master_unregister_callback (struct i2c_master_module *const module, enum i2c_master_callback callback_type)
 Unregisters callback for the specified callback type. More...
static void i2c_master_enable_callback (struct i2c_master_module *const module, enum i2c_master_callback callback_type)
 Enables callback. More...
static void i2c_master_disable_callback (struct i2c_master_module *const module, enum i2c_master_callback callback_type)
 Disables callback. More...

Read and Write, Interrupt-driven

enum status_code i2c_master_read_bytes (struct i2c_master_module *const module, struct i2c_master_packet *const packet)
enum status_code i2c_master_read_packet_job (struct i2c_master_module *const module, struct i2c_master_packet *const packet)
 Initiates a read packet operation. More...
enum status_code i2c_master_read_packet_job_no_stop (struct i2c_master_module *const module, struct i2c_master_packet *const packet)
 Initiates a read packet operation without sending a STOP condition when done. More...
enum status_code i2c_master_read_packet_job_no_nack (struct i2c_master_module *const module, struct i2c_master_packet *const packet)
 Initiates a read packet operation without sending a NACK signal and a STOP condition when done. More...
enum status_code i2c_master_write_bytes (struct i2c_master_module *const module, struct i2c_master_packet *const packet)
enum status_code i2c_master_write_packet_job (struct i2c_master_module *const module, struct i2c_master_packet *const packet)
 Initiates a write packet operation. More...
enum status_code i2c_master_write_packet_job_no_stop (struct i2c_master_module *const module, struct i2c_master_packet *const packet)
 Initiates a write packet operation without sending a STOP condition when done. More...
static void i2c_master_cancel_job (struct i2c_master_module *const module)
 Cancel any currently ongoing operation. More...
static enum status_code i2c_master_get_job_status (struct i2c_master_module *const module)
 Get status from ongoing job. More...

I2C frequencies.

Values for I2C speeds supported by the module. The driver will also support setting any other value, in which case set the value in the i2c_master_config at desired value divided by 1000.

Example: If 10KHz operation is required, give baud_rate in the configuration structure the value 10.


Baud rate at 100KHz (Standard-mode)


Baud rate at 400KHz (Fast-mode)

Callback types.

The available callback types for the I2C master module.


Callback for packet write complete.


Callback for packet read complete.


Callback for error.

Values for inactive bus time-out.

If the inactive bus time-out is enabled and the bus is inactive for longer than the time-out setting, the bus state logic will be set to idle.


Inactive bus time-out disabled.


Inactive bus time-out 5-6 SCL cycle time-out.


Inactive bus time-out 10-11 SCL cycle time-out.


Inactive bus time-out 20-21 SCL cycle time-out.

Interrupt flags.

Flags used when reading or setting interrupt flags.


Interrupt flag used for write.


Interrupt flag used for read.

Values for hold time after start bit.

Values for the possible I2C master mode SDA internal hold times after start bit has been sent.


Internal SDA hold time disabled.


Internal SDA hold time 50ns - 100ns.


Internal SDA hold time 300ns - 600ns.


Internal SDA hold time 400ns - 800ns.

static void i2c_master_cancel_job ( struct i2c_master_module *const  module)

Cancel any currently ongoing operation.

Terminates the running transfer operation.

[in,out]modulePointer to software module structure

References Assert, and STATUS_ABORTED.

static void i2c_master_disable ( const struct i2c_master_module *const  module)

Disable the I2C module.

Disables the requested I2C module.

[in]modulePointer to the software module struct

References _sercom_get_interrupt_vector(), Assert, and system_interrupt_disable().

Referenced by i2c_master_reset(), and nm_bus_deinit().

static void i2c_master_disable_callback ( struct i2c_master_module *const  module,
enum i2c_master_callback  callback_type 

Disables callback.

Disables the callback specified by the callback_type.

[in,out]modulePointer to the software module struct
[in]callback_typeCallback type to disable

References Assert.

static void i2c_master_enable ( const struct i2c_master_module *const  module)

Enables the I2C module.

Enables the requested I2C module and set the bus state to IDLE after the specified timeout period if no stop bit is detected.

[in]modulePointer to the software module struct

References _sercom_get_interrupt_vector(), Assert, and system_interrupt_enable().

Referenced by at30tse_init(), and nm_bus_init().

static void i2c_master_enable_callback ( struct i2c_master_module *const  module,
enum i2c_master_callback  callback_type 

Enables callback.

Enables the callback specified by the callback_type.

[in,out]modulePointer to the software module struct
[in]callback_typeCallback type to enable

References Assert.

static void i2c_master_get_config_defaults ( struct i2c_master_config *const  config)

Gets the I2C master default configurations.

Use to initialize the configuration structure to known default values.

The default configuration is as follows:

  • Baudrate 100KHz
  • GCLK generator 0
  • Do not run in standby
  • Start bit hold time 300ns - 600ns
  • Buffer timeout = 65535
  • Unknown bus status timeout = 65535
  • Do not run in standby

Those default configuration only available if the device supports it:

  • High speed baudrate 3.4MHz
  • Standard-mode and Fast-mode transfer speed
  • SCL stretch disabled
  • Slave SCL low extend time-out disabled
  • Master SCL low extend time-out disabled
[out]configPointer to configuration structure to be initiated

References Assert, i2c_master_config::baud_rate, i2c_master_config::buffer_timeout, GCLK_GENERATOR_0, i2c_master_config::generator_source, I2C_MASTER_BAUD_RATE_100KHZ, I2C_MASTER_INACTIVE_TIMEOUT_DISABLED, I2C_MASTER_START_HOLD_TIME_300NS_600NS, i2c_master_config::inactive_timeout, PINMUX_DEFAULT, i2c_master_config::pinmux_pad0, i2c_master_config::pinmux_pad1, i2c_master_config::run_in_standby, i2c_master_config::scl_low_timeout, i2c_master_config::sda_scl_rise_time_ns, i2c_master_config::start_hold_time, and i2c_master_config::unknown_bus_state_timeout.

Referenced by at30tse_init(), and nm_bus_init().

static enum status_code i2c_master_get_job_status ( struct i2c_master_module *const  module)

Get status from ongoing job.

Will return the status of a transfer operation.

[in]modulePointer to software module structure
Last status code from transfer operation.
Return values
STATUS_OKNo error has occurred
STATUS_BUSYIf transfer is in progress
STATUS_BUSYIf master module is busy
STATUS_ERR_DENIEDIf error on bus
STATUS_ERR_BAD_ADDRESSIf slave is busy, or no slave acknowledged the address
STATUS_ERR_TIMEOUTIf timeout occurred
STATUS_ERR_OVERFLOWIf slave did not acknowledge last sent data, indicating that slave does not want more data and was not able to read

References Assert.

enum status_code i2c_master_init ( struct i2c_master_module *const  module,
Sercom *const  hw,
const struct i2c_master_config *const  config 

Initializes the requested I2C hardware module.

Initializes the SERCOM I2C master device requested and sets the provided software module struct. Run this function before any further use of the driver.

[out]modulePointer to software module struct
[in]hwPointer to the hardware instance
[in]configPointer to the configuration struct
Status of initialization.
Return values
STATUS_OKModule initiated correctly
STATUS_ERR_DENIEDIf module is enabled
STATUS_BUSYIf module is busy resetting
STATUS_ERR_ALREADY_INITIALIZEDIf setting other GCLK generator than previously set
STATUS_ERR_BAUDRATE_UNAVAILABLEIf given baudrate is not compatible with set GCLK frequency

References _i2c_master_interrupt_handler(), _sercom_get_sercom_inst_index(), _sercom_instances, _sercom_set_handler(), Assert, i2c_master_config::generator_source, NULL, sercom_set_gclk_generator(), system_gclk_chan_config::source_generator, STATUS_BUSY, STATUS_ERR_DENIED, STATUS_OK, system_apb_clock_set_mask(), SYSTEM_CLOCK_APB_APBC, system_gclk_chan_enable(), system_gclk_chan_get_config_defaults(), and system_gclk_chan_set_config().

Referenced by at30tse_init(), and nm_bus_init().

static bool i2c_master_is_syncing ( const struct i2c_master_module *const  module)

Returns the synchronization status of the module.

Returns the synchronization status of the module.

[in]modulePointer to software module structure
Status of the synchronization.
Return values
trueModule is busy synchronizing
falseModule is not synchronizing

References Assert.

static enum status_code i2c_master_lock ( struct i2c_master_module *const  module)

Attempt to get lock on driver instance.

This function checks the instance's lock, which indicates whether or not it is currently in use, and sets the lock if it was not already set.

The purpose of this is to enable exclusive access to driver instances, so that, e.g., transactions by different services will not interfere with each other.

[in,out]modulePointer to the driver instance to lock
Return values
STATUS_OKIf the module was locked
STATUS_BUSYIf the module was already locked

References STATUS_BUSY, STATUS_OK, system_interrupt_enter_critical_section(), and system_interrupt_leave_critical_section().

enum status_code i2c_master_read_byte ( struct i2c_master_module *const  module,
uint8_t *  byte 

Reads one byte data from slave.

[in,out]modulePointer to software module struct
[out]byteRead one byte data to slave
Status of reading byte.
Return values
STATUS_OKOne byte was read successfully
STATUS_ERR_TIMEOUTIf no response was given within specified timeout period
STATUS_ERR_DENIEDIf error on bus
STATUS_ERR_BAD_ADDRESSIf slave is busy, or no slave acknowledged the address

References _i2c_master_wait_for_bus().

enum status_code i2c_master_read_bytes ( struct i2c_master_module *const  module,
struct i2c_master_packet *const  packet 

Starts a read bytes operation.

[in,out]modulePointer to software module struct
[in,out]packetPointer to I2C packet to transfer
Status of starting reading I2C packet.
Return values
STATUS_OKIf reading was started successfully
STATUS_BUSYIf module is currently busy with another transfer

References Assert, i2c_master_packet::data, i2c_master_packet::data_length, I2C_TRANSFER_READ, STATUS_BUSY, and STATUS_OK.

enum status_code i2c_master_read_packet_job ( struct i2c_master_module *const  module,
struct i2c_master_packet *const  packet 

Initiates a read packet operation.

Reads a data packet from the specified slave address on the I2C bus. This is the non-blocking equivalent of i2c_master_read_packet_wait.

[in,out]modulePointer to software module struct
[in,out]packetPointer to I2C packet to transfer
Status of starting reading I2C packet.
Return values
STATUS_OKIf reading was started successfully
STATUS_BUSYIf module is currently busy with another transfer

References _i2c_master_read_packet(), Assert, and STATUS_BUSY.

enum status_code i2c_master_read_packet_job_no_nack ( struct i2c_master_module *const  module,
struct i2c_master_packet *const  packet 

Initiates a read packet operation without sending a NACK signal and a STOP condition when done.

Reads a data packet from the specified slave address on the I2C bus without sending a nack and a stop condition, thus retaining ownership of the bus when done. To end the transaction, a read or write with stop condition must be performed.

This is the non-blocking equivalent of i2c_master_read_packet_wait_no_stop.

[in,out]modulePointer to software module struct
[in,out]packetPointer to I2C packet to transfer
Status of starting reading I2C packet.
Return values
STATUS_OKIf reading was started successfully
STATUS_BUSYIf module is currently busy with another operation

References _i2c_master_read_packet(), Assert, and STATUS_BUSY.

enum status_code i2c_master_read_packet_job_no_stop ( struct i2c_master_module *const  module,
struct i2c_master_packet *const  packet 

Initiates a read packet operation without sending a STOP condition when done.

Reads a data packet from the specified slave address on the I2C bus without sending a stop condition, thus retaining ownership of the bus when done. To end the transaction, a read or write with stop condition must be performed.

This is the non-blocking equivalent of i2c_master_read_packet_wait_no_stop.

[in,out]modulePointer to software module struct
[in,out]packetPointer to I2C packet to transfer
Status of starting reading I2C packet.
Return values
STATUS_OKIf reading was started successfully
STATUS_BUSYIf module is currently busy with another operation

References _i2c_master_read_packet(), Assert, and STATUS_BUSY.

enum status_code i2c_master_read_packet_wait ( struct i2c_master_module *const  module,
struct i2c_master_packet *const  packet 

Reads data packet from slave.

Reads a data packet from the specified slave address on the I2C bus and sends a stop condition when finished.

This will stall the device from any other operation. For interrupt-driven operation, see i2c_master_read_packet_job.
[in,out]modulePointer to software module struct
[in,out]packetPointer to I2C packet to transfer
Status of reading packet.
Return values
STATUS_OKThe packet was read successfully
STATUS_ERR_TIMEOUTIf no response was given within specified timeout period
STATUS_ERR_DENIEDIf error on bus
STATUS_ERR_BAD_ADDRESSIf slave is busy, or no slave acknowledged the address

References _i2c_master_read_packet(), Assert, and STATUS_BUSY.

Referenced by at30tse_eeprom_read(), and at30tse_read_register().

enum status_code i2c_master_read_packet_wait_no_nack ( struct i2c_master_module *const  module,
struct i2c_master_packet *const  packet 

Reads data packet from slave without sending a nack signal and a stop condition when done.

Starts blocking read operation. Reads a data packet from the specified slave address on the I2C bus without sending a nack signal and a stop condition when done, thus retaining ownership of the bus when done. To end the transaction, a read or write with stop condition must be performed.

This will stall the device from any other operation. For interrupt-driven operation, see i2c_master_read_packet_job.
[in,out]modulePointer to software module struct
[in,out]packetPointer to I2C packet to transfer
Status of reading packet.
Return values
STATUS_OKThe packet was read successfully
STATUS_ERR_TIMEOUTIf no response was given within specified timeout period
STATUS_ERR_DENIEDIf error on bus
STATUS_ERR_BAD_ADDRESSIf slave is busy, or no slave acknowledged the address

References _i2c_master_read_packet(), Assert, and STATUS_BUSY.

enum status_code i2c_master_read_packet_wait_no_stop ( struct i2c_master_module *const  module,
struct i2c_master_packet *const  packet 

Reads data packet from slave without sending a stop condition when done.

Reads a data packet from the specified slave address on the I2C bus without sending a stop condition when done, thus retaining ownership of the bus when done. To end the transaction, a read or write with stop condition must be performed.

This will stall the device from any other operation. For interrupt-driven operation, see i2c_master_read_packet_job.
[in,out]modulePointer to software module struct
[in,out]packetPointer to I2C packet to transfer
Status of reading packet.
Return values
STATUS_OKThe packet was read successfully
STATUS_ERR_TIMEOUTIf no response was given within specified timeout period
STATUS_ERR_DENIEDIf error on bus
STATUS_ERR_BAD_ADDRESSIf slave is busy, or no slave acknowledged the address

References _i2c_master_read_packet(), Assert, and STATUS_BUSY.

void i2c_master_register_callback ( struct i2c_master_module *const  module,
const i2c_master_callback_t  callback,
enum i2c_master_callback  callback_type 

Registers callback for the specified callback type.

Associates the given callback function with the specified callback type.

To enable the callback, the i2c_master_enable_callback function must be used.

[in,out]modulePointer to the software module struct
[in]callbackPointer to the function desired for the specified callback
[in]callback_typeCallback type to register

References Assert.

void i2c_master_reset ( struct i2c_master_module *const  module)

Resets the hardware module.

Reset the module to hardware defaults.

[in,out]modulePointer to software module structure

References _sercom_get_interrupt_vector(), Assert, i2c_master_disable(), system_interrupt_clear_pending(), system_interrupt_enter_critical_section(), and system_interrupt_leave_critical_section().

void i2c_master_send_nack ( struct i2c_master_module *const  module)

Sends nack signal on bus.

Sends a nack signal on bus.

This function can only be used after the i2c_master_write_packet_wait_no_nack function, or i2c_master_read_byte function.
[in,out]modulePointer to the software instance struct

References Assert.

void i2c_master_send_stop ( struct i2c_master_module *const  module)

Sends stop condition on bus.

Sends a stop condition on bus.

This function can only be used after the i2c_master_write_packet_wait_no_stop function. If a stop condition is to be sent after a read, the i2c_master_read_packet_wait function must be used.
[in,out]modulePointer to the software instance struct

References Assert.

static void i2c_master_unlock ( struct i2c_master_module *const  module)

Unlock driver instance.

This function clears the instance lock, indicating that it is available for use.

[in,out]modulePointer to the driver instance to lock
Return values
STATUS_OKIf the module was locked
STATUS_BUSYIf the module was already locked
void i2c_master_unregister_callback ( struct i2c_master_module *const  module,
enum i2c_master_callback  callback_type 

Unregisters callback for the specified callback type.

When called, the currently registered callback for the given callback type will be removed.

[in,out]modulePointer to the software module struct
[in]callback_typeSpecifies the callback type to unregister

References Assert, and NULL.

enum status_code i2c_master_write_byte ( struct i2c_master_module *const  module,
uint8_t  byte 

Write one byte data to slave.

[in,out]modulePointer to software module struct
[in]byteSend one byte data to slave
Status of writing byte.
Return values
STATUS_OKOne byte was write successfully
STATUS_ERR_TIMEOUTIf no response was given within specified timeout period
STATUS_ERR_DENIEDIf error on bus
STATUS_ERR_BAD_ADDRESSIf slave is busy, or no slave acknowledged the address

References _i2c_master_wait_for_bus().

enum status_code i2c_master_write_bytes ( struct i2c_master_module *const  module,
struct i2c_master_packet *const  packet 

Starts a write bytes operation.

[in,out]modulePointer to software module struct
[in,out]packetPointer to I2C packet to transfer
Status of starting write I2C bytes.
Return values
STATUS_OKIf writing was started successfully
STATUS_BUSYIf module is currently busy with another transfer

References Assert, i2c_master_packet::data, i2c_master_packet::data_length, I2C_TRANSFER_WRITE, STATUS_BUSY, and STATUS_OK.

enum status_code i2c_master_write_packet_job ( struct i2c_master_module *const  module,
struct i2c_master_packet *const  packet 

Initiates a write packet operation.

Writes a data packet to the specified slave address on the I2C bus. This is the non-blocking equivalent of i2c_master_write_packet_wait.

[in,out]modulePointer to software module struct
[in,out]packetPointer to I2C packet to transfer
Status of starting writing I2C packet job.
Return values
STATUS_OKIf writing was started successfully
STATUS_BUSYIf module is currently busy with another transfer

References _i2c_master_write_packet(), Assert, and STATUS_BUSY.

enum status_code i2c_master_write_packet_job_no_stop ( struct i2c_master_module *const  module,
struct i2c_master_packet *const  packet 

Initiates a write packet operation without sending a STOP condition when done.

Writes a data packet to the specified slave address on the I2C bus without sending a stop condition, thus retaining ownership of the bus when done. To end the transaction, a read or write with stop condition or sending a stop with the i2c_master_send_stop function must be performed.

This is the non-blocking equivalent of i2c_master_write_packet_wait_no_stop.

[in,out]modulePointer to software module struct
[in,out]packetPointer to I2C packet to transfer
Status of starting writing I2C packet job.
Return values
STATUS_OKIf writing was started successfully
STATUS_BUSYIf module is currently busy with another

References _i2c_master_write_packet(), Assert, and STATUS_BUSY.

enum status_code i2c_master_write_packet_wait ( struct i2c_master_module *const  module,
struct i2c_master_packet *const  packet 

Writes data packet to slave.

Writes a data packet to the specified slave address on the I2C bus and sends a stop condition when finished.

This will stall the device from any other operation. For interrupt-driven operation, see i2c_master_read_packet_job.
[in,out]modulePointer to software module struct
[in,out]packetPointer to I2C packet to transfer
Status of write packet.
Return values
STATUS_OKIf packet was write successfully
STATUS_BUSYIf master module is busy with a job
STATUS_ERR_DENIEDIf error on bus
STATUS_ERR_BAD_ADDRESSIf slave is busy, or no slave acknowledged the address
STATUS_ERR_TIMEOUTIf timeout occurred
STATUS_ERR_OVERFLOWIf slave did not acknowledge last sent data, indicating that slave does not want more data and was not able to read last data sent

References _i2c_master_write_packet(), Assert, and STATUS_BUSY.

Referenced by at30tse_eeprom_write(), at30tse_set_register_pointer(), and at30tse_write_register().

enum status_code i2c_master_write_packet_wait_no_stop ( struct i2c_master_module *const  module,
struct i2c_master_packet *const  packet 

Writes data packet to slave without sending a stop condition when done.

Writes a data packet to the specified slave address on the I2C bus without sending a stop condition, thus retaining ownership of the bus when done. To end the transaction, a read or write with stop condition or sending a stop with the i2c_master_send_stop function must be performed.

This will stall the device from any other operation. For interrupt-driven operation, see i2c_master_read_packet_job.
[in,out]modulePointer to software module struct
[in,out]packetPointer to I2C packet to transfer
Status of write packet.
Return values
STATUS_OKIf packet was write successfully
STATUS_BUSYIf master module is busy
STATUS_ERR_DENIEDIf error on bus
STATUS_ERR_BAD_ADDRESSIf slave is busy, or no slave acknowledged the address
STATUS_ERR_TIMEOUTIf timeout occurred
STATUS_ERR_OVERFLOWIf slave did not acknowledge last sent data, indicating that slave do not want more data

References _i2c_master_write_packet(), Assert, and STATUS_BUSY.

Referenced by at30tse_eeprom_read(), and at30tse_read_register().