Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

tstrM2MConnInfo Struct Reference

M2M Provisioning Information obtained from the HTTP Provisioning server.

#include <m2m_types.h>

Data Fields

uint8 __PAD16__ [2]
uint8 au8IPAddr [4]
uint8 au8MACAddress [6]
sint8 s8RSSI
uint8 u8CurrChannel
uint8 u8SecType

uint8 tstrM2MConnInfo::__PAD16__[2]

Padding bytes for forcing 4-byte alignment

char tstrM2MConnInfo::acSSID[M2M_MAX_SSID_LEN]

AP connection SSID name

Referenced by demo_wifi_state().

uint8 tstrM2MConnInfo::au8IPAddr[4]

Connection IP address

uint8 tstrM2MConnInfo::au8MACAddress[6]

MAC address of the peer Wi-Fi station

sint8 tstrM2MConnInfo::s8RSSI

Connection RSSI signal

uint8 tstrM2MConnInfo::u8CurrChannel

Wi-Fi RF channel number 1,2,... 14.

uint8 tstrM2MConnInfo::u8SecType

Security type