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Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver

Transmitter (USART).

See Quick start guide for the SAM USART module.

This is a low-level driver implementation for the SAM Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter.

Data Structures

struct  sam_usart_opt_t
struct  usart_iso7816_opt_t
struct  usart_spi_opt_t


#define SPI_CPHA   (1 << 0)
 Clock phase. More...
#define SPI_CPOL   (1 << 1)
 Clock polarity. More...
#define SPI_MODE_0   0
 SPI mode definition. More...
#define SPI_MODE_1   (SPI_CPHA)
#define SPI_MODE_2   (SPI_CPOL)
#define SPI_MODE_3   (SPI_CPOL | SPI_CPHA)
 micro definition for LIN mode of SAMV71 More...


void usart_disable_interrupt (Usart *p_usart, uint32_t ul_sources)
 Disable USART interrupts. More...
void usart_disable_rx (Usart *p_usart)
 Disable USART receiver. More...
void usart_disable_tx (Usart *p_usart)
 Disable USART transmitter. More...
void usart_disable_writeprotect (Usart *p_usart)
 Disable write protect of USART registers. More...
void usart_drive_DTR_pin_high (Usart *p_usart)
void usart_drive_DTR_pin_low (Usart *p_usart)
void usart_drive_RTS_pin_high (Usart *p_usart)
 Drive the pin RTS to 1. More...
void usart_drive_RTS_pin_low (Usart *p_usart)
 Drive the pin RTS to 0. More...
void usart_enable_interrupt (Usart *p_usart, uint32_t ul_sources)
 Enable USART interrupts. More...
void usart_enable_rx (Usart *p_usart)
 Enable USART receiver. More...
void usart_enable_tx (Usart *p_usart)
 Enable USART transmitter. More...
void usart_enable_writeprotect (Usart *p_usart)
 Enable write protect of USART registers. More...
uint8_t usart_get_error_number (Usart *p_usart)
uint32_t usart_get_interrupt_mask (Usart *p_usart)
 Read USART interrupt mask. More...
Pdc * usart_get_pdc_base (Usart *p_usart)
uint32_t * usart_get_rx_access (Usart *p_usart)
uint32_t usart_get_status (Usart *p_usart)
 Get current status. More...
uint32_t * usart_get_tx_access (Usart *p_usart)
uint32_t usart_get_version (Usart *p_usart)
uint32_t usart_get_writeprotect_status (Usart *p_usart)
 Get write protect status. More...
uint32_t usart_getchar (Usart *p_usart, uint32_t *c)
 Read from USART Receive Holding Register. More...
uint32_t usart_init_hw_handshaking (Usart *p_usart, const sam_usart_opt_t *p_usart_opt, uint32_t ul_mck)
 Configure USART to work in hardware handshaking mode. More...
uint32_t usart_init_irda (Usart *p_usart, const sam_usart_opt_t *p_usart_opt, uint32_t ul_mck)
uint32_t usart_init_iso7816 (Usart *p_usart, const usart_iso7816_opt_t *p_usart_opt, uint32_t ul_mck)
uint32_t usart_init_lin_master (Usart *p_usart, uint32_t ul_baudrate, uint32_t ul_mck)
uint32_t usart_init_lin_slave (Usart *p_usart, uint32_t ul_baudrate, uint32_t ul_mck)
uint32_t usart_init_lon (Usart *p_usart, uint32_t ul_baudrate, uint32_t ul_mck)
uint32_t usart_init_modem (Usart *p_usart, const sam_usart_opt_t *p_usart_opt, uint32_t ul_mck)
uint32_t usart_init_rs232 (Usart *p_usart, const sam_usart_opt_t *p_usart_opt, uint32_t ul_mck)
 Configure USART to work in RS232 mode. More...
uint32_t usart_init_rs485 (Usart *p_usart, const sam_usart_opt_t *p_usart_opt, uint32_t ul_mck)
 Configure USART to work in RS485 mode. More...
uint32_t usart_init_spi_master (Usart *p_usart, const usart_spi_opt_t *p_usart_opt, uint32_t ul_mck)
 Configure USART to work in SPI mode and act as a master. More...
uint32_t usart_init_spi_slave (Usart *p_usart, const usart_spi_opt_t *p_usart_opt)
 Configure USART to work in SPI mode and act as a slave. More...
uint32_t usart_init_sync_master (Usart *p_usart, const sam_usart_opt_t *p_usart_opt, uint32_t ul_mck)
 Configure USART to work in SYNC mode and act as a master. More...
uint32_t usart_init_sync_slave (Usart *p_usart, const sam_usart_opt_t *p_usart_opt)
 Configure USART to work in SYNC mode and act as a slave. More...
uint32_t usart_is_rx_buf_end (Usart *p_usart)
uint32_t usart_is_rx_buf_full (Usart *p_usart)
uint32_t usart_is_rx_ready (Usart *p_usart)
 Check if the received data are ready. More...
uint32_t usart_is_tx_buf_empty (Usart *p_usart)
uint32_t usart_is_tx_buf_end (Usart *p_usart)
uint32_t usart_is_tx_empty (Usart *p_usart)
 Check if Transmit Holding Register is empty. More...
uint32_t usart_is_tx_ready (Usart *p_usart)
 Check if Transmit is Ready. More...
void usart_lin_abort_tx (Usart *p_usart)
void usart_lin_disable_checksum (Usart *p_usart)
void usart_lin_disable_frame_slot (Usart *p_usart)
void usart_lin_disable_parity (Usart *p_usart)
void usart_lin_disable_pdc_mode (Usart *p_usart)
void usart_lin_enable_checksum (Usart *p_usart)
void usart_lin_enable_frame_slot (Usart *p_usart)
void usart_lin_enable_parity (Usart *p_usart)
void usart_lin_enable_pdc_mode (Usart *p_usart)
uint8_t usart_lin_get_data_length (Usart *usart)
uint8_t usart_lin_identifier_reception_complete (Usart *usart)
uint8_t usart_lin_identifier_send_complete (Usart *usart)
uint8_t usart_lin_read_identifier (Usart *p_usart)
void usart_lin_send_wakeup_signal (Usart *p_usart)
void usart_lin_set_checksum_type (Usart *p_usart, uint8_t uc_type)
void usart_lin_set_data_len_mode (Usart *p_usart, uint8_t uc_mode)
void usart_lin_set_node_action (Usart *p_usart, uint8_t uc_action)
void usart_lin_set_response_data_len (Usart *p_usart, uint8_t uc_len)
void usart_lin_set_tx_identifier (Usart *p_usart, uint8_t uc_id)
void usart_lin_set_wakeup_signal_type (Usart *p_usart, uint8_t uc_type)
uint8_t usart_lin_tx_complete (Usart *usart)
void usart_lon_disable_coll_detection (Usart *p_usart)
void usart_lon_enable_coll_detection (Usart *p_usart)
uint32_t usart_lon_is_rx_end (Usart *p_usart)
uint32_t usart_lon_is_tx_end (Usart *p_usart)
void usart_lon_set_beta1_rx_len (Usart *p_usart, uint32_t ul_len)
void usart_lon_set_beta1_tx_len (Usart *p_usart, uint32_t ul_len)
void usart_lon_set_cdtail (Usart *p_usart, uint8_t uc_type)
void usart_lon_set_comm_type (Usart *p_usart, uint8_t uc_type)
void usart_lon_set_data_len (Usart *p_usart, uint8_t uc_len)
void usart_lon_set_dmam (Usart *p_usart, uint8_t uc_type)
void usart_lon_set_l2hdr (Usart *p_usart, uint8_t uc_bli, uint8_t uc_altp, uint8_t uc_pb)
void usart_lon_set_pre_len (Usart *p_usart, uint32_t ul_len)
void usart_lon_set_priority (Usart *p_usart, uint8_t uc_psnb, uint8_t uc_nps)
void usart_lon_set_rx_idt (Usart *p_usart, uint32_t ul_time)
void usart_lon_set_tcol (Usart *p_usart, uint8_t uc_type)
void usart_lon_set_tx_idt (Usart *p_usart, uint32_t ul_time)
void usart_man_disable_drift_compensation (Usart *p_usart)
void usart_man_enable_drift_compensation (Usart *p_usart)
void usart_man_set_rx_polarity (Usart *p_usart, uint8_t uc_polarity)
void usart_man_set_rx_pre_len (Usart *p_usart, uint8_t uc_len)
void usart_man_set_rx_pre_pattern (Usart *p_usart, uint8_t uc_pattern)
void usart_man_set_tx_polarity (Usart *p_usart, uint8_t uc_polarity)
void usart_man_set_tx_pre_len (Usart *p_usart, uint8_t uc_len)
void usart_man_set_tx_pre_pattern (Usart *p_usart, uint8_t uc_pattern)
uint32_t usart_putchar (Usart *p_usart, uint32_t c)
 Write to USART Transmit Holding Register. More...
uint32_t usart_read (Usart *p_usart, uint32_t *c)
 Read from USART Receive Holding Register. More...
void usart_reset (Usart *p_usart)
 Reset the USART and disable TX and RX. More...
void usart_reset_iterations (Usart *p_usart)
void usart_reset_nack (Usart *p_usart)
void usart_reset_rx (Usart *p_usart)
 Immediately stop and disable USART receiver. More...
void usart_reset_status (Usart *p_usart)
 Reset status bits (PARE, OVER, MANERR, UNRE and PXBRK in US_CSR). More...
void usart_reset_tx (Usart *p_usart)
 Immediately stop and disable USART transmitter. More...
void usart_restart_rx_timeout (Usart *p_usart)
 Restart the receive timeout. More...
uint32_t usart_send_address (Usart *p_usart, uint32_t ul_addr)
 In Multidrop mode only, the next character written to the US_THR is sent with the address bit set. More...
uint32_t usart_set_async_baudrate (Usart *p_usart, uint32_t baudrate, uint32_t ul_mck)
 Calculate a clock divider(CD) and a fractional part (FP) for the USART asynchronous modes to generate a baudrate as close as possible to the baudrate set point. More...
void usart_set_rx_timeout (Usart *p_usart, uint32_t timeout)
 Configure the receive timeout register. More...
void usart_set_sleepwalking (Usart *p_uart, uint8_t ul_low_value, bool cmpmode, bool cmppar, uint8_t ul_high_value)
void usart_set_tx_timeguard (Usart *p_usart, uint32_t timeguard)
 Configure the transmit timeguard register. More...
void usart_spi_force_chip_select (Usart *p_usart)
 Drive the slave select line NSS (RTS pin) to 0 in SPI master mode. More...
void usart_spi_release_chip_select (Usart *p_usart)
 Drive the slave select line NSS (RTS pin) to 1 in SPI master mode. More...
void usart_start_rx_timeout (Usart *p_usart)
 Start waiting for a character before clocking the timeout count. More...
void usart_start_tx_break (Usart *p_usart)
 Start transmission of a break. More...
void usart_stop_tx_break (Usart *p_usart)
 Stop transmission of a break. More...
uint32_t usart_write (Usart *p_usart, uint32_t c)
 Write to USART Transmit Holding Register. More...
void usart_write_line (Usart *p_usart, const char *string)
 Write one-line string through USART. More...

#define SPI_CPHA   (1 << 0)

Clock phase.

#define SPI_CPOL   (1 << 1)

Clock polarity.

#define SPI_MODE_0   0

SPI mode definition.

Referenced by usart_init_spi_master(), and usart_init_spi_slave().

#define SPI_MODE_1   (SPI_CPHA)
#define SPI_MODE_2   (SPI_CPOL)
#define SPI_MODE_3   (SPI_CPOL | SPI_CPHA)

micro definition for LIN mode of SAMV71


void usart_disable_interrupt ( Usart *  p_usart,
uint32_t  ul_sources 

Disable USART interrupts.

p_usartPointer to a USART peripheral.
ul_sourcesInterrupt sources bit map.
void usart_disable_rx ( Usart *  p_usart)

Disable USART receiver.

p_usartPointer to a USART instance.

Referenced by bm_get_fifo_free_size(), bm_get_firmware_version(), and bm_get_mcu_current().

void usart_disable_writeprotect ( Usart *  p_usart)

Disable write protect of USART registers.

p_usartPointer to a USART instance.


Referenced by usart_reset().

void usart_drive_DTR_pin_high ( Usart *  p_usart)

Referenced by usart_reset().

void usart_drive_DTR_pin_low ( Usart *  p_usart)
void usart_drive_RTS_pin_high ( Usart *  p_usart)

Drive the pin RTS to 1.

p_usartPointer to a USART instance.

Referenced by usart_reset().

void usart_drive_RTS_pin_low ( Usart *  p_usart)

Drive the pin RTS to 0.

p_usartPointer to a USART instance.
void usart_enable_interrupt ( Usart *  p_usart,
uint32_t  ul_sources 

Enable USART interrupts.

p_usartPointer to a USART peripheral.
ul_sourcesInterrupt sources bit map.
void usart_enable_rx ( Usart *  p_usart)

Enable USART receiver.

p_usartPointer to a USART instance.

Referenced by bm_get_fifo_free_size(), bm_get_firmware_version(), bm_get_mcu_current(), and usart_serial_init().

void usart_enable_writeprotect ( Usart *  p_usart)

Enable write protect of USART registers.

p_usartPointer to a USART instance.


uint8_t usart_get_error_number ( Usart *  p_usart)
uint32_t usart_get_interrupt_mask ( Usart *  p_usart)

Read USART interrupt mask.

p_usartPointer to a USART peripheral.
The interrupt mask value.
Pdc* usart_get_pdc_base ( Usart *  p_usart)
uint32_t* usart_get_rx_access ( Usart *  p_usart)
uint32_t usart_get_status ( Usart *  p_usart)

Get current status.

p_usartPointer to a USART instance.
The current USART status.
uint32_t* usart_get_tx_access ( Usart *  p_usart)
uint32_t usart_get_version ( Usart *  p_usart)
uint32_t usart_get_writeprotect_status ( Usart *  p_usart)

Get write protect status.

p_usartPointer to a USART instance.
0 if no write protect violation occurred, or 16-bit write protect violation source.
uint32_t usart_getchar ( Usart *  p_usart,
uint32_t *  c 

Read from USART Receive Holding Register.

Before reading user should check if rx is ready.

p_usartPointer to a USART instance.
cPointer where the one-byte received data will be stored.
Return values
0Data has been received.
1on failure.

Referenced by bm_get_fifo_free_size(), bm_get_firmware_version(), and bm_get_mcu_current().

uint32_t usart_init_hw_handshaking ( Usart *  p_usart,
const sam_usart_opt_t p_usart_opt,
uint32_t  ul_mck 

Configure USART to work in hardware handshaking mode.

By default, the transmitter and receiver aren't enabled.
p_usartPointer to a USART instance.
p_usart_optPointer to sam_usart_opt_t instance.
ul_mckUSART module input clock frequency.
Return values
0on success.
1on failure.

References usart_init_rs232().

uint32_t usart_init_irda ( Usart *  p_usart,
const sam_usart_opt_t p_usart_opt,
uint32_t  ul_mck 
uint32_t usart_init_iso7816 ( Usart *  p_usart,
const usart_iso7816_opt_t p_usart_opt,
uint32_t  ul_mck 
uint32_t usart_init_lin_master ( Usart *  p_usart,
uint32_t  ul_baudrate,
uint32_t  ul_mck 
uint32_t usart_init_lin_slave ( Usart *  p_usart,
uint32_t  ul_baudrate,
uint32_t  ul_mck 
uint32_t usart_init_lon ( Usart *  p_usart,
uint32_t  ul_baudrate,
uint32_t  ul_mck 
uint32_t usart_init_modem ( Usart *  p_usart,
const sam_usart_opt_t p_usart_opt,
uint32_t  ul_mck 
uint32_t usart_init_rs232 ( Usart *  p_usart,
const sam_usart_opt_t p_usart_opt,
uint32_t  ul_mck 

Configure USART to work in RS232 mode.

By default, the transmitter and receiver aren't enabled.
p_usartPointer to a USART instance.
p_usart_optPointer to sam_usart_opt_t instance.
ul_mckUSART module input clock frequency.
Return values
0on success.
1on failure.

References sam_usart_opt_t::baudrate, sam_usart_opt_t::channel_mode, sam_usart_opt_t::char_length, sam_usart_opt_t::parity_type, sam_usart_opt_t::stop_bits, usart_reset(), and usart_set_async_baudrate().

Referenced by bm_init(), usart_init_hw_handshaking(), usart_init_rs485(), and usart_serial_init().

uint32_t usart_init_rs485 ( Usart *  p_usart,
const sam_usart_opt_t p_usart_opt,
uint32_t  ul_mck 

Configure USART to work in RS485 mode.

By default, the transmitter and receiver aren't enabled.
p_usartPointer to a USART instance.
p_usart_optPointer to sam_usart_opt_t instance.
ul_mckUSART module input clock frequency.
Return values
0on success.
1on failure.

References usart_init_rs232().

uint32_t usart_init_spi_master ( Usart *  p_usart,
const usart_spi_opt_t p_usart_opt,
uint32_t  ul_mck 

Configure USART to work in SPI mode and act as a master.

By default, the transmitter and receiver aren't enabled.
p_usartPointer to a USART instance.
p_usart_optPointer to sam_usart_opt_t instance.
ul_mckUSART module input clock frequency.
Return values
0on success.
1on failure.

References usart_spi_opt_t::baudrate, usart_spi_opt_t::channel_mode, usart_spi_opt_t::char_length, usart_spi_opt_t::spi_mode, SPI_MODE_0, SPI_MODE_1, SPI_MODE_2, SPI_MODE_3, usart_reset(), and usart_set_spi_master_baudrate().

uint32_t usart_init_spi_slave ( Usart *  p_usart,
const usart_spi_opt_t p_usart_opt 

Configure USART to work in SPI mode and act as a slave.

By default, the transmitter and receiver aren't enabled.
p_usartPointer to a USART instance.
p_usart_optPointer to sam_usart_opt_t instance.
Return values
0on success.
1on failure.

References usart_spi_opt_t::channel_mode, usart_spi_opt_t::char_length, usart_spi_opt_t::spi_mode, SPI_MODE_0, SPI_MODE_1, SPI_MODE_2, SPI_MODE_3, usart_reset(), and usart_set_spi_slave_baudrate().

uint32_t usart_init_sync_master ( Usart *  p_usart,
const sam_usart_opt_t p_usart_opt,
uint32_t  ul_mck 

Configure USART to work in SYNC mode and act as a master.

By default, the transmitter and receiver aren't enabled.
p_usartPointer to a USART instance.
p_usart_optPointer to sam_usart_opt_t instance.
ul_mckUSART module input clock frequency.
Return values
0on success.
1on failure.

References sam_usart_opt_t::baudrate, sam_usart_opt_t::channel_mode, sam_usart_opt_t::char_length, sam_usart_opt_t::parity_type, sam_usart_opt_t::stop_bits, usart_reset(), and usart_set_sync_master_baudrate().

uint32_t usart_init_sync_slave ( Usart *  p_usart,
const sam_usart_opt_t p_usart_opt 

Configure USART to work in SYNC mode and act as a slave.

By default, the transmitter and receiver aren't enabled.
p_usartPointer to a USART instance.
p_usart_optPointer to sam_usart_opt_t instance.
Return values
0on success.
1on failure.

References sam_usart_opt_t::channel_mode, sam_usart_opt_t::char_length, sam_usart_opt_t::parity_type, sam_usart_opt_t::stop_bits, usart_reset(), and usart_set_sync_slave_baudrate().

uint32_t usart_is_rx_buf_end ( Usart *  p_usart)
uint32_t usart_is_rx_buf_full ( Usart *  p_usart)
uint32_t usart_is_rx_ready ( Usart *  p_usart)

Check if the received data are ready.

Check if Data have been received and loaded into USART_RHR.

p_usartPointer to a USART instance.
Return values
1Some data has been received.
0No data has been received.

Referenced by usart_serial_is_rx_ready().

uint32_t usart_is_tx_buf_empty ( Usart *  p_usart)
uint32_t usart_is_tx_buf_end ( Usart *  p_usart)
uint32_t usart_is_tx_empty ( Usart *  p_usart)

Check if Transmit Holding Register is empty.

Check if the last data written in USART_THR have been loaded in TSR and the last data loaded in TSR have been transmitted.

p_usartPointer to a USART instance.
Return values
1Transmitter is empty.
0Transmitter is not empty.

Referenced by bm_ctrl(), bm_get_fifo_free_size(), bm_get_firmware_version(), bm_get_mcu_current(), bm_led_clr(), bm_led_set(), bm_led_tgl(), bm_mouse_pointer_ctrl(), bm_mouse_pointer_move(), bm_print_clear(), bm_print_txt(), bm_pullup_twi(), bm_send_mcu_status(), bm_send_picouart_frame(), and bm_tgl_button().

uint32_t usart_is_tx_ready ( Usart *  p_usart)

Check if Transmit is Ready.

Check if data have been loaded in USART_THR and are waiting to be loaded into the Transmit Shift Register (TSR).

p_usartPointer to a USART instance.
Return values
1No data is in the Transmit Holding Register.
0There is data in the Transmit Holding Register.
void usart_lin_abort_tx ( Usart *  p_usart)
void usart_lin_disable_checksum ( Usart *  p_usart)
void usart_lin_disable_frame_slot ( Usart *  p_usart)
void usart_lin_disable_parity ( Usart *  p_usart)
void usart_lin_disable_pdc_mode ( Usart *  p_usart)
void usart_lin_enable_checksum ( Usart *  p_usart)
void usart_lin_enable_frame_slot ( Usart *  p_usart)
void usart_lin_enable_parity ( Usart *  p_usart)
void usart_lin_enable_pdc_mode ( Usart *  p_usart)
uint8_t usart_lin_get_data_length ( Usart *  usart)
uint8_t usart_lin_identifier_reception_complete ( Usart *  usart)
uint8_t usart_lin_identifier_send_complete ( Usart *  usart)
uint8_t usart_lin_read_identifier ( Usart *  p_usart)
void usart_lin_send_wakeup_signal ( Usart *  p_usart)
void usart_lin_set_checksum_type ( Usart *  p_usart,
uint8_t  uc_type 
void usart_lin_set_data_len_mode ( Usart *  p_usart,
uint8_t  uc_mode 
void usart_lin_set_node_action ( Usart *  p_usart,
uint8_t  uc_action 
void usart_lin_set_response_data_len ( Usart *  p_usart,
uint8_t  uc_len 
void usart_lin_set_tx_identifier ( Usart *  p_usart,
uint8_t  uc_id 
void usart_lin_set_wakeup_signal_type ( Usart *  p_usart,
uint8_t  uc_type 
uint8_t usart_lin_tx_complete ( Usart *  usart)
void usart_lon_disable_coll_detection ( Usart *  p_usart)
void usart_lon_enable_coll_detection ( Usart *  p_usart)
uint32_t usart_lon_is_rx_end ( Usart *  p_usart)
uint32_t usart_lon_is_tx_end ( Usart *  p_usart)
void usart_lon_set_beta1_rx_len ( Usart *  p_usart,
uint32_t  ul_len 
void usart_lon_set_beta1_tx_len ( Usart *  p_usart,
uint32_t  ul_len 
void usart_lon_set_cdtail ( Usart *  p_usart,
uint8_t  uc_type 
void usart_lon_set_comm_type ( Usart *  p_usart,
uint8_t  uc_type 
void usart_lon_set_data_len ( Usart *  p_usart,
uint8_t  uc_len 
void usart_lon_set_dmam ( Usart *  p_usart,
uint8_t  uc_type 
void usart_lon_set_l2hdr ( Usart *  p_usart,
uint8_t  uc_bli,
uint8_t  uc_altp,
uint8_t  uc_pb 
void usart_lon_set_pre_len ( Usart *  p_usart,
uint32_t  ul_len 
void usart_lon_set_priority ( Usart *  p_usart,
uint8_t  uc_psnb,
uint8_t  uc_nps 
void usart_lon_set_rx_idt ( Usart *  p_usart,
uint32_t  ul_time 
void usart_lon_set_tcol ( Usart *  p_usart,
uint8_t  uc_type 
void usart_lon_set_tx_idt ( Usart *  p_usart,
uint32_t  ul_time 
void usart_man_disable_drift_compensation ( Usart *  p_usart)
void usart_man_enable_drift_compensation ( Usart *  p_usart)
void usart_man_set_rx_polarity ( Usart *  p_usart,
uint8_t  uc_polarity 
void usart_man_set_rx_pre_len ( Usart *  p_usart,
uint8_t  uc_len 
void usart_man_set_rx_pre_pattern ( Usart *  p_usart,
uint8_t  uc_pattern 
void usart_man_set_tx_polarity ( Usart *  p_usart,
uint8_t  uc_polarity 
void usart_man_set_tx_pre_len ( Usart *  p_usart,
uint8_t  uc_len 
void usart_man_set_tx_pre_pattern ( Usart *  p_usart,
uint8_t  uc_pattern 
uint32_t usart_putchar ( Usart *  p_usart,
uint32_t  c 

Write to USART Transmit Holding Register.

Before writing user should check if tx is ready (or empty).
p_usartPointer to a USART instance.
cData to be sent.
Return values
0on success.
1on failure.

Referenced by bm_ctrl(), bm_get_fifo_free_size(), bm_get_firmware_version(), bm_get_mcu_current(), bm_led_clr(), bm_led_set(), bm_led_tgl(), bm_mouse_pointer_ctrl(), bm_mouse_pointer_move(), bm_print_clear(), bm_print_txt(), bm_pullup_twi(), bm_send_mcu_status(), bm_send_picouart_frame(), bm_tgl_button(), and usart_write_line().

uint32_t usart_read ( Usart *  p_usart,
uint32_t *  c 

Read from USART Receive Holding Register.

Before reading user should check if rx is ready.
p_usartPointer to a USART instance.
cPointer where the one-byte received data will be stored.
Return values
0on success.
1if no data is available or errors.

Referenced by usart_serial_getchar().

void usart_reset ( Usart *  p_usart)
void usart_reset_iterations ( Usart *  p_usart)
void usart_reset_nack ( Usart *  p_usart)
void usart_reset_rx ( Usart *  p_usart)

Immediately stop and disable USART receiver.

p_usartPointer to a USART instance.

Referenced by usart_reset().

void usart_reset_status ( Usart *  p_usart)

Reset status bits (PARE, OVER, MANERR, UNRE and PXBRK in US_CSR).

p_usartPointer to a USART instance.

Referenced by usart_reset().

void usart_reset_tx ( Usart *  p_usart)

Immediately stop and disable USART transmitter.

p_usartPointer to a USART instance.

Referenced by usart_reset().

void usart_restart_rx_timeout ( Usart *  p_usart)

Restart the receive timeout.

p_usartPointer to a USART instance.
uint32_t usart_send_address ( Usart *  p_usart,
uint32_t  ul_addr 

In Multidrop mode only, the next character written to the US_THR is sent with the address bit set.

p_usartPointer to a USART instance.
ul_addrThe address to be sent out.
Return values
0on success.
1on failure.

References usart_write().

uint32_t usart_set_async_baudrate ( Usart *  p_usart,
uint32_t  baudrate,
uint32_t  ul_mck 

Calculate a clock divider(CD) and a fractional part (FP) for the USART asynchronous modes to generate a baudrate as close as possible to the baudrate set point.

Baud rate calculation: Baudrate = ul_mck/(Over * (CD + FP/8)) (Over being 16 or 8). The maximal oversampling is selected if it allows to generate a baudrate close to the set point.
p_usartPointer to a USART instance.
baudrateBaud rate set point.
ul_mckUSART module input clock frequency.
Return values
0Baud rate is successfully initialized.
1Baud rate set point is out of range for the given input clock frequency.


Referenced by usart_init_rs232().

void usart_set_rx_timeout ( Usart *  p_usart,
uint32_t  timeout 

Configure the receive timeout register.

p_usartPointer to a USART instance.
timeoutThe value of receive timeout.
void usart_set_sleepwalking ( Usart *  p_uart,
uint8_t  ul_low_value,
bool  cmpmode,
bool  cmppar,
uint8_t  ul_high_value 
void usart_set_tx_timeguard ( Usart *  p_usart,
uint32_t  timeguard 

Configure the transmit timeguard register.

p_usartPointer to a USART instance.
timeguardThe value of transmit timeguard.
void usart_spi_force_chip_select ( Usart *  p_usart)

Drive the slave select line NSS (RTS pin) to 0 in SPI master mode.

p_usartPointer to a USART instance.
void usart_spi_release_chip_select ( Usart *  p_usart)

Drive the slave select line NSS (RTS pin) to 1 in SPI master mode.

p_usartPointer to a USART instance.
void usart_start_rx_timeout ( Usart *  p_usart)

Start waiting for a character before clocking the timeout count.

Reset the status bit TIMEOUT in US_CSR.

p_usartPointer to a USART instance.
void usart_start_tx_break ( Usart *  p_usart)

Start transmission of a break.

p_usartPointer to a USART instance.
void usart_stop_tx_break ( Usart *  p_usart)

Stop transmission of a break.

p_usartPointer to a USART instance.
uint32_t usart_write ( Usart *  p_usart,
uint32_t  c 

Write to USART Transmit Holding Register.

Before writing user should check if tx is ready (or empty).
p_usartPointer to a USART instance.
cData to be sent.
Return values
0on success.
1on failure.

Referenced by usart_send_address(), usart_serial_putchar(), and usart_write_char_buf().

void usart_write_line ( Usart *  p_usart,
const char *  string 

Write one-line string through USART.

p_usartPointer to a USART instance.
stringPointer to one-line string to be sent.

References usart_putchar().