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Widget library example for the SAM4S-XPLAINED Documentation


This example will create a simple touch-enabled GUI on the board display, using the Widget Toolkit library.

Main files:

For boards using the mXT143E Xplained only:

  • conf_ili9341.h: display driver configuration
  • conf_mxt.h: maXTouch driver configuration
  • UC3 and SAM only: conf_spi_master.h: SPI master service configuration
  • XMEGA only: conf_usart_spi.h: USART SPI service configuration

For the UC3C-EK only:

  • conf_ebi.h
  • conf_et024006dhu.h
  • conf_rtouch.h

Widget library API

The widget library API can be found here, while the graphics service API can be found here.

Device Info

This example has been tested with the following kits:

  • UC3-A3 Xplained (with mXT143E Xplained top module)
  • UC3-L0 Xplained (with mXT143E Xplained top module)
  • XMEGA-A1 Xplained (with mXT143E Xplained top module)
  • XMEGA-B1 Xplained (with mXT143E Xplained top module)
  • XMEGA-A3BU Xplained (with mXT143E Xplained top module)
  • SAM4S Xplained (with mXT143E Xplained top module)
  • UC3C-EK

Description of the example

On startup the example application will create a simple GUI on the display of the board, showing a slider, progress bar, check boxes, radio buttons and a standard button. Touching the display will manipulate each of these widgets.


Relevant module dependencies for this application are:

Compilation Info

This software was written for the GNU GCC and IAR for AVR. Other compilers may or may not work.

Contact Information

For further information, visit Microchip.