Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

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File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
o*aesa.cAES software driver for SAM
o*aesa.hAES software driver for SAM
o*ast.cSAM Asynchronous Timer (AST) driver
o*ast.hSAM Asynchronous Timer (AST) driver
o*ast_example1.hSAM Asynchronous Timer (AST) Example 1 Calendar Mode
o*ast_example2.hSAM Asynchronous Timer (AST) example 2 alarm wakeup
o*board.hStandard board header file
o*bpm.cBPM driver
o*bpm.hBPM driver
o*compiler.hCommonly used includes, types and macros
o*conf_access.hMemory access control configuration
o*conf_aesa.hAESA configuration
o*conf_ast.hAST configuration
o*conf_board.hBoard configuration
o*conf_bootloader.hBootloader configuration
o*conf_clock.hChip-specific system clock manager configuration
o*conf_fatfs.hFATFS configuration file
o*conf_sleepmgr.hSleep manager configuration
o*conf_usb_host.hSAM4L USB host configuration file
o*crccu.cCyclic Redundancy Check Calculation Unit (CRCCU) driver for SAM
o*crccu.hCyclic Redundancy Check Calculation Unit (CRCCU) driver for SAM
o*dfll.cChip-specific DFLL implementation
o*dfll.hDFLL management
o*sam4l/dfll.hChip-specific DFLL definitions
o*diskio.cImplementation of low level disk I/O module skeleton for FatFS
o*eic.cEIC driver for SAM
o*eic.hEIC driver for SAM
o*fattime_ast.cImplementation of low level disk I/O module skeleton for FatFS
o*flashcalw.cFlashCALW driver for SAM4L
o*flashcalw.hFlashCALW driver for SAM4L
o*genclk.hGeneric clock management
o*sam4l/genclk.hChip-specific generic clock management
o*gpio.cGPIO driver
o*gpio.hSAM GPIO driver
o*init.cSAM4L-EK Board init
o*interrupt.hGlobal interrupt management for 8- and 32-bit AVR
o*interrupt_sam_nvic.cGlobal interrupt management for SAM D20, SAM3 and SAM4 (NVIC based)
o*interrupt_sam_nvic.hGlobal interrupt management for SAM D20, SAM3 and SAM4 (NVIC based)
o*io.hArch file for SAM
o*ioport.hCommon IOPORT service main header file for AVR, UC3 and ARM architectures
o*ioport_gpio.hSAM architecture specific IOPORT service implementation header file
o*led.hSAM4L-EK Board LEDs support package
o*main.cSAM4L USB Host Mass Storage Bootloader Application with CRC Check and AES decryption support
o*main.hDeclaration of main function used by example
o*mrepeat.hPreprocessor macro repeating utils
o*osc.cChip-specific oscillator management functions
o*osc.hOscillator management
o*sam4l/osc.hChip-specific oscillator management functions
o*parts.hAtmel part identification macros
o*pll.cChip-specific PLL implementation
o*pll.hPLL management
o*sam4l/pll.hChip-specific PLL definitions
o*preprocessor.hPreprocessor utils
o*sam4l_ek.hSAM4L-EK Board header file
o*sbc_protocol.hSCSI Block Commands
o*sleepmgr.cChip-specific sleep manager configuration
o*sam4l/sleepmgr.hChip-specific sleep manager configuration
o*sleepmgr.hSleep manager
o*spc_protocol.hSCSI Primary Commands
o*status_codes.hStatus code definitions
o*stringz.hPreprocessor stringizing utils
o*sysclk.cChip-specific system clock management functions
o*sam4l/sysclk.hChip-specific system clock management functions
o*sysclk.hSystem clock management
o*tpaste.hPreprocessor token pasting utils
o*uhc.cUSB Host Controller (UHC)
o*uhc.hInterface of the USB Host Controller (UHC)
o*uhd.hCommon API for USB Host Drivers (UHD)
o*uhi.hCommon API for USB Host Interface
o*uhi_msc.cUSB host Mass Storage Class interface
o*uhi_msc.hUSB host driver for Mass Storage Class interface
o*uhi_msc_mem.cUSB host Mass Storage interface for control access module
o*uhi_msc_mem.hUSB host Mass Storage interface for control access module
o*usart.cUniversal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART) driver for SAM
o*usart.hUniversal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART) driver for SAM
o*usb_atmel.hAll USB VIDs and PIDs from Atmel USB applications
o*usb_protocol.hUSB protocol definitions
o*usb_protocol_msc.hUSB Mass Storage Class (MSC) protocol definitions
o*usbc_host.cUSBC host driver Compliance with common driver UHD
o*usbc_host.hUSBC Host Driver header file
o*usbc_otg.hUSBC OTG Driver header file
o*wdt_sam4l.cWatchdog Timer (WDT) driver for SAM4L
\*wdt_sam4l.hWatchdog Timer (WDT) driver for SAM4L