This is the documentation for the data structures, functions, variables, defines, enums, and typedefs for the Backup Power Manager (BPM) driver. It also comes bundled with an application-example of usage.
This example demonstrates how to use the BPM driver. It requires a board monitor firmware version V1.3 or greater if it run on the SAM4L_EK.
Operating mode: The user can select the low power mode and power scaling from the terminal. The example uses the terminal to provide infomation about the current power save mode. If it run on the SAM4L_EK, the example can also uses the board monitor to provide infomation about the actual power consumption.
This software is written for GNU GCC and IAR Embedded Workbench for Atmel. Other compilers may or may not work.
All SAM devices with an BPM and a USART module can be used.
This example has been tested with the following configuration:
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