Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

conf_test.h File Reference

Unit test configuration.

Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries.

#include "compiler.h"


 LCD contrast level. More...
Unit test configuration
 USART to redirect STDIO to. More...
#define CONF_TEST_BAUDRATE   115200
 Baudrate of USART. More...
 Character length (bits) of USART. More...
 Parity mode of USART. More...
 Stopbit configuration of USART. More...
LCD Common

Here are definitions of C42364A glass LCD for this example

#define NB_OF_COM   4
#define NB_OF_SEG   40
LCD Connection Initialization
#define LCD_DUTY   (NB_OF_COM % 4)
Digit Decoder
#define FIRST_7SEG_3C   255 /* 255 = unavailable */
 7-segment with 3 commons terminals More...
#define WIDTH_7SEG_3C   255 /* 255 = unavailable */
#define DIR_7SEG_3C   0 /* 0 = from left to right */
#define FIRST_7SEG_4C   10
 7-segment with 4 commons terminals More...
#define WIDTH_7SEG_4C   4
#define DIR_7SEG_4C   1 /* 1 = from right to left */
#define FIRST_14SEG_4C   36
 14-segment with 4 commons terminals More...
#define WIDTH_14SEG_4C   7
#define DIR_14SEG_4C   1 /* 1 = from right to left */
#define FIRST_16SEG_3C   255 /* 255 = unavailable */
 16-segment with 3 commons terminals More...
#define WIDTH_16SEG_3C   255 /* 255 = unavailable */
#define DIR_16SEG_3C   0
Pixel With Blinking feature
#define ICON_USB   1, 0
#define ICON_COLON   0, 0
#define ICON_WLESS   2, 0
#define ICON_AUDIO   3, 0
#define ICON_BAT   0, 1
#define ICON_ERROR   1, 1
#define ICON_CHINESE   2, 1
#define ICON_ARM   3, 1
Pixel With No-Blinking feature
#define ICON_MINUS   0, 37
#define ICON_MINUS_SEG1   3, 30
#define ICON_MINUS_SEG2   0, 33
#define ICON_DOT_1   0, 29
#define ICON_DOT_2   3, 10
#define ICON_DOT_3   3, 8
#define ICON_DOT_4   3, 6
#define ICON_BAT_LEVEL_1   0, 21
#define ICON_BAT_LEVEL_2   0, 17
#define ICON_BAT_LEVEL_3   0, 25
#define ICON_AUDIO_PAUSE   3, 38
#define ICON_AUDIO_PLAY   3, 34
#define ICON_AM   3, 4
#define ICON_PM   3, 26
#define ICON_DEGREE_C   3, 22
#define ICON_DEGREE_F   3, 18
#define ICON_VOLT   3, 14
#define ICON_MILLI_VOLT   0, 13

#define CONF_TEST_BAUDRATE   115200

Baudrate of USART.

Baudrate setting.

Referenced by main().


Character length (bits) of USART.

Character length setting.

Referenced by main().


Parity mode of USART.

Parity setting.

Referenced by main().


Stopbit configuration of USART.

Stop bits setting.

Referenced by main().


USART to redirect STDIO to.

USART Interface.

Referenced by main().

#define DIR_14SEG_4C   1 /* 1 = from right to left */
#define DIR_16SEG_3C   0
#define DIR_7SEG_3C   0 /* 0 = from left to right */
#define DIR_7SEG_4C   1 /* 1 = from right to left */
#define FIRST_14SEG_4C   36

14-segment with 4 commons terminals

Referenced by run_lcdca_automated_scrolling_test(), and run_lcdca_automated_sequential_test().

#define FIRST_16SEG_3C   255 /* 255 = unavailable */

16-segment with 3 commons terminals

#define FIRST_7SEG_3C   255 /* 255 = unavailable */

7-segment with 3 commons terminals

#define FIRST_7SEG_4C   10

7-segment with 4 commons terminals

#define ICON_AM   3, 4
#define ICON_ARM   3, 1
#define ICON_AUDIO   3, 0
#define ICON_AUDIO_PAUSE   3, 38
#define ICON_AUDIO_PLAY   3, 34
#define ICON_BAT   0, 1
#define ICON_BAT_LEVEL_1   0, 21
#define ICON_BAT_LEVEL_2   0, 17
#define ICON_BAT_LEVEL_3   0, 25
#define ICON_CHINESE   2, 1
#define ICON_COLON   0, 0
#define ICON_DEGREE_C   3, 22
#define ICON_DEGREE_F   3, 18
#define ICON_DOT_1   0, 29
#define ICON_DOT_2   3, 10
#define ICON_DOT_3   3, 8
#define ICON_DOT_4   3, 6
#define ICON_ERROR   1, 1

Referenced by run_lcdca_blink_test().

#define ICON_MILLI_VOLT   0, 13
#define ICON_MINUS   0, 37
#define ICON_MINUS_SEG1   3, 30
#define ICON_MINUS_SEG2   0, 33
#define ICON_PM   3, 26
#define ICON_USB   1, 0
#define ICON_VOLT   3, 14
#define ICON_WLESS   2, 0

LCD contrast level.

Referenced by run_lcdca_init_test().

#define LCD_DUTY   (NB_OF_COM % 4)

Referenced by run_lcdca_init_test().

#define NB_OF_COM   4
#define NB_OF_SEG   40

Referenced by run_lcdca_init_test().

#define WIDTH_14SEG_4C   7
#define WIDTH_16SEG_3C   255 /* 255 = unavailable */
#define WIDTH_7SEG_3C   255 /* 255 = unavailable */
#define WIDTH_7SEG_4C   4