Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

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Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
oC_eeprom_master_pageStructure describing the EEPROM Emulation master page
oC_eeprom_moduleInternal device instance struct
oC_eeprom_pageStructure describing emulated pages of EEPROM data
oC_system_clock_dfll_configDFLL-specific data container
oC_system_clock_dpll_configDPLL-specific data container
oC_system_clock_moduleSystem clock module data container
oC_system_clock_xosc_configXOSC-specific data container
oCac_chan_configAnalog Comparator Comparator channel configuration structure
oCac_configAnalog Comparator module configuration structure
oCac_eventsAC event enable/disable structure
oCac_moduleAC software device instance structure
oCac_win_configAnalog Comparator Window configuration structure
oCadc_configADC configuration structure
oCadc_correction_configGain and offset correction configuration structure
oCadc_eventsADC event enable/disable structure
oCadc_moduleADC software device instance structure
oCadc_pin_scan_configPin scan configuration structure
oCadc_window_configWindow monitor configuration structure
oCbod_configConfiguration structure for a BOD module
oCdac_chan_configDAC channel configuration structure
oCdac_configDAC configuration structure
oCdac_eventsDAC event enable/disable structure
oCdac_moduleDAC software device instance structure
oCdma_crc_configConfigurations for CRC calculation
oCdma_descriptor_configDMA transfer descriptor configuration
oCdma_events_configConfigurations for DMA events
oCdma_resourceStructure for DMA transfer resource
oCdma_resource_configDMA configurations for transfer
oCeeprom_emulator_parametersEEPROM memory parameter structure
oCevents_configEvents configuration struct
oCevents_hookEvent hook
oCevents_resourceEvent channel resource
oCextint_chan_confExternal Interrupt Controller channel configuration structure
oCextint_eventsExternal Interrupt event enable/disable structure
oCextint_nmi_confExternal Interrupt Controller NMI configuration structure
oCi2c_master_configConfiguration structure for the I2C Master device
oCi2c_master_moduleSERCOM I2C Master driver software device instance structure
oCi2c_master_packetI2C master packet for read/write
oCi2c_slave_configConfiguration structure for the I2C slave device
oCi2c_slave_moduleSERCOM I2C slave driver software device instance structure
oCi2c_slave_packetI2C slave packet for read/write
oCi2s_clock_configConfigure for I2S clock (SCK)
oCi2s_clock_unit_configConfigure for I2S clock unit
oCi2s_frame_configConfigure for I2S frame
oCi2s_frame_sync_configConfigure for I2S frame sync (FS)
oCi2s_moduleI2S Software Module instance struct
oCi2s_pin_configConfigure for I2S pin
oCi2s_serializer_configConfigure for I2S Serializer
oCi2s_serializer_moduleI2S Serializer instance struct
oCnvm_configNVM controller configuration structure
oCnvm_fusebitsNVM user row fuse setting structure
oCnvm_parametersNVM memory parameter structure
oCport_configPort pin configuration structure
oCrtc_calendar_alarm_timeAlarm structure
oCrtc_calendar_configRTC configuration structure
oCrtc_calendar_eventsRTC Calendar event enable/disable structure
oCrtc_calendar_timeTime structure
oCrtc_count_configRTC Count configuration structure
oCrtc_count_eventsRTC Count event enable/disable structure
oCrtc_tamper_configRTC Tamper configuration structure
oCrtc_tamper_input_configRTC tamper input configuration structure
oCspi_configSPI configuration structure
oCspi_master_configSPI Master configuration structure
oCspi_moduleSERCOM SPI driver software device instance structure
oCspi_slave_configSPI slave configuration structure
oCspi_slave_instSPI peripheral slave instance structure
oCspi_slave_inst_configSPI peripheral slave configuration structure
oCStructCPtrStructure of pointers to constant 64-, 32-, 16- and 8-bit unsigned integers
oCStructCVPtrStructure of pointers to constant volatile 64-, 32-, 16- and 8-bit unsigned integers
oCStructPtrStructure of pointers to 64-, 32-, 16- and 8-bit unsigned integers
oCStructVPtrStructure of pointers to volatile 64-, 32-, 16- and 8-bit unsigned integers
oCsystem_clock_source_dfll_configConfiguration structure for DFLL
oCsystem_clock_source_osc32k_configConfiguration structure for OSC32K
oCsystem_clock_source_osc8m_configConfiguration structure for OSC8M
oCsystem_clock_source_xosc32k_configConfiguration structure for XOSC32K
oCsystem_clock_source_xosc_configConfiguration structure for XOSC
oCsystem_gclk_chan_configGeneric Clock configuration structure
oCsystem_gclk_gen_configGeneric Clock Generator configuration structure
oCsystem_pinmux_configPort pin configuration structure
oCtc_16bit_configConfiguration struct for TC module in 16-bit size counter mode
oCtc_32bit_configConfiguration struct for TC module in 32-bit size counter mode
oCtc_8bit_configConfiguration struct for TC module in 8-bit size counter mode
oCtc_configTC configuration structure
oCtc_eventsTC event enable/disable structure
oCtc_moduleTC software device instance structure
oCtc_pwm_channelConfiguration struct for TC module in 32-bit size counter mode
oCtcc_capture_configConfiguration struct for the TCC module capture
oCtcc_configTCC configuration structure
oCtcc_counter_configConfiguration struct for the TCC module base counter
oCtcc_eventsTCC event enable/disable structure
oCtcc_input_event_configTCC input event enable/disable/configure structure
oCtcc_match_wave_configConfiguration struct for the TCC module match/wave generation
oCtcc_moduleTCC software device instance structure
oCtcc_non_recoverable_fault_configConfiguration struct for TCC module non-recoverable fault
oCtcc_output_event_configTCC output event enable/disable/configure structure
oCtcc_pins_configConfiguration struct for the TCC module output pins
oCtcc_recoverable_fault_configConfiguration struct for TCC module recoverable fault
oCtcc_wave_extension_configConfiguration struct for the TCC module waveform extension
oCUnion1616-bit union
oCUnion3232-bit union
oCUnion6464-bit union
oCUnionCPtrUnion of pointers to constant 64-, 32-, 16- and 8-bit unsigned integers
oCUnionCVPtrUnion of pointers to constant volatile 64-, 32-, 16- and 8-bit unsigned integers
oCUnionPtrUnion of pointers to 64-, 32-, 16- and 8-bit unsigned integers
oCUnionVPtrUnion of pointers to volatile 64-, 32-, 16- and 8-bit unsigned integers
oCusart_configUSART configuration struct
oCusart_moduleSERCOM USART driver software device instance structure
oCusb_configUSB configurations
oCusb_device_endpoint_configUSB device endpoint configurations
oCusb_endpoint_callback_parameterUSB device endpoint callback status parameter structure
oCusb_host_pipe_configUSB host pipe configurations
oCusb_moduleUSB software module instance structure
oCusb_pipe_callback_parameterUSB host pipe callback status parameter structure
\Cwdt_confWatchdog Timer configuration structure