Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

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     Provides detail on the available callbacks for the Wlan APIs.


typedef void(* tpfAppEthCb )(uint8 u8MsgType, void *pvMsg, void *pvCtrlBuf)
typedef void(* tpfAppEthCb )(uint8 u8MsgType, void *pvMsg, void *pvCtrlBuf)
typedef void(* tpfAppWifiCb )(uint8 u8MsgType, void *pvMsg)
typedef void(* tpfAppWifiCb )(uint8 u8MsgType, void *pvMsg)

typedef void(* tpfAppEthCb)(uint8 u8MsgType, void *pvMsg, void *pvCtrlBuf)
typedef void(* tpfAppEthCb)(uint8 u8MsgType, void *pvMsg, void *pvCtrlBuf)
typedef void(* tpfAppWifiCb)(uint8 u8MsgType, void *pvMsg)
typedef void(* tpfAppWifiCb)(uint8 u8MsgType, void *pvMsg)