Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

buart_comm_data_t Struct Reference

Communications Queue Info.

Data Fields

uint8_t * puc_rq_buf
 Pointer to reception queue. More...
uint8_t * puc_tq_buf
 Pointer to transmission queue. More...
uint16_t us_rq_count
 Reception queue. More...
uint16_t us_rq_idx
 Reception queue. More...
uint16_t us_wq_idx
 Reception queue. More...

uint8_t* buart_comm_data_t::puc_rq_buf

Pointer to reception queue.


Referenced by buart_if_open(), and buart_if_read().

uint8_t* buart_comm_data_t::puc_tq_buf

Pointer to transmission queue.


Referenced by buart_if_open(), and buart_if_write().

uint16_t buart_comm_data_t::us_rq_count

Reception queue.

Occupation count

Referenced by buart_if_open(), and buart_if_read().

uint16_t buart_comm_data_t::us_rq_idx

Reception queue.

Read index

Referenced by buart_if_open(), and buart_if_read().

uint16_t buart_comm_data_t::us_wq_idx

Reception queue.

Write index

Referenced by buart_if_open().