Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

finger Struct Reference

Struct for touch visualization data.

Data Fields

bool enable
 Enable drawing. More...
uint8_t size
 Size of the detected touch. More...
gfx_coord_t x
 X-coordinate on display. More...
gfx_coord_t y
 Y-coordinate on display. More...

bool finger::enable

Enable drawing.

Referenced by mxt_handler().

uint8_t finger::size

Size of the detected touch.

Referenced by draw_finger_square(), and get_finger_display_coordinates().

gfx_coord_t finger::x

X-coordinate on display.

Referenced by draw_finger_square(), and get_finger_display_coordinates().

gfx_coord_t finger::y

Y-coordinate on display.

Referenced by draw_finger_square(), and get_finger_display_coordinates().