Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

qt_status Struct Reference

Structure for QT2160 device-status, include:

* QtStatus[0] - General Status
*     bit0 - SDET : This bit is set if a touch is detected on the slider.
*     bit1 - CC : This Common Change bit is set if all the selected
*                 keys have a signal change of more than half the
*                 detection threshold, NTHR.
*     bit6 - CYCLE OVERRUN : This bit is set if the cycle time more than 16ms.
*     bit7 - RESET : This bit is set after a reset
* QtStatus[1] - Key Status
*     bits 0 - 7 : Detect status for keys 0 to 7 (Touched keys report as 1)
* QtStatus[2] - Key Status
*     bits 0 - 7 : Detect status for keys 8 to 15 (Touched keys report as 1)
* QtStatus[3] - Slider Touch Position
*     bits 0 - 7 : Last position of the touch on the slider
* QtStatus[4] - GPIO Read
*     bits 2 - 4 : indicates the state of GPIO1 to GPIO3
*                  that are configured as inputs

#include <QT2160.h>

Data Fields

uint8_t general_status
 General Status. More...
uint8_t gpio_read
 GPIO Read. More...
uint8_t key_status_1
 Key Status 1. More...
uint8_t key_status_2
 Key Status 2. More...
uint8_t slider_position
 Slider Touch Position. More...

uint8_t qt_status::general_status

General Status.

uint8_t qt_status::gpio_read

GPIO Read.

uint8_t qt_status::key_status_1

Key Status 1.

uint8_t qt_status::key_status_2

Key Status 2.

uint8_t qt_status::slider_position

Slider Touch Position.