Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

tstrM2MP2PConnect Struct Reference

Set the device to operate in the Wi-Fi Direct (P2P) mode.

This struct contains the Listen Channel for P2P connect.

See Also

#include <m2m_types.h>

Data Fields

uint8 __PAD24__ [3]
uint8 enuTrigger
uint16 u16WPS_CfgMethods
uint8 u8ListenChannel

uint8 tstrM2MP2PConnect::__PAD24__[3]

Padding bytes for forcing 4-byte alignment

uint8 tstrM2MP2PConnect::enuTrigger

P2P trigger type tenuP2PTrigger

Referenced by atCmd_P2pEnable_Handler(), and m2m_wifi_p2p().

uint16 tstrM2MP2PConnect::u16WPS_CfgMethods

P2P config methods

Referenced by atCmd_P2pEnable_Handler(), and m2m_wifi_p2p().

uint8 tstrM2MP2PConnect::u8ListenChannel

P2P Listen Channel (1, 6 or 11)

Referenced by atCmd_P2pEnable_Handler(), and m2m_wifi_p2p().