Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

tstrM2mWifiGainsParams Struct Reference

Gain Values.

#include <m2m_types.h>

Data Fields

uint16 u8PPAGFor11B
uint16 u8PPAGFor11GN

uint16 tstrM2mWifiGainsParams::u8PPAGFor11B
 PPA gain for 11B (as the RF document representation)

PPA_AGC<0:2> Every bit have 3dB gain control each. for example: 1 ->3db 3 ->6db 7 ->9db

uint16 tstrM2mWifiGainsParams::u8PPAGFor11GN
 PPA gain for 11GN (as the RF document represented)

PPA_AGC<0:2> Every bit have 3dB gain control each. for example: 1 ->3db 3 ->6db 7 ->9db