Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

tstrOtaControlSec Struct Reference

Control Section Structure. The Control Section is used to define the working image and the validity of the roll-back image and its offset, also both firmware versions are kept in this structure.

#include <m2m_types.h>

Data Fields

uint32 u32OtaControlSecCrc
uint32 u32OtaCortusAppRollbackOffset
uint32 u32OtaCortusAppRollbackValidSts
uint32 u32OtaCortusAppRollbackVer
uint32 u32OtaCortusAppWorkingOffset
uint32 u32OtaCortusAppWorkingValidSts
uint32 u32OtaCortusAppWorkingVer
uint32 u32OtaCurrentWorkingImagFirmwareVer
uint32 u32OtaCurrentworkingImagFirmwareVer
uint32 u32OtaCurrentWorkingImagHifVer
uint32 u32OtaCurrentWorkingImagOffset
uint32 u32OtaCurrentworkingImagOffset
uint32 u32OtaFormatVersion
uint32 u32OtaLastCheckTime
uint32 u32OtaMagicValue
uint32 u32OtaRollbackImageOffset
uint32 u32OtaRollbackImageValidStatus
uint32 u32OtaRollbackImagFirmwareVer
uint32 u32OtaRollbackImagHifVer
uint32 u32OtaSequenceNumber

uint32 tstrOtaControlSec::u32OtaControlSecCrc

CRC for the control structure to ensure validity.

Referenced by update_control_structure(), and verify_control_structure().

uint32 tstrOtaControlSec::u32OtaCortusAppRollbackOffset

Cortus app rollback offset in flash. Removed in v19.6.1.

Cortus app rollback offset in flash.

uint32 tstrOtaControlSec::u32OtaCortusAppRollbackValidSts

Roll-back cortus app valid status. Removed in v19.6.1.

Roll-back cortus app valid status

uint32 tstrOtaControlSec::u32OtaCortusAppRollbackVer

Roll-back cortus app version (ex 18.0.3). Removed in v19.6.1.

Roll-back cortus app version (ex 18.0.1)

uint32 tstrOtaControlSec::u32OtaCortusAppWorkingOffset

Cortus app working offset in flash. Removed in v19.6.1.

Cortus app working offset in flash.

uint32 tstrOtaControlSec::u32OtaCortusAppWorkingValidSts

Working Cortus app valid status. Removed in v19.6.1.

Working Cortus app valid status.

uint32 tstrOtaControlSec::u32OtaCortusAppWorkingVer

Working cortus app version (ex 18.0.3). Removed in v19.6.1.

Working cortus app version (ex 1.0.1)

uint32 tstrOtaControlSec::u32OtaCurrentWorkingImagFirmwareVer

Current working image firmware version [Major/Product ID/Minor/Patch]

uint32 tstrOtaControlSec::u32OtaCurrentworkingImagFirmwareVer

Current working image version ex 18.0.1.

uint32 tstrOtaControlSec::u32OtaCurrentWorkingImagHifVer

Current working image HIF version

uint32 tstrOtaControlSec::u32OtaCurrentWorkingImagOffset

Current working offset in flash.

Referenced by find_flash_section(), and m2m_flash_switch_firmware().

uint32 tstrOtaControlSec::u32OtaCurrentworkingImagOffset

Current working offset in flash.

uint32 tstrOtaControlSec::u32OtaFormatVersion
NA   NA   NA   Flash version   cs struct version
00   00   00   00              00

Control structure format version, the value will be incremented in case of structure changed or updated

Control structure format version, the value will be incremented in case of structure changed or updated.

uint32 tstrOtaControlSec::u32OtaLastCheckTime

Last time OTA check for update.

uint32 tstrOtaControlSec::u32OtaMagicValue

Magic value used to ensure the structure is valid or not.

Referenced by verify_control_structure().

uint32 tstrOtaControlSec::u32OtaRollbackImageOffset

Roll-back image offset in flash

Roll-back image offset in flash.

Referenced by find_flash_section(), and m2m_flash_switch_firmware().

uint32 tstrOtaControlSec::u32OtaRollbackImageValidStatus

Roll-back image valid status.

Referenced by m2m_flash_switch_firmware().

uint32 tstrOtaControlSec::u32OtaRollbackImagFirmwareVer

Roll-back image version (ex 18.0.3).

Roll-back image firmware version [Major/Product ID/Minor/Patch]

uint32 tstrOtaControlSec::u32OtaRollbackImagHifVer

Roll-back working image HIF version

uint32 tstrOtaControlSec::u32OtaSequenceNumber

Sequence number is used while update the control structure to keep track of how many times that section updated.

Referenced by update_control_structure().