Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

tstrOtaHostFileReadStatusResp Struct Reference

Host File OTA Information.

#include <m2m_types.h>

Data Fields

uint8 __PAD8__
uint8 pFileBuf [MAX_FILE_READ_STEP]
uint16 u16FileBlockSz
uint8 u8OtaFileReadStatus

uint8 tstrOtaHostFileReadStatusResp::__PAD8__

Padding byte for forcing 4-byte alignment

uint8 tstrOtaHostFileReadStatusResp::pFileBuf[MAX_FILE_READ_STEP]

Pointer to the temporary buffer containing the data just read. Max size is MAX_FILE_READ_STEP

Referenced by m2m_ota_cb().

uint16 tstrOtaHostFileReadStatusResp::u16FileBlockSz

Reports the size of the block of data read via HIF. Valid if u8OtaFileReadStatus=OTA_STATUS_SUCCESS .

Referenced by m2m_ota_cb().

uint8 tstrOtaHostFileReadStatusResp::u8OtaFileReadStatus

The status of the File Read operation. See tenuOtaUpdateStatus.

Referenced by m2m_ota_cb().