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FatFS file system service

Service of FatFS file system.

This service provides a generic FAT file system module for the ASF systems.


#define _DF1E   0x9F /* DBC 1st byte range 1 end */
#define _DF1S   0x81 /* DBC 1st byte range 1 start */
#define _DF2E   0xFC /* DBC 1st byte range 2 end */
#define _DF2S   0xE0 /* DBC 1st byte range 2 start */
#define _DS1E   0x7E /* DBC 2nd byte range 1 end */
#define _DS1S   0x40 /* DBC 2nd byte range 1 start */
#define _DS2E   0xFC /* DBC 2nd byte range 2 end */
#define _DS2S   0x80 /* DBC 2nd byte range 2 start */
#define ABORT(fs, res)   { fp->flag |= FA__ERROR; LEAVE_FF(fs, res); }
#define BPB_BkBootSec   50 /* Offset of backup boot sectot (2) */
#define BPB_BytsPerSec   11 /* Sector size [byte] (2) */
#define BPB_ExtFlags   40 /* Extended flags (2) */
#define BPB_FATSz16   22 /* FAT size [sector] (2) */
#define BPB_FATSz32   36 /* FAT size [sector] (4) */
#define BPB_FSInfo   48 /* Offset of FSInfo sector (2) */
#define BPB_FSVer   42 /* File system version (2) */
#define BPB_HiddSec   28 /* Number of special hidden sectors (4) */
#define BPB_Media   21 /* Media descriptor (1) */
#define BPB_NumFATs   16 /* Number of FAT copies (1) */
#define BPB_NumHeads   26 /* Number of heads (2) */
#define BPB_RootClus   44 /* Root dir first cluster (4) */
#define BPB_RootEntCnt   17 /* Number of root dir entries for FAT12/16 (2) */
#define BPB_RsvdSecCnt   14 /* Size of reserved area [sector] (2) */
#define BPB_SecPerClus   13 /* Cluster size [sector] (1) */
#define BPB_SecPerTrk   24 /* Track size [sector] (2) */
#define BPB_TotSec16   19 /* Volume size [sector] (2) */
#define BPB_TotSec32   32 /* Volume size [sector] (4) */
#define BS_55AA   510 /* Boot sector signature (2) */
#define BS_BootSig   38 /* Extended boot signature (1) */
#define BS_BootSig32   66 /* Extended boot signature (1) */
#define BS_DrvNum   36 /* Physical drive number (2) */
#define BS_DrvNum32   64 /* Physical drive number (2) */
#define BS_FilSysType   54 /* File system type (1) */
#define BS_FilSysType32   82 /* File system type (1) */
#define BS_jmpBoot   0 /* Jump instruction (3) */
#define BS_OEMName   3 /* OEM name (8) */
#define BS_VolID   39 /* Volume serial number (4) */
#define BS_VolID32   67 /* Volume serial number (4) */
#define BS_VolLab   43 /* Volume label (8) */
#define BS_VolLab32   71 /* Volume label (8) */
#define DDE   0xE5 /* Deleted directory enrty mark in DIR_Name[0] */
#define DEF_NAMEBUF   BYTE sfn[12]
#define DIR_Attr   11 /* Attribute (1) */
#define DIR_CrtDate   16 /* Created date (2) */
#define DIR_CrtTime   14 /* Created time (2) */
#define DIR_FileSize   28 /* File size (4) */
#define DIR_FstClusHI   20 /* Higher 16-bit of first cluster (2) */
#define DIR_FstClusLO   26 /* Lower 16-bit of first cluster (2) */
#define DIR_Name   0 /* Short file name (11) */
#define DIR_NTres   12 /* NT flag (1) */
#define DIR_WrtDate   24 /* Modified date (2) */
#define DIR_WrtTime   22 /* Modified time (2) */
#define ENTER_FF(fs)
#define FREE_BUF()
#define FSI_Free_Count   488 /* FSI: Number of free clusters (4) */
#define FSI_LeadSig   0 /* FSI: Leading signature (4) */
#define FSI_Nxt_Free   492 /* FSI: Last allocated cluster (4) */
#define FSI_StrucSig   484 /* FSI: Structure signature (4) */
#define INIT_BUF(dobj)   (dobj).fn = sfn
#define IsDBCS1(c)   (((BYTE)(c) >= _DF1S && (BYTE)(c) <= _DF1E) || ((BYTE)(c) >= _DF2S && (BYTE)(c) <= _DF2E))
#define IsDBCS2(c)   (((BYTE)(c) >= _DS1S && (BYTE)(c) <= _DS1E) || ((BYTE)(c) >= _DS2S && (BYTE)(c) <= _DS2E))
#define IsDigit(c)   (((c)>='0')&&((c)<='9'))
#define IsLower(c)   (((c)>='a')&&((c)<='z'))
#define IsUpper(c)   (((c)>='A')&&((c)<='Z'))
#define LD_CLUST(dir)   (((DWORD)LD_WORD(dir+DIR_FstClusHI)<<16) | LD_WORD(dir+DIR_FstClusLO))
#define LDIR_Attr   11 /* LFN attribute (1) */
#define LDIR_Chksum   13 /* Sum of corresponding SFN entry */
#define LDIR_FstClusLO   26 /* Filled by zero (0) */
#define LDIR_Ord   0 /* LFN entry order and LLE flag (1) */
#define LDIR_Type   12 /* LFN type (1) */
#define LEAVE_FF(fs, res)   return res
#define LLE   0x40 /* Last long entry flag in LDIR_Ord */
#define MBR_Table   446 /* MBR: Partition table offset (2) */
#define MIN_FAT16   4086 /* Minimum number of clusters for FAT16 */
#define MIN_FAT32   65526 /* Minimum number of clusters for FAT32 */
#define NDDE   0x05 /* Replacement of a character collides with DDE */
#define NS   11 /* Index of name status byte in fn[] */
#define NS_BODY   0x08 /* Lower case flag (body) */
#define NS_DOT   0x20 /* Dot entry */
#define NS_EXT   0x10 /* Lower case flag (ext) */
#define NS_LAST   0x04 /* Last segment */
#define NS_LFN   0x02 /* Force to create LFN entry */
#define NS_LOSS   0x01 /* Out of 8.3 format */
#define SS(fs)   512U /* Fixed sector size */
#define ST_CLUST(dir, cl)   {ST_WORD(dir+DIR_FstClusLO, cl); ST_WORD(dir+DIR_FstClusHI, (DWORD)cl>>16);}
#define SZ_DIR   32 /* Size of a directory entry */
#define SZ_PTE   16 /* MBR: Size of a partition table entry */


static BYTE check_fs (FATFS *fs, DWORD sect)
static int chk_chr (const char *str, int chr)
static FRESULT chk_mounted (const TCHAR **path, FATFS **rfs, BYTE chk_wp)
static DWORD clust2sect (FATFS *fs, DWORD clst)
static DWORD create_chain (FATFS *fs, DWORD clst)
static FRESULT create_name (DIR *dj, const TCHAR **path)
static FRESULT dir_find (DIR *dj)
static FRESULT dir_next (DIR *dj, int stretch)
static FRESULT dir_read (DIR *dj)
static FRESULT dir_register (DIR *dj)
static FRESULT dir_remove (DIR *dj)
static FRESULT dir_sdi (DIR *dj, WORD idx)
FRESULT f_chmod (const TCHAR *path, BYTE value, BYTE mask)
FRESULT f_close (FIL *fp)
FRESULT f_getfree (const TCHAR *path, DWORD *nclst, FATFS **fatfs)
FRESULT f_lseek (FIL *fp, DWORD ofs)
FRESULT f_mkdir (const TCHAR *path)
FRESULT f_mount (BYTE vol, FATFS *fs)
FRESULT f_open (FIL *fp, const TCHAR *path, BYTE mode)
FRESULT f_opendir (DIR *dj, const TCHAR *path)
FRESULT f_read (FIL *fp, void *buff, UINT btr, UINT *br)
FRESULT f_readdir (DIR *dj, FILINFO *fno)
FRESULT f_rename (const TCHAR *path_old, const TCHAR *path_new)
FRESULT f_stat (const TCHAR *path, FILINFO *fno)
FRESULT f_sync (FIL *fp)
FRESULT f_truncate (FIL *fp)
FRESULT f_unlink (const TCHAR *path)
FRESULT f_utime (const TCHAR *path, const FILINFO *fno)
FRESULT f_write (FIL *fp, const void *buff, UINT btw, UINT *bw)
static FRESULT follow_path (DIR *dj, const TCHAR *path)
static DWORD get_fat (FATFS *fs, DWORD clst)
static void get_fileinfo (DIR *dj, FILINFO *fno)
static int mem_cmp (const void *dst, const void *src, UINT cnt)
static void mem_cpy (void *dst, const void *src, UINT cnt)
static void mem_set (void *dst, int val, UINT cnt)
static FRESULT move_window (FATFS *fs, DWORD sector)
static FRESULT put_fat (FATFS *fs, DWORD clst, DWORD val)
static FRESULT remove_chain (FATFS *fs, DWORD clst)
static FRESULT sync (FATFS *fs)
static FRESULT validate (FATFS *fs, WORD id)


static FATFSFatFs [_VOLUMES]
static WORD Fsid

#define _DF1E   0x9F /* DBC 1st byte range 1 end */
#define _DF1S   0x81 /* DBC 1st byte range 1 start */

Referenced by create_name(), and get_fileinfo().

#define _DF2E   0xFC /* DBC 1st byte range 2 end */
#define _DF2S   0xE0 /* DBC 1st byte range 2 start */
#define _DS1E   0x7E /* DBC 2nd byte range 1 end */
#define _DS1S   0x40 /* DBC 2nd byte range 1 start */
#define _DS2E   0xFC /* DBC 2nd byte range 2 end */
#define _DS2S   0x80 /* DBC 2nd byte range 2 start */
#define ABORT (   fs,
)    { fp->flag |= FA__ERROR; LEAVE_FF(fs, res); }

Referenced by f_lseek(), f_read(), and f_write().

#define BPB_BkBootSec   50 /* Offset of backup boot sectot (2) */
#define BPB_BytsPerSec   11 /* Sector size [byte] (2) */

Referenced by chk_mounted().

#define BPB_ExtFlags   40 /* Extended flags (2) */
#define BPB_FATSz16   22 /* FAT size [sector] (2) */

Referenced by chk_mounted().

#define BPB_FATSz32   36 /* FAT size [sector] (4) */

Referenced by chk_mounted().

#define BPB_FSInfo   48 /* Offset of FSInfo sector (2) */

Referenced by chk_mounted().

#define BPB_FSVer   42 /* File system version (2) */
#define BPB_HiddSec   28 /* Number of special hidden sectors (4) */
#define BPB_Media   21 /* Media descriptor (1) */
#define BPB_NumFATs   16 /* Number of FAT copies (1) */

Referenced by chk_mounted().

#define BPB_NumHeads   26 /* Number of heads (2) */
#define BPB_RootClus   44 /* Root dir first cluster (4) */

Referenced by chk_mounted().

#define BPB_RootEntCnt   17 /* Number of root dir entries for FAT12/16 (2) */

Referenced by chk_mounted().

#define BPB_RsvdSecCnt   14 /* Size of reserved area [sector] (2) */

Referenced by chk_mounted().

#define BPB_SecPerClus   13 /* Cluster size [sector] (1) */

Referenced by chk_mounted().

#define BPB_SecPerTrk   24 /* Track size [sector] (2) */
#define BPB_TotSec16   19 /* Volume size [sector] (2) */

Referenced by chk_mounted().

#define BPB_TotSec32   32 /* Volume size [sector] (4) */

Referenced by chk_mounted().

#define BS_55AA   510 /* Boot sector signature (2) */

Referenced by check_fs(), chk_mounted(), and sync().

#define BS_BootSig   38 /* Extended boot signature (1) */
#define BS_BootSig32   66 /* Extended boot signature (1) */
#define BS_DrvNum   36 /* Physical drive number (2) */
#define BS_DrvNum32   64 /* Physical drive number (2) */
#define BS_FilSysType   54 /* File system type (1) */

Referenced by check_fs().

#define BS_FilSysType32   82 /* File system type (1) */

Referenced by check_fs().

#define BS_jmpBoot   0 /* Jump instruction (3) */
#define BS_OEMName   3 /* OEM name (8) */
#define BS_VolID   39 /* Volume serial number (4) */
#define BS_VolID32   67 /* Volume serial number (4) */
#define BS_VolLab   43 /* Volume label (8) */
#define BS_VolLab32   71 /* Volume label (8) */
#define DDE   0xE5 /* Deleted directory enrty mark in DIR_Name[0] */
#define DEF_NAMEBUF   BYTE sfn[12]
#define DIR_Attr   11 /* Attribute (1) */
#define DIR_CrtDate   16 /* Created date (2) */
#define DIR_CrtTime   14 /* Created time (2) */

Referenced by f_open().

#define DIR_FileSize   28 /* File size (4) */

Referenced by f_open(), f_sync(), and get_fileinfo().

#define DIR_FstClusHI   20 /* Higher 16-bit of first cluster (2) */
#define DIR_FstClusLO   26 /* Lower 16-bit of first cluster (2) */
#define DIR_Name   0 /* Short file name (11) */

Referenced by dir_find(), dir_read(), and f_mkdir().

#define DIR_NTres   12 /* NT flag (1) */

Referenced by dir_register(), and get_fileinfo().

#define DIR_WrtDate   24 /* Modified date (2) */

Referenced by f_utime(), and get_fileinfo().

#define DIR_WrtTime   22 /* Modified time (2) */

Referenced by f_mkdir(), f_sync(), f_utime(), and get_fileinfo().

#define ENTER_FF (   fs)

Referenced by chk_mounted(), and validate().

#define FREE_BUF ( )
#define FSI_Free_Count   488 /* FSI: Number of free clusters (4) */

Referenced by chk_mounted(), and sync().

#define FSI_LeadSig   0 /* FSI: Leading signature (4) */

Referenced by chk_mounted(), and sync().

#define FSI_Nxt_Free   492 /* FSI: Last allocated cluster (4) */

Referenced by chk_mounted(), and sync().

#define FSI_StrucSig   484 /* FSI: Structure signature (4) */

Referenced by chk_mounted(), and sync().

#define INIT_BUF (   dobj)    (dobj).fn = sfn
#define IsDBCS1 (   c)    (((BYTE)(c) >= _DF1S && (BYTE)(c) <= _DF1E) || ((BYTE)(c) >= _DF2S && (BYTE)(c) <= _DF2E))

Referenced by create_name(), and get_fileinfo().

#define IsDBCS2 (   c)    (((BYTE)(c) >= _DS1S && (BYTE)(c) <= _DS1E) || ((BYTE)(c) >= _DS2S && (BYTE)(c) <= _DS2E))

Referenced by create_name(), and get_fileinfo().

#define IsDigit (   c)    (((c)>='0')&&((c)<='9'))
#define IsLower (   c)    (((c)>='a')&&((c)<='z'))

Referenced by create_name().

#define IsUpper (   c)    (((c)>='A')&&((c)<='Z'))

Referenced by create_name(), and get_fileinfo().

#define LD_CLUST (   dir)    (((DWORD)LD_WORD(dir+DIR_FstClusHI)<<16) | LD_WORD(dir+DIR_FstClusLO))
#define LDIR_Attr   11 /* LFN attribute (1) */
#define LDIR_Chksum   13 /* Sum of corresponding SFN entry */

Referenced by dir_find(), and dir_read().

#define LDIR_FstClusLO   26 /* Filled by zero (0) */
#define LDIR_Ord   0 /* LFN entry order and LLE flag (1) */
#define LDIR_Type   12 /* LFN type (1) */
#define LEAVE_FF (   fs,
)    return res
#define LLE   0x40 /* Last long entry flag in LDIR_Ord */
#define MBR_Table   446 /* MBR: Partition table offset (2) */

Referenced by chk_mounted().

#define MIN_FAT16   4086 /* Minimum number of clusters for FAT16 */

Referenced by chk_mounted().

#define MIN_FAT32   65526 /* Minimum number of clusters for FAT32 */

Referenced by chk_mounted().

#define NDDE   0x05 /* Replacement of a character collides with DDE */

Referenced by create_name(), and get_fileinfo().

#define NS   11 /* Index of name status byte in fn[] */
#define NS_BODY   0x08 /* Lower case flag (body) */
#define NS_DOT   0x20 /* Dot entry */
#define NS_EXT   0x10 /* Lower case flag (ext) */
#define NS_LAST   0x04 /* Last segment */

Referenced by create_name(), and follow_path().

#define NS_LFN   0x02 /* Force to create LFN entry */

Referenced by create_name(), and dir_register().

#define NS_LOSS   0x01 /* Out of 8.3 format */

Referenced by create_name(), dir_find(), and dir_register().

#define SS (   fs)    512U /* Fixed sector size */
#define ST_CLUST (   dir,
)    {ST_WORD(dir+DIR_FstClusLO, cl); ST_WORD(dir+DIR_FstClusHI, (DWORD)cl>>16);}

Referenced by f_mkdir(), f_open(), f_rename(), and f_sync().

#define SZ_DIR   32 /* Size of a directory entry */
#define SZ_PTE   16 /* MBR: Size of a partition table entry */

Referenced by chk_mounted().

static BYTE check_fs ( FATFS fs,
DWORD  sect 
static int chk_chr ( const char *  str,
int  chr 

References str.

Referenced by create_name().

static DWORD clust2sect ( FATFS fs,
DWORD  clst 
static DWORD create_chain ( FATFS fs,
DWORD  clst 
static FRESULT create_name ( DIR dj,
const TCHAR **  path 
static FRESULT dir_remove ( DIR dj)
FRESULT f_getfree ( const TCHAR path,
DWORD nclst,
FATFS **  fatfs 
FRESULT f_mount ( BYTE  vol,
static int mem_cmp ( const void *  dst,
const void *  src,
UINT  cnt 

References s.

Referenced by dir_find().

static void mem_cpy ( void *  dst,
const void *  src,
UINT  cnt 

References s.

Referenced by dir_register(), f_mkdir(), f_read(), f_rename(), f_unlink(), and f_write().

static void mem_set ( void *  dst,
int  val,
UINT  cnt 


Referenced by chk_mounted().