Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

MQTTPacket_connectData Struct Reference

#include <MQTTConnect.h>

Data Fields

uint8_t cleansession
unsigned char cleansession
MQTTString clientID
uint16_t keepAliveInterval
unsigned short keepAliveInterval
uint8_t MQTTVersion
 Version of MQTT to be used. More...
unsigned char MQTTVersion
 Version of MQTT to be used. More...
MQTTString password
char struct_id [4]
 The eyecatcher for this structure. More...
uint8_t struct_version
 The version number of this structure. More...
int struct_version
 The version number of this structure. More...
MQTTString username
MQTTPacket_willOptions will
uint8_t willFlag
unsigned char willFlag

uint8_t MQTTPacket_connectData::cleansession
unsigned char MQTTPacket_connectData::cleansession
uint16_t MQTTPacket_connectData::keepAliveInterval
unsigned short MQTTPacket_connectData::keepAliveInterval
uint8_t MQTTPacket_connectData::MQTTVersion

Version of MQTT to be used.

3 = 3.1 4 = 3.1.1

unsigned char MQTTPacket_connectData::MQTTVersion
char MQTTPacket_connectData::struct_id

The eyecatcher for this structure.

must be MQTC.

uint8_t MQTTPacket_connectData::struct_version

The version number of this structure.

Must be 0

int MQTTPacket_connectData::struct_version

The version number of this structure.

Must be 0

uint8_t MQTTPacket_connectData::willFlag