Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

uip-ds6-nbr.h File Reference

    IPv6 Neighbor cache (link-layer/IPv6 address mapping)
Mathilde Durvy mdurv.nosp@m.y@ci.nosp@m.sco.c.nosp@m.om
Julien Abeille jabei.nosp@m.lle@.nosp@m.cisco.nosp@m..com
Simon Duquennoy simon.nosp@m.duq@.nosp@m.sics..nosp@m.se
#include "net/ip/uip.h"
#include "net/nbr-table.h"
#include "sys/stimer.h"
#include "net/ipv6/uip-ds6.h"

Data Structures

struct  uip_ds6_nbr
 An entry in the nbr cache. More...


#define NBR_DELAY   3
#define NBR_INCOMPLETE   0
 Possible states for the nbr cache entries. More...
#define NBR_PROBE   4
#define NBR_REACHABLE   1
#define NBR_STALE   2


typedef struct uip_ds6_nbr uip_ds6_nbr_t
 An entry in the nbr cache. More...


 NBR_TABLE_DECLARE (ds6_neighbors)
uip_ds6_nbr_tuip_ds6_get_least_lifetime_neighbor (void)
This searches inside the neighbor table for the neighbor that is about to
expire the next.
void uip_ds6_link_neighbor_callback (int status, int numtx)
uip_ds6_nbr_tuip_ds6_nbr_add (const uip_ipaddr_t *ipaddr, const uip_lladdr_t *lladdr, uint8_t isrouter, uint8_t state)
 Neighbor Cache basic routines. More...
const uip_ipaddr_tuip_ds6_nbr_get_ipaddr (const uip_ds6_nbr_t *nbr)
const uip_lladdr_tuip_ds6_nbr_get_ll (const uip_ds6_nbr_t *nbr)
uip_ipaddr_tuip_ds6_nbr_ipaddr_from_lladdr (const uip_lladdr_t *lladdr)
uip_ds6_nbr_tuip_ds6_nbr_ll_lookup (const uip_lladdr_t *lladdr)
const uip_lladdr_tuip_ds6_nbr_lladdr_from_ipaddr (const uip_ipaddr_t *ipaddr)
uip_ds6_nbr_tuip_ds6_nbr_lookup (const uip_ipaddr_t *ipaddr)
int uip_ds6_nbr_num (void)
void uip_ds6_nbr_rm (uip_ds6_nbr_t *nbr)
void uip_ds6_neighbor_periodic (void)
void uip_ds6_neighbors_init (void)