Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

uhi_msc_mem.h File Reference

USB host Mass Storage interface for control access module.

Copyright (c) 2011-2018 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries.

#include "ctrl_access.h"


uint8_t uhi_msc_mem_get_lun (void)
 Gives the number of available LUN. More...
Ctrl_status uhi_msc_mem_read_10_ram (uint32_t addr, void *ram)
 Reads 512 bytes from the current LUN. More...
Ctrl_status uhi_msc_mem_read_capacity (uint8_t lun, uint32_t *u32_nb_sector)
 Returns the capacity of the LUN. More...
uint8_t uhi_msc_mem_read_sector_size (uint8_t lun)
 Returns the sector size of the LUN. More...
bool uhi_msc_mem_removal (void)
 Checks if the device is removed. More...
Ctrl_status uhi_msc_mem_test_unit_ready (uint8_t lun)
 Checks and update the status of the LUN. More...
bool uhi_msc_mem_wr_protect (uint8_t lun)
 Checks if the LUN is write protected. More...
Ctrl_status uhi_msc_mem_write_10_ram (uint32_t addr, const void *ram)
 Writes 512 bytes to the current LUN. More...