Applications and Examples | |
Unit Tests | |
Busy-Wait Delay Routines | This module provides simple loop-based delay routines for those applications requiring a brief wait during execution |
Common IOPORT API | See Quick start guide for the common IOPORT service |
 Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the Common IOPORT API |
 Quick Start Guide(s) | In this section you can find a list of all Quick Start guides related to the Common IOPORT API |
Display - ILI9325 Controller | Low-level driver for the ILI9325 LCD controller |
USART in SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) mode | This is the common API for USART in SPI mode |
USB device descriptors for a single interface | The following structures provide the USB device descriptors required for USB Device with a single interface MSC |
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) | See Quickstart guide for SAM SPI driver |
 Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) |
 Quick Start Guide(s) | In this section you can find a list of all Quick Start guides related to the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) |
Quad Serial Peripheral Interface (QSPI) | See sam_qspi_quickstart |
 Quick Start Guide(s) | In this section you can find a list of all Quick Start guides related to the Quad Serial Peripheral Interface (QSPI) |
Standard I/O (stdio) | Common standard I/O driver that implements the stdio read and write functions on AVR and SAM devices |
 Standard serial I/O (stdio) | Common standard serial I/O management driver that implements a stdio serial interface on AVR and SAM devices |
 USB/CDC Standard I/O (stdio) | Standard I/O (stdio) management component that implements a stdio USB CDC interface on AVR devices |
  Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the USB/CDC Standard I/O (stdio) |
  Quick Start Guide(s) | In this section you can find a list of all Quick Start guides related to the USB/CDC Standard I/O (stdio) |
QSPI Flash S25FL1XX Series | Low-level driver for the S25FL1XX Series QSPI Flash controller |
Compiler abstraction layer and code utilities | Compiler abstraction layer and code utilities for AT91SAM |
 Preprocessor - Macro Repeat | |
 Preprocessor - Token Paste | |
 Preprocessor - Stringize | |
General Purpose Input/Output | This is the common API for GPIO |
I2SC - Inter-IC Sound Controller | Driver for the I2SC - Inter-IC Sound Controller module |
 Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the I2SC - Inter-IC Sound Controller |
First-In-First-Out Buffer (FIFO) | See Quick start guide for First-In-First-Out Buffer (FIFO) |
 Quick Start Guide(s) | In this section you can find a list of all Quick Start guides related to the First-In-First-Out Buffer (FIFO) |
USB device descriptors for a single interface | The following structures provide the USB device descriptors required for USB Device with a single interface PHDC |
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) | This is the common API for SPI interface |
 Quick Start Guide(s) | In this section you can find a list of all Quick Start guides related to the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) |
Global interrupt management | This is a driver for global enabling and disabling of interrupts |
 Deprecated interrupt definitions | |
Reinforced Safety Watchdog Timer (RSWDT) | Driver for the RSWDT (Reinforced Safety Watchdog Timer) |
Implementation of SD/MMC/SDIO Stack | |
SD/MMC/SDIO common stack | SD/MMC/SDIO basic APIs used by SD/MMC/SDIO memory APIs (sd_mmc_stack_mem_group) |
 Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the SD/MMC/SDIO common stack |
 Common SPI interface for SD/MMC stack | |
 SD/MMC Memory | SD/MMC memory APIs required by CTRL_ACCESS module (Memory Control Access) |
  Implementation of SD/MMC Memory | |
 SD/MMC Protocol Definition | |
Digital-to-Analog Converter Controller (DACC) | |
 Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the Digital-to-Analog Converter Controller (DACC) |
Power Management Controller (PMC) | |
 Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the Power Management Controller (PMC) |
 Quick Start Guide(s) | In this section you can find a list of all Quick Start guides related to the Power Management Controller (PMC) |
Power Manager (PM) | This is a stub on the SAM Power Manager Control (PMC) for the sleepmgr service |
Integrity Check Monitor Controller (ICM) | This is a driver for configuring, enabling/disabling and use of the on-chip ICM |
 Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the Integrity Check Monitor Controller (ICM) |
 Quick Start Guide(s) | In this section you can find a list of all Quick Start guides related to the Integrity Check Monitor Controller (ICM) |
SineCosine Example | |
SDRAM IS42S16100E | This is a configuration for the IS42S16100E SDRAM from Micron |
 Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the SDRAM IS42S16100E |
AT25DFx SerialFlash component driver. | See Quickstart guide for AT25DFx component. |
 Quick Start Guide(s) | In this section you can find a list of all Quick Start guides related to the AT25DFx SerialFlash component driver. |
Synchronous Serial Controller (SSC) | The Synchronous Serial Controller (SSC) provides a synchronous communication link with external devices |
 Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the Synchronous Serial Controller (SSC) |
Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transceiver (UART) | The Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter features a two-pin UART that can be used for communication and trace purposes and offers an ideal medium for in-situ programming solutions |
Atmel BLE SDK | |
Serial Interface (Serial) | See Quick start guide for Serial Interface service |
 Quick Start Guide(s) | In this section you can find a list of all Quick Start guides related to the Serial Interface (Serial) |
Atmel part identification macros | This collection of macros identify which series and families that the various Atmel parts belong to |
 AVR UC3 parts | |
 AVR XMEGA parts | |
 megaAVR parts | |
 SAM parts | |
General Purpose Backup Registers (GPBR) | Driver for the General Purpose Backup Registers |
Supply Controller (SUPC) | Driver for the SUPC (Supply Controller) |
Chip Identifier (CHIPID) | |
 Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the Chip Identifier (CHIPID) |
TRNG - True Random Number Generator | Driver for the TRNG (True Random Number Generator) |
 Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the TRNG - True Random Number Generator |
xQueueCreate | Queue |
xQueueSend | Queue |
xQueueReceive | Queue |
xQueueSendFromISR | Queue |
xQueueReceiveFromISR | Queue |
vSemaphoreCreateBinary | Semphr |
xSemaphoreTake | Semphr |
xSemaphoreTakeRecursive | Semphr |
xSemaphoreGive | Semphr |
xSemaphoreGiveRecursive | Semphr |
xSemaphoreGiveFromISR | Semphr |
vSemaphoreCreateMutex | Semphr |
xSemaphoreCreateCounting | Semphr |
xCoRoutineCreate | Croutine |
vCoRoutineSchedule | Croutine |
crSTART | Croutine |
crDELAY | Croutine |
crQUEUE_RECEIVE | Croutine |
crQUEUE_SEND_FROM_ISR | Croutine |
xTaskCreate | Task |
xTaskCreateRestricted | Task |
vTaskDelete | Task |
vTaskDelay | Task |
vTaskDelayUntil | Task |
uxTaskPriorityGet | Task |
vTaskPrioritySet | Task |
vTaskSuspend | Task |
vTaskResume | Task |
vTaskResumeFromISR | Task |
vTaskStartScheduler | Task |
vTaskEndScheduler | Task |
vTaskSuspendAll | Task |
xTaskResumeAll | Task |
Convolution Example | |
Two Wire-interface High Speed(TWIHS) | This is the common API for TWIHS |
 Quick Start Guide(s) | In this section you can find a list of all Quick Start guides related to the Two Wire-interface High Speed(TWIHS) |
Frequency Bin Example | |
SDRAMC - SDRAM Controller | See Quickstart guide for SDRAMC driver. |
 Quick Start Guide(s) | In this section you can find a list of all Quick Start guides related to the SDRAMC - SDRAM Controller |
CAN - SN65HVD234 | Transceiver |
Universal Synchronous Asynchronous | Receiver Transmitter (USART) |
 Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the Universal Synchronous Asynchronous |
 Quick Start Guide(s) | In this section you can find a list of all Quick Start guides related to the Universal Synchronous Asynchronous |
Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver | Transmitter (USART) |
WINC3400 (Wi-Fi + BLE) | |
Version | Describes the APIs for reading the version information of the WINC firmware. |
 Defines | Specifies the macros and defines used by the version APIs. |
 Functions | Lists the APIs for reading the version information of the WINC firmware. |
Common | |
 Defines | |
 Functions | |
Socket | BSD compatible socket interface between the host layer and the network protocol stacks in the firmware |
 Defines | The following list of macros are used to define constants used throughout the socket layer, and SSL Socket options |
  TCP/IP Defines | The following list of macros are used to define constants used throughout the socket layer |
  TLS Defines | |
   TLS Socket Options | The following list of macros are used to define SSL Socket options |
   TLS Cipher Suite IDs | The following list of macros defined the list of supported TLS Cipher suites |
   Legacy names for TLS Cipher Suite IDs | The following list of macros MUST NOT be used |
 Byte Order | The following list of macros are used to convert between host representation and network byte order |
 Error Codes | The following list of macros are used to define the possible error codes |
 Enumeration/Typedefs | Specific Enumeration-typedefs used for socket operations |
  Asynchronous Events | Specific Enumeration used for asynchronous operations |
 Callbacks | |
 Functions | The function performs the necessary initializations for the socket library through the following steps:
  socketInit | The function performs the necessary initializations for the socket library through the following steps: |
  socketDeInit | |
  socketState | |
  registerSocketCallback | Register two callback functions one for asynchronous socket events and the other one for DNS callback registering function |
  socket | Synchronous socket allocation function based on the specified socket type |
  bind | Asynchronous bind function associates the provided address and local port to the socket |
  listen | After successful socket binding to an IP address and port on the system, start listening on a passive socket for incoming connections |
  accept | The function has no current implementation |
  connect | Establishes a TCP connection with a remote server. |
  secure | Converts an (insecure) TCP connection with a remote server into a secure TLS-over-TCP connection. |
  recv | An asynchronous receive function, used to retrieve data from a TCP stream. |
  recvfrom | Receives data from a UDP Socket |
  send | Asynchronous sending function, used to send data on a TCP/UDP socket |
  sendto | Asynchronous sending function, used to send data on a UDP socket |
  close | Synchronous close function, releases all the socket assigned resources |
  nmi_inet_addr | Synchronous function which returns a BSD socket compliant Internet Protocol (IPv4) socket address |
  gethostbyname | Asynchronous DNS resolving function |
  sslEnableCertExpirationCheck | Configure the behavior of the SSL Library for Certificate Expiry Validation |
  setsockopt | The setsockopt() function shall set the option specified by the option_name argument, at the protocol level specified by the level argument, to the value pointed to by the option_value argument for the socket specified by the socket argument |
  getsockopt | Get socket options retrieves This Function isn't implemented yet but this is the form that will be released later |
  m2m_ping_req | The function sends ping request to the given IP Address. |
WLAN | |
 Callbacks | Provides detail on the available callbacks for the Wlan APIs. |
 Defines | Specifies the macros and defines used by the Wlan APIs. |
  DebugDefines | |
 Enumerations and Typedefs | Specifies the enums and Data Structures used by the Wlan APIs. |
 Functions | Here are listed all the functions that implement the Wlan APIs. |
  Initialization | Here are listed all the functions that implement the Wlan Initialization APIs. |
  Wlan Events | Here are listed all the functions that implement the Wlan Events APIs. |
  Connection | Here are listed all the functions that implement the Wifi Connection APIs. |
  Scanning | Here are listed all the functions that implement the Wifi Scanning APIs. |
  Hot-Spot (Access-Point) | Here are listed all the functions that implement the Wifi Hot-Spot (Access-Point) APIs. |
  Bypass Mode | Here are listed all the functions that implement the Bypass Mode APIs. |
  Roaming | Here are listed all the functions that implement the Wifi Roaming APIs. |
  Power Save | Here are listed all the functions that implement the Power-Save APIs. |
  Configuration | Here are listed all the functions that implement the Wlan Configuration APIs. |
  System Time | Here are listed all the functions that implement the System Time APIs. |
  Provisioning | Here are listed all the functions that implement the Wifi Provisioning APIs. |
  Crypto | Here are listed all the functions that implement the Wifi Crypto APIs. |
  BLE | Here are listed all the functions that implement the BLE APIs. |
OTA | The WINC supports OTA (Over-The-Air) updates. |
 Callbacks | Lists the different callbacks that can be used during OTA updates. |
 Defines | Specifies the macros and defines used by the OTA APIs. |
 Enumerations and Typedefs | Specifies the enums and Data Structures used by the OTA APIs. |
 Functions | Lists the full set of available APIs to manage OTA updates and Host File Downloads. |
  Common | |
  WINC | |
  HFD | |
Flash | |
 Enumeration/Typedefs | |
 Functions | |
BSP | Description of the BSP (<strong>B</strong>oard <strong>S</strong>upport <strong>P</strong>ackage) module. |
 Defines | |
 Data Types | |
 Functions | Lists the available BSP (<strong>B</strong>oard <strong>S</strong>upport <strong>P</strong>ackage) APIs. |
  nm_bsp_init | Initialization for BSP (<strong>B</strong>oard <strong>S</strong>upport <strong>P</strong>ackage)
such as Reset and Chip Enable Pins for WINC, delays, register ISR, enable/disable IRQ for WINC, etc. |
  nm_bsp_deinit | De-initialization of the BSP (<strong>B</strong>oard <strong>S</strong>upport <strong>P</strong>ackage). |
  nm_bsp_reset | Resets the WINC SoC by setting CHIP_EN and RESET_N signals low, then after an appropriate delay,
this function will put CHIP_EN high then RESET_N high, for more details on the timing between signals
please check the WINC data-sheet. |
  nm_bsp_sleep | Sleep in units of milliseconds. |
  nm_bsp_register_isr | Register ISR (Interrupt Service Routine) in the initialization of the HIF (Host Interface) Layer. |
  nm_bsp_interrupt_ctrl | Synchronous enable/disable of WINC to host interrupts. |
SSL | Provides a description of the SSL Layer. |
 TLS Defines | |
  TLS Socket Options | The following list of macros are used to define SSL Socket options |
  TLS Cipher Suite IDs | The following list of macros defined the list of supported TLS Cipher suites |
  Legacy names for TLS Cipher Suite IDs | The following list of macros MUST NOT be used |
 Callbacks | Provides detail on the available callbacks for the SSL Layer. |
 Enumerations and Typedefs | Specifies the enums and Data Structures used by the SSL APIs. |
 Functions | Provides detail on the available APIs for the SSL Layer. |
Ethernet PHY Media Access Controller | See Quickstart guide for GMAC driver. |
 Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the Ethernet PHY Media Access Controller |
 Quick Start Guide(s) | In this section you can find a list of all Quick Start guides related to the Ethernet PHY Media Access Controller |
SAMV71/V70/E70/S70 XDMA Controller (XDMAC) Driver | This driver for Atmel® | SMART SAM XDMA Controller (XDMAC) is a AHB-protocol central direct memory access controller |
 Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the SAMV71/V70/E70/S70 XDMA Controller (XDMAC) Driver |
maXTouch low-level component | See Quick start guide for the maXTouch component |
 Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the maXTouch low-level component |
 Quick Start Guide(s) | In this section you can find a list of all Quick Start guides related to the maXTouch low-level component |
FatFS file system service | Service of FatFS file system |
High Speed MultiMedia Card Interface (HSMCI) | This driver interfaces the HSMCI module |
 High Speed MultiMedia Card Interface | (HSMCI) implementation |
Generic board support | The generic board support module includes board-specific definitions and function prototypes, such as the board initialization function |
Real-time Timer (RTT) | The Real-time Timer is built around a 32-bit counter used to count roll-over events of the programmable 16-bit prescaler, which enables counting elapsed seconds from a 32 kHz slow clock source |
 Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the Real-time Timer (RTT) |
WINC1500 (Wi-Fi) | |
Socket | BSD compatible socket interface between the host layer and the network protocol stacks in the firmware |
 Defines | |
  TCP/IP Defines | The following list of macros are used to define constants used throughout the socket layer |
 Error Codes | The following list of macros are used to define the possible error codes |
 Enumeration/Typedefs | Specific Enumeration-typedefs used for socket operations |
  Asynchronous Events | Specific Enumeration used for asynchronous operations |
 Callbacks | |
 Functions | The function performs the necessary initializations for the socket library through the following steps:
  socketInit | The function performs the necessary initializations for the socket library through the following steps: |
  socketDeInit | |
  socketState | |
  registerSocketCallback | Register two callback functions one for asynchronous socket events and the other one for DNS callback registering function |
  socket | Synchronous socket allocation function based on the specified socket type |
  bind | Asynchronous bind function associates the provided address and local port to the socket |
  listen | After successful socket binding to an IP address and port on the system, start listening on a passive socket for incoming connections |
  accept | The function has no current implementation |
  connect | Establishes a TCP connection with a remote server. |
  secure | Converts an (insecure) TCP connection with a remote server into a secure TLS-over-TCP connection. |
  recv | An asynchronous receive function, used to retrieve data from a TCP stream. |
  recvfrom | Receives data from a UDP Socket |
  send | Asynchronous sending function, used to send data on a TCP/UDP socket |
  sendto | Asynchronous sending function, used to send data on a UDP socket |
  close | Synchronous close function, releases all the socket assigned resources |
  nmi_inet_addr | Synchronous function which returns a BSD socket compliant Internet Protocol (IPv4) socket address |
  gethostbyname | Asynchronous DNS resolving function |
  sslEnableCertExpirationCheck | Configure the behavior of the SSL Library for Certificate Expiry Validation |
  setsockopt | The setsockopt() function shall set the option specified by the option_name argument, at the protocol level specified by the level argument, to the value pointed to by the option_value argument for the socket specified by the socket argument |
  getsockopt | Get socket options retrieves This Function isn't implemented yet but this is the form that will be released later |
  m2m_ping_req | The function sends ping request to the given IP Address. |
 Byte Order | The following list of macros are used to convert between host representation and network byte order |
Spi Flash | |
  Functions | |
  spi_flexible_flash_find_section | |
  spi_flash_get_size | |
  spi_flash_write | |
  spi_flash_erase | |
Embedded Flash Service | The Embedded Flash service provides functions for internal flash operations |
 Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the Embedded Flash Service |
SAM3/4C/4CM/4CP/4E/4N/4S/G/V71/V70/S70/E70 Reset Controller (RSTC) Driver | This driver for Atmel® | SMART ARM®-based microcontrollers provides an interface for the configuration and management of the device's Reset Controller functionality |
Descriptors for a USB Device | Composite |
USB device descriptors for a single interface | The following structures provide the USB device descriptors required for USB Device with a single interface Vendor Class |
Peripheral Parallel Input/Output (PIO) Controller | |
 Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the Peripheral Parallel Input/Output (PIO) Controller |
 Quick Start Guide(s) | In this section you can find a list of all Quick Start guides related to the Peripheral Parallel Input/Output (PIO) Controller |
Port of low level driver for FatFS | Low level driver for FatFS |
Accelerometer BNO055 | Sensor |
 Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the Accelerometer BNO055 |
Sleep manager | The sleep manager is a service for ensuring that the device is not put to sleep in deeper sleep modes than the system (e.g., peripheral drivers, services or the application) allows at any given time |
 Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the Sleep manager |
EEPROM AT24Cxx Series | Low-level driver for the AT24MACXX Series EEPROM controller |
 Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the EEPROM AT24Cxx Series |
SAM3/4S/4L/4E/4N/4CM/4C/G Timer Counter (TC) Driver | This driver for Atmel® | SMART ARM®-based microcontrollers provides an interface for the configuration and management of the device's Timer Counter functionality |
Provisioning | |
AT30TSE75X Temperature Sensor | This driver provides API for AT30TSE75X temperature sensor through I2C interface |
 Quick Start Guide(s) | In this section you can find a list of all Quick Start guides related to the AT30TSE75X Temperature Sensor |
SAM3S/4E/4S/V71/V70/S70/E70 Analog Comparator Controller (ACC) Driver | This driver for Atmel® | SMART ARM®-based microcontrollers provides an interface for the configuration and management of the device's Analog Comparator Controller functionality |
 Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the SAM3S/4E/4S/V71/V70/S70/E70 Analog Comparator Controller (ACC) Driver |
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) | See Quickstart guide for SAM PWM module |
 Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) |
 Quick Start Guide(s) | In this section you can find a list of all Quick Start guides related to the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) |
USB device descriptors for a single interface | The following structures provide the USB device descriptors required for USB Device with a single interface CDC |
FIR Lowpass Filter Example | |
Linear Interpolate Example | CMSIS DSP Software Library – Linear Interpolate Example |
USB Stack | This stack includes the USB Device Stack, USB Host Stack and common definitions |
 USB Stack Device | This module includes USB Stack Device implementation |
  USB Device Interface (UDI) | The UDI provides a common API for all classes, and this is used by UDC for the main control of USB Device interface |
   Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the USB Device Interface (UDI) |
   USB interface descriptors | The following structures provide predefined USB interface descriptors |
    Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the USB interface descriptors |
    Quick Start Guide(s) | In this section you can find a list of all Quick Start guides related to the USB interface descriptors |
    Interface with USB Device Core (UDC) | Structures and functions required by UDC |
    Implementation of UDI MSC | Class internal implementation |
   USB Device Interface (UDI) for Personal Healthcare | Device Class (PHDC) |
    Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the USB Device Interface (UDI) for Personal Healthcare |
    Interface with USB Device Core (UDC) | Structures and functions required by UDC |
    Implementation of UDI PHDC | Class internal implementation |
    USB interface descriptors | The following structures provide predefined USB interface descriptors |
   USB Device Interface (UDI) for Communication Class Device (CDC) | Common APIs used by high level application to use this USB class |
    Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the USB Device Interface (UDI) for Communication Class Device (CDC) |
    Quick Start Guide(s) | In this section you can find a list of all Quick Start guides related to the USB Device Interface (UDI) for Communication Class Device (CDC) |
    Interface with USB Device Core (UDC) | Structures and functions required by UDC |
    Implementation of UDI CDC | Class internal implementation |
    USB interface descriptors | The following structures provide predefined USB interface descriptors |
   USB Device Interface (UDI) for Vendor Class | Common APIs used by high level application to use this USB class |
    Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the USB Device Interface (UDI) for Vendor Class |
    Quick Start Guide(s) | In this section you can find a list of all Quick Start guides related to the USB Device Interface (UDI) for Vendor Class |
    Interface with USB Device Core (UDC) | Structures and functions required by UDC |
    Implementation of UDI Vendor Class | Class internal implementation |
    USB interface descriptors | The following structures provide predefined USB interface descriptors |
   USB Device Interface (UDI) for Human Interface Device (HID) | Common library for all Human Interface Device (HID) implementation |
    USB Device Interface (UDI) for Human Interface Device (HID) Mouse Class | Common APIs used by high level application to use this USB class |
     Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the USB Device Interface (UDI) for Human Interface Device (HID) Mouse Class |
     Quick Start Guide(s) | In this section you can find a list of all Quick Start guides related to the USB Device Interface (UDI) for Human Interface Device (HID) Mouse Class |
     Interface with USB Device Core (UDC) | Structures and functions required by UDC |
     Implementation of UDI HID Mouse | Class internal implementation |
     USB interface descriptors | The following structures provide predefined USB interface descriptors |
     USB device descriptors for a single interface | The following structures provide the USB device descriptors required for USB Device with a single interface HID mouse |
    USB Device Interface (UDI) for Human Interface Device (HID) Keyboard Class | Common APIs used by high level application to use this USB class |
     Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the USB Device Interface (UDI) for Human Interface Device (HID) Keyboard Class |
     Quick Start Guide(s) | In this section you can find a list of all Quick Start guides related to the USB Device Interface (UDI) for Human Interface Device (HID) Keyboard Class |
     Interface with USB Device Core (UDC) | Structures and functions required by UDC |
     Implementation of UDI HID keyboard | Class internal implementation |
     USB device descriptors for a single interface | The following structures provide the USB device descriptors required for USB Device with a single interface HID keyboard |
     USB interface descriptors | The following structures provide predefined USB interface descriptors |
    Implementation of HID common library | |
    USB Device Interface (UDI) for Human Interface Device (HID) Generic Class | Common APIs used by high level application to use this USB class |
     Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the USB Device Interface (UDI) for Human Interface Device (HID) Generic Class |
     Quick Start Guide(s) | In this section you can find a list of all Quick Start guides related to the USB Device Interface (UDI) for Human Interface Device (HID) Generic Class |
     Interface with USB Device Core (UDC) | Structures and functions required by UDC |
     Implementation of UDI HID Generic | Class internal implementation |
     USB interface descriptors | The following structures provide predefined USB interface descriptors |
     USB device descriptors for a single interface | The following structures provide the USB device descriptors required for USB Device with a single interface HID generic |
  USB Device Driver (UDD) | The UDD driver provides a low-level abstraction of the device controller hardware |
   USB High-Speed Port for device mode (USBHS) | USBHS low-level driver for USB device mode |
  USB Device Controller (UDC) | The UDC provides a high-level abstraction of the usb device |
   USB Device Controller (UDC) - Prerequisites | Common prerequisites for all USB devices |
   USB Device Controller (UDC) - Example code | Common example code for all USB devices |
   USB Device Controller (UDC) - Workflow | Common workflow for all USB devices |
   USB Device Descriptor | |
   Implementation of UDC | Internal implementation |
 USBHS OTG Driver | USBHS low-level driver for OTG features |
 USB Protocol Definitions | This module defines constants and data structures provided by the USB 2.0 specification |
  USB Personal Healthcare Device Class (PHDC) | Protocol definitions |
  USB Mass Storage Class (MSC) protocol definitions | |
   SCSI Primary Commands protocol definitions | |
   SCSI Block Commands protocol definitions | |
  USB Vendor Class definitions | |
  Communication Device Class Definitions | |
  USB Android Open Accessory | |
  USB Human Interface Device (HID) | Protocol definitions |
 Atmel USB Identifiers | This module defines Atmel PID and VIDs constants |
 USB Stack Host | This module includes USB Stack Host implementation |
  USB Host Driver (UHD) | USBHS low-level driver for USB host mode |
  USB Host Interface (UHI) | The UHI provides a common API for all classes, and this is used by UHC for the main control of USB host interface |
   Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the USB Host Interface (UHI) |
   UHI for Communication Device Class | Common APIs used by high level application to use this USB host class |
    Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the UHI for Communication Device Class |
    Quick Start Guide(s) | In this section you can find a list of all Quick Start guides related to the UHI for Communication Device Class |
    Implementation of UHI Communication Device Class | Class internal implementation |
    Interface with USB Host Core (UHC) | Define and functions required by UHC |
   UHI for Human Interface Device Mouse Class | Common APIs used by high level application to use this USB host class |
    Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the UHI for Human Interface Device Mouse Class |
    Quick Start Guide(s) | In this section you can find a list of all Quick Start guides related to the UHI for Human Interface Device Mouse Class |
    Implementation of UHI HID Mouse | Class internal implementation |
    Interface with USB Host Core (UHC) | Define and functions required by UHC |
   UHI for Mass Storage Class | Common APIs used by high level application to use this USB host class |
    USB host Mass Storage interface for control access module | Layer added on UHI MSC interface to allow the usage of control access module |
     Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the USB host Mass Storage interface for control access module |
     Quick Start Guide(s) | In this section you can find a list of all Quick Start guides related to the USB host Mass Storage interface for control access module |
     Implementation of USB host Mass Storage | Interface for control access module |
    Implementation of UHI Mass Storage Class | Class internal implementation |
    Interface with USB Host Core (UHC) | Define and functions required by UHC |
   UHI for Vendor Class | Common APIs used by high level application to use this USB host class |
    Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the UHI for Vendor Class |
    Quick Start Guide(s) | In this section you can find a list of all Quick Start guides related to the UHI for Vendor Class |
    Implementation of UHI Vendor | Class internal implementation |
    Interface with USB Host Core (UHC) | Define and functions required by UHC |
   UHI for Android Open Accessory | |
    Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the UHI for Android Open Accessory |
  USB host Controller (UHC) | The UHC provides a high-level abstraction of the usb host |
   Implementation of UHC | Internal implementation |
   USB Host Controller (UHC) - Prerequisites | Common prerequisites for all USB hosts |
   USB Host Controller (UHC) - Example code | Common example code for all USB hosts |
   USB Device Controller (UHC) - Workflow | Common workflow for all USB devices |
Display - ILI9488 Controller | Low-level driver for the ILI9488 LCD controller |
 Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the Display - ILI9488 Controller |
Dot Product Example | |
Platform API | |
GATT client API | |
GATT server API | |
Matrix (MATRIX) | |
 Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the Matrix (MATRIX) |
ILI9341 Display Controller Component Driver | See Quick Start Guide for the ILI9341 Display Controller Component Driver |
 Quick Start Guide(s) | In this section you can find a list of all Quick Start guides related to the ILI9341 Display Controller Component Driver |
Clock Management | |
 Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the Clock Management |
 Quick Start Guide(s) | In this section you can find a list of all Quick Start guides related to the Clock Management |
 Generic Clock Management | Generic clocks are configurable clocks which run outside the system clock domain |
 Oscillator Management | This group contains functions and definitions related to configuring and enabling/disabling on-chip oscillators |
 System Clock Management | See Quick Start Guide for the System Clock Management |
 PLL Management | This group contains functions and definitions related to configuring and enabling/disabling on-chip PLLs |
SAMV71/V70/E70/S70 Image Sensor Interface Driver | This driver for Atmel® | SMART ARM®-based SAM Image Sensor Interface (ISI) connects a CMOS-type image sensor to the processor and provides image capture in various formats |
Ov7740_cmos_image_sensor_registers_group | This file defines several arrays |
Ov7740_cmos_image_sensor_group | Low-level driver for the OV7740 CMOS image sensor |
High-Speed Two-Wire Interface (TWIHS) | Driver for the TWIHS (High-Speed Two-Wire Interface) |
 Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the High-Speed Two-Wire Interface (TWIHS) |
MPU - Memory Protect Unit | |
 MMU Initialization | |
COMPONENT - Display - HX8347A Controller | Low-level driver for the HX8347A LCD controller |
Display - ILI93XX Controller | Low-level driver for the ILI93XX LCD controller |
 Quick Start Guide(s) | In this section you can find a list of all Quick Start guides related to the Display - ILI93XX Controller |
Class Marks Example | |
Analog-Front-End Controller | See Quickstart guide for SAM AFEC driver |
 Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the Analog-Front-End Controller |
 Quick Start Guide(s) | In this section you can find a list of all Quick Start guides related to the Analog-Front-End Controller |
Ethernet Phy | This is the common API for Ethernet Phy on ARMs |
Variance Example | |
Test Suite Framework | This module is the test suite framework, which provides a set of standard functions and macros for defining and running test suites |
Signal Convergence Example | |
EventGroup | An event group is a collection of bits to which an application can assign a meaning |
 EventGroupHandle_t | Event_groups.h |
 xEventGroupCreate | Event_groups.h |
 xEventGroupWaitBits | Event_groups.h |
 xEventGroupClearBits | Event_groups.h |
 xEventGroupSetBitsFromISR | Event_groups.h |
 xEventGroupSetBits | Event_groups.h |
 xEventGroupSync | Event_groups.h |
 xEventGroupGetBits | Event_groups.h |
 xEventGroupGetBitsFromISR | Event_groups.h |
 xEventGroupClearBitsFromISR | Event_groups.h |
xQueueOverwrite | Queue |
xQueuePeekFromISR | Queue |
uxQueueMessagesWaiting | Queue |
vQueueDelete | Queue |
xQueueOverwriteFromISR | Queue |
TaskHandle_t | Task |
taskYIELD | Task |
taskEXIT_CRITICAL | Task |
xTaskGetTickCount | Task |
xTaskGetTickCountFromISR | Task |
uxTaskGetNumberOfTasks | Task |
pcTaskGetTaskName | Task |
vTaskList | Task |
vTaskGetRunTimeStats | Task |
xTaskNotify | Task |
xTaskNotifyWait | Task |
xTaskNotifyGive | Task |
ulTaskNotifyTake | Task |
xTaskNotifyStateClear | Task |
vSemaphoreDelete | Semphr |
Memory Control Access | Common abstraction layer for memory interfaces |
SAM Control Area Network (MCAN) Low Level Driver | This driver for AtmelĀ® | SMART SAM devices provides an low level interface for the configuration and management of the device's Control Area Network functionality |
 Quick Start Guide(s) | In this section you can find a list of all Quick Start guides related to the SAM Control Area Network (MCAN) Low Level Driver |
Static Memory Controller (SMC) | Driver for the Static Memory Controller |
Matrix Example | |
Watchdog Timer (WDT) | Driver for the WDT (Watchdog Timer) |
 Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the Watchdog Timer (WDT) |
Enhanced Embedded Flash Controller (EEFC) | The Enhanced Embedded Flash Controller ensures the interface of the Flash block with the 32-bit internal bus |
xMessageBufferCreate | Message_buffer.h |
xMessageBufferCreateStatic | Message_buffer.h |
xMessageBufferSend | Message_buffer.h |
xMessageBufferSendFromISR | Message_buffer.h |
xMessageBufferReceive | Message_buffer.h |
xMessageBufferReceiveFromISR | Message_buffer.h |
xMessageBufferReset | Message_buffer.h |
xMessageBufferSpaceAvailable | Message_buffer.h |
xMessageBufferSendCompletedFromISR | Message_buffer.h |
xMessageBufferReceiveCompletedFromISR | Message_buffer.h |
xQueueCreateStatic | Queue |
xQueuePeek | Queue |
xTaskCreateStatic | Task |
xTaskCreateRestrictedStatic | Task |
xTaskAbortDelay | Task |
vTaskGetInfo | Task |
pcTaskGetName | Task |
pcTaskGetHandle | Task |
xStreamBufferCreate | Message_buffer.h |
xStreamBufferCreateStatic | Stream_buffer.h |
xStreamBufferSend | Stream_buffer.h |
xStreamBufferSendFromISR | Stream_buffer.h |
xStreamBufferReceive | Stream_buffer.h |
xStreamBufferReceiveFromISR | Stream_buffer.h |
vStreamBufferDelete | Stream_buffer.h |
xStreamBufferIsFull | Stream_buffer.h |
xStreamBufferIsEmpty | Stream_buffer.h |
xStreamBufferReset | Stream_buffer.h |
xStreamBufferSpacesAvailable | Stream_buffer.h |
xStreamBufferBytesAvailable | Stream_buffer.h |
xStreamBufferSetTriggerLevel | Stream_buffer.h |
xStreamBufferSendCompletedFromISR | Stream_buffer.h |
xStreamBufferReceiveCompletedFromISR | Stream_buffer.h |
xSemaphoreCreateBinary | Semphr |
xSemaphoreCreateBinaryStatic | Semphr |
xSemaphoreCreateMutex | Semphr |
xSemaphoreCreateMutexStatic | Semphr |
xSemaphoreCreateRecursiveMutex | Semphr |
xSemaphoreCreateRecursiveMutexStatic | Semphr |
xSemaphoreCreateCountingStatic | Semphr |
PHY component (KSZ8081RNA) | Driver for the ksz8081rna component |
Memory Bag Allocator | The Membag allocator is a optimized, fragmentationless general purpose memory allocator utility module designed to replace the standard C library malloc() and free() functions in resource constrained environments |
AT45dbx DataFlash component driver. | This is a driver for the AT45dbX series DataFlash memories |
Graphic Audio Equalizer Example | |
Real-Time Clock (RTC) | See Quickstart guide for SAM RTC driver |
 Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the Real-Time Clock (RTC) |
 Quick Start Guide(s) | In this section you can find a list of all Quick Start guides related to the Real-Time Clock (RTC) |
SAM4C/4E/V71/V70/S70/E70 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Driver | This driver for Atmel® | SMART ARM®-based microcontrollers provides an interface for the configuration and management of the device's Advanced Encryption Standard functionality |
 Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the SAM4C/4E/V71/V70/S70/E70 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Driver |
 Quick Start Guide(s) | In this section you can find a list of all Quick Start guides related to the SAM4C/4E/V71/V70/S70/E70 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Driver |
Virtual Memory in RAM | The component manages a disk on a volatile memory (internal RAM) |
Graphical display system | This service provides an interface to drawing graphics on a graphical display |
 Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the Graphical display system |
 Quick Start Guide(s) | In this section you can find a list of all Quick Start guides related to the Graphical display system |
 90_00028_A0 display using ILI9488 display controller | This is hardware specific configuration that configures the graphical service for use with the ILI9488 display controller and the 90-00028-A0 display |
 display using ILI93XX display controller | This is hardware specific configuration that configures the graphical service for use with the ILI93XX display controller display |
 SDT028ATFT display using ILI9341 display controller | This is hardware specific configuration that configures the graphical service for use with the ILI9341 display controller and the SDT028ATFT display |
 FTM280C34D display using ILI9325 display controller | This is hardware specific configuration that configures the graphical service for use with the ILI9325 display controller and the ET024006DHU display |
 Generic Implementation of Graphics Primitives | This is a library of generic implementations of various graphics primitives |
 Font support | This modules provides functionality for outputting a font to a display |
  System font | The system font objects are globally available for a graphical application |
   Related Project(s) | In this section you can find all the projects related to the System font |
   Quick Start Guide(s) | In this section you can find a list of all Quick Start guides related to the System font |