WINC BSD compatible Socket Interface.
Copyright (c) 2016-2021 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries.
NMI_API sint8 | accept (SOCKET sock, struct sockaddr *addr, uint8 *addrlen) |
NMI_API sint8 | bind (SOCKET sock, struct sockaddr *pstrAddr, uint8 u8AddrLen) |
NMI_API sint8 | close (SOCKET sock) |
| Synchronous close function, releases all the socket assigned resources. More...
NMI_API sint8 | connect (SOCKET sock, struct sockaddr *pstrAddr, uint8 u8AddrLen) |
sint8 | get_alpn_index (SOCKET sock) |
sint8 | get_error_detail (SOCKET sock, tstrSockErr *pstrErr) |
NMI_API sint8 | gethostbyname (uint8 *pcHostName) |
NMI_API sint8 | getsockopt (SOCKET sock, uint8 u8Level, uint8 u8OptName, const void *pvOptValue, uint8 *pu8OptLen) |
| Get socket options retrieves. This Function isn't implemented yet but this is the form that will be released later. More...
NMI_API uint8 | IsSocketReady (void) |
NMI_API sint8 | listen (SOCKET sock, uint8 backlog) |
NMI_API sint8 | m2m_ping_req (uint32 u32DstIP, uint8 u8TTL, tpfPingCb fpPingCb) |
| The function request to send ping request to the given IP Address. More...
NMI_API uint32 | nmi_inet_addr (char *pcIpAddr) |
NMI_API sint16 | recv (SOCKET sock, void *pvRecvBuf, uint16 u16BufLen, uint32 u32Timeoutmsec) |
NMI_API sint16 | recvfrom (SOCKET sock, void *pvRecvBuf, uint16 u16BufLen, uint32 u32Timeoutmsec) |
NMI_API void | registerSocketCallback (tpfAppSocketCb socket_cb, tpfAppResolveCb resolve_cb) |
sint8 | secure (SOCKET sock) |
NMI_API sint16 | send (SOCKET sock, void *pvSendBuffer, uint16 u16SendLength, uint16 u16Flags) |
NMI_API sint16 | sendto (SOCKET sock, void *pvSendBuffer, uint16 u16SendLength, uint16 flags, struct sockaddr *pstrDestAddr, uint8 u8AddrLen) |
| Asynchronous sending function, used to send data on a UDP socket. Called by the application code when there is data required to be sent on a UDP socket. More...
sint8 | set_alpn_list (SOCKET sock, const char *pcProtocolList) |
NMI_API sint8 | setsockopt (SOCKET socket, uint8 u8Level, uint8 option_name, const void *option_value, uint16 u16OptionLen) |
NMI_API SOCKET | socket (uint16 u16Domain, uint8 u8Type, uint8 u8Config) |
NMI_API void | socketDeinit (void) |
| Socket Layer De-initialization. More...
NMI_API void | socketInit (void) |
NMI_API sint8 | sslEnableCertExpirationCheck (tenuSslCertExpSettings enuValidationSetting) |