Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

MQTTPacket.h File Reference
#include "MQTTConnect.h"
#include "MQTTPublish.h"
#include "MQTTSubscribe.h"
#include "MQTTUnsubscribe.h"
#include "MQTTFormat.h"

Data Structures

union  MQTTHeader
 Bitfields for the MQTT header byte. More...
struct  MQTTLenString
struct  MQTTString
struct  MQTTTransport


#define DLLExport
#define DLLImport
#define MQTTString_initializer   {NULL, {0, NULL}}


enum  errors {
enum  msgTypes {
  CONNECT = 1,


int MQTTDeserialize_ack (unsigned char *packettype, unsigned char *dup, unsigned short *packetid, unsigned char *buf, int buflen)
 Deserializes the supplied (wire) buffer into an ack. More...
int MQTTPacket_decode (int(*getcharfn)(unsigned char *, int), int *value)
 Decodes the message length according to the MQTT algorithm. More...
int MQTTPacket_decodeBuf (unsigned char *buf, int *value)
int MQTTPacket_encode (unsigned char *buf, int length)
 Encodes the message length according to the MQTT algorithm. More...
int MQTTPacket_equals (MQTTString *a, char *b)
 Compares an MQTTString to a C string. More...
int MQTTPacket_len (int rem_len)
DLLExport int MQTTPacket_read (unsigned char *buf, int buflen, int(*getfn)(unsigned char *, int))
 Helper function to read packet data from some source into a buffer. More...
int MQTTPacket_readnb (unsigned char *buf, int buflen, MQTTTransport *trp)
 Helper function to read packet data from some source into a buffer, non-blocking. More...
int MQTTSerialize_ack (unsigned char *buf, int buflen, unsigned char type, unsigned char dup, unsigned short packetid)
 Serializes the ack packet into the supplied buffer. More...
int MQTTstrlen (MQTTString mqttstring)
 Return the length of the MQTTstring - C string if there is one, otherwise the length delimited string. More...
char readChar (unsigned char **pptr)
 Reads one character from the input buffer. More...
int readInt (unsigned char **pptr)
 Calculates an integer from two bytes read from the input buffer. More...
int readMQTTLenString (MQTTString *mqttstring, unsigned char **pptr, unsigned char *enddata)
void writeChar (unsigned char **pptr, char c)
 Writes one character to an output buffer. More...
void writeCString (unsigned char **pptr, const char *string)
 Writes a "UTF" string to an output buffer. More...
void writeInt (unsigned char **pptr, int anInt)
 Writes an integer as 2 bytes to an output buffer. More...
void writeMQTTString (unsigned char **pptr, MQTTString mqttstring)

#define DLLExport
#define DLLImport
#define MQTTString_initializer   {NULL, {0, NULL}}

enum errors
enum msgTypes

int MQTTDeserialize_ack ( unsigned char *  packettype,
unsigned char *  dup,
unsigned short *  packetid,
unsigned char *  buf,
int  buflen 

Deserializes the supplied (wire) buffer into an ack.

packettypereturned integer - the MQTT packet type
dupreturned integer - the MQTT dup flag
packetidreturned integer - the MQTT packet identifier
bufthe raw buffer data, of the correct length determined by the remaining length field
buflenthe length in bytes of the data in the supplied buffer
error code. 1 is success, 0 is failure

References MQTTHeader::bits, MQTTHeader::byte, MQTTHeader::dup, FUNC_ENTRY, FUNC_EXIT_RC, header, MQTTPacket_decodeBuf(), NULL, readChar(), readInt(), and MQTTHeader::type.

Referenced by cycle(), MQTTDeserialize_unsuback(), MQTTFormat_toClientString(), MQTTFormat_toServerString(), and MQTTPublish().

int MQTTPacket_decode ( int(*)(unsigned char *, int)  getcharfn,
int *  value 

Decodes the message length according to the MQTT algorithm.

getcharfnpointer to function to read the next character from the data source
valuethe decoded length returned
the number of bytes read from the socket


Referenced by MQTTPacket_decodeBuf(), and MQTTPacket_read().

int MQTTPacket_encode ( unsigned char *  buf,
int  length 

Encodes the message length according to the MQTT algorithm.

bufthe buffer into which the encoded data is written
lengththe length to be encoded
the number of bytes written to buffer

References FUNC_ENTRY, and FUNC_EXIT_RC.

Referenced by MQTTPacket_read(), MQTTPacket_readnb(), MQTTSerialize_ack(), MQTTSerialize_connack(), MQTTSerialize_connect(), MQTTSerialize_publish(), MQTTSerialize_suback(), MQTTSerialize_subscribe(), MQTTSerialize_unsuback(), MQTTSerialize_unsubscribe(), MQTTSerialize_zero(), and readPacket().

int MQTTPacket_equals ( MQTTString a,
char *  bptr 

Compares an MQTTString to a C string.

athe MQTTString to compare
bptrthe C string to compare
boolean - equal or not

References MQTTString::cstring, MQTTLenString::data, MQTTLenString::len, and MQTTString::lenstring.

Referenced by deliverMessage().

DLLExport int MQTTPacket_read ( unsigned char *  buf,
int  buflen,
int(*)(unsigned char *, int)  getfn 

Helper function to read packet data from some source into a buffer.

bufthe buffer into which the packet will be serialized
buflenthe length in bytes of the supplied buffer
getfnpointer to a function which will read any number of bytes from the needed source
integer MQTT packet type, or -1 on error
the whole message must fit into the caller's buffer

References MQTTHeader::bits, MQTTHeader::byte, header, MQTTPacket_decode(), MQTTPacket_encode(), and MQTTHeader::type.

int MQTTPacket_readnb ( unsigned char *  buf,
int  buflen,
MQTTTransport trp 

Helper function to read packet data from some source into a buffer, non-blocking.

bufthe buffer into which the packet will be serialized
buflenthe length in bytes of the supplied buffer
trppointer to a transport structure holding what is needed to solve getting data from it
integer MQTT packet type, 0 for call again, or -1 on error
the whole message must fit into the caller's buffer

References MQTTHeader::bits, MQTTHeader::byte, MQTTTransport::getfn, header, MQTTTransport::len, MQTTPacket_decodenb(), MQTTPacket_encode(), MQTTPACKET_READ_ERROR, MQTTTransport::rem_len, MQTTTransport::sck, MQTTTransport::state, and MQTTHeader::type.

int MQTTSerialize_ack ( unsigned char *  buf,
int  buflen,
unsigned char  packettype,
unsigned char  dup,
unsigned short  packetid 

Serializes the ack packet into the supplied buffer.

bufthe buffer into which the packet will be serialized
buflenthe length in bytes of the supplied buffer
typethe MQTT packet type
dupthe MQTT dup flag
packetidthe MQTT packet identifier
serialized length, or error if 0

References MQTTHeader::bits, MQTTHeader::byte, MQTTHeader::dup, FUNC_ENTRY, FUNC_EXIT_RC, header, MQTTPACKET_BUFFER_TOO_SHORT, MQTTPacket_encode(), ptr, PUBREL, MQTTHeader::qos, MQTTHeader::type, writeChar(), and writeInt().

Referenced by cycle(), MQTTSerialize_puback(), MQTTSerialize_pubcomp(), and MQTTSerialize_pubrel().

int MQTTstrlen ( MQTTString  mqttstring)

Return the length of the MQTTstring - C string if there is one, otherwise the length delimited string.

mqttstringthe string to return the length of
the length of the string

References MQTTString::cstring, MQTTLenString::len, and MQTTString::lenstring.

Referenced by MQTTSerialize_connectLength(), MQTTSerialize_publishLength(), MQTTSerialize_subscribeLength(), and MQTTSerialize_unsubscribeLength().

char readChar ( unsigned char **  pptr)

Reads one character from the input buffer.

pptrpointer to the input buffer - incremented by the number of bytes used & returned
the character read

Referenced by MQTTDeserialize_ack(), MQTTDeserialize_connack(), MQTTDeserialize_connect(), MQTTDeserialize_publish(), MQTTDeserialize_suback(), MQTTDeserialize_subscribe(), and MQTTDeserialize_unsubscribe().

int readInt ( unsigned char **  pptr)

Calculates an integer from two bytes read from the input buffer.

pptrpointer to the input buffer - incremented by the number of bytes used & returned
the integer value calculated

References ptr.

Referenced by MQTTDeserialize_ack(), MQTTDeserialize_connect(), MQTTDeserialize_publish(), MQTTDeserialize_suback(), MQTTDeserialize_subscribe(), MQTTDeserialize_unsubscribe(), and readMQTTLenString().

int readMQTTLenString ( MQTTString mqttstring,
unsigned char **  pptr,
unsigned char *  enddata 
mqttstringthe MQTTString structure into which the data is to be read
pptrpointer to the output buffer - incremented by the number of bytes used & returned
enddatapointer to the end of the data: do not read beyond
1 if successful, 0 if not

References MQTTString::cstring, MQTTLenString::data, FUNC_ENTRY, FUNC_EXIT_RC, MQTTLenString::len, MQTTString::lenstring, NULL, and readInt().

Referenced by MQTTDeserialize_connect(), MQTTDeserialize_publish(), MQTTDeserialize_subscribe(), and MQTTDeserialize_unsubscribe().

void writeChar ( unsigned char **  pptr,
char  c 

Writes one character to an output buffer.

pptrpointer to the output buffer - incremented by the number of bytes used & returned
cthe character to write

Referenced by MQTTSerialize_ack(), MQTTSerialize_connack(), MQTTSerialize_connect(), MQTTSerialize_publish(), MQTTSerialize_suback(), MQTTSerialize_subscribe(), MQTTSerialize_unsuback(), MQTTSerialize_unsubscribe(), and MQTTSerialize_zero().

void writeCString ( unsigned char **  pptr,
const char *  string 

Writes a "UTF" string to an output buffer.

Converts C string to length-delimited.

pptrpointer to the output buffer - incremented by the number of bytes used & returned
stringthe C string to write

References writeInt().

Referenced by MQTTSerialize_connect(), and writeMQTTString().

void writeInt ( unsigned char **  pptr,
int  anInt 

Writes an integer as 2 bytes to an output buffer.

pptrpointer to the output buffer - incremented by the number of bytes used & returned
anIntthe integer to write

Referenced by MQTTSerialize_ack(), MQTTSerialize_connect(), MQTTSerialize_publish(), MQTTSerialize_suback(), MQTTSerialize_subscribe(), MQTTSerialize_unsuback(), MQTTSerialize_unsubscribe(), writeCString(), and writeMQTTString().