Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

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GATT Server APIs

This group includes all GATT Server APIs; Set value, Get value, Notify, Indicate, ...


at_ble_status_t at_ble_characteristic_value_get (at_ble_handle_t handle, uint8_t *value, uint16_t *len)
 Reads A characteristic value. More...
at_ble_status_t at_ble_characteristic_value_set (at_ble_handle_t handle, uint8_t *value, uint16_t len)
 Sets A characteristic value. More...
at_ble_status_t at_ble_indication_send (at_ble_handle_t conn_handle, at_ble_handle_t attr_handle)
 Sends an Indication AT_BLE_INDICATION_CONFIRMED is received when indication has been correctly received by peer device. More...
at_ble_status_t at_ble_notification_send (at_ble_handle_t conn_handle, at_ble_handle_t attr_handle)
 Sends a Notification AT_BLE_NOTIFICATION_CONFIRMED is received as soon as notification PDU has been sent over the air. More...
at_ble_status_t at_ble_primary_service_define (at_ble_uuid_t *uuid, at_ble_handle_t *service_handle, at_ble_included_service_t *included_service_list, uint16_t included_service_count, at_ble_characteristic_t *charactristic_list, uint16_t charactristic_count)
 Defines a new Primary service along with its included services and characteristics. More...
at_ble_status_t at_ble_read_authorize_reply (at_ble_handle_t conn_handle, at_ble_handle_t attr_handle, bool grant_authorization)
 Replies to a read authorization request requested by by AT_BLE_READ_AUTHORIZE_REQUEST event. More...
at_ble_status_t at_ble_secondary_service_define (at_ble_uuid_t *uuid, at_ble_handle_t *service_handle, at_ble_included_service_t *included_service_list, uint16_t included_service_count, at_ble_characteristic_t *charactristic_list, uint16_t charactristic_count)
 Defines a new Secondary service along with its included services and characteristics. More...
at_ble_status_t at_ble_send_service_changed_indication (at_ble_handle_t conn_handle, at_ble_handle_t start_handle, at_ble_handle_t end_handle)
 Sends a Service changed Indication. More...
at_ble_status_t at_ble_service_define (at_ble_service_t *svc)
 Defines a new service along with its included services and characteristics. More...
at_ble_status_t at_ble_write_authorize_reply (at_ble_characteristic_write_request_t *param, at_ble_status_t status)
 Replies to a write authorization request requested by by AT_BLE_WRITE_AUTHORIZE_REQUEST event. More...

at_ble_status_t at_ble_characteristic_value_get ( at_ble_handle_t  handle,
uint8_t *  value,
uint16_t *  len 

Reads A characteristic value.

[in]handleCharacteristic value handle
[out]valueread value will be returned here
[out]lendesired read length, in bytes
Upon successful completion the function shall return AT_BLE_SUCCESS, Otherwise the function shall return at_ble_status_t

Referenced by csc_serv_send_data(), fmp_target_connected_state_handler(), hid_boot_keyboardreport_update(), hid_boot_mousereport_update(), and pxp_reporter_connected_state_handler().

at_ble_status_t at_ble_characteristic_value_set ( at_ble_handle_t  handle,
uint8_t *  value,
uint16_t  len 
at_ble_status_t at_ble_indication_send ( at_ble_handle_t  conn_handle,
at_ble_handle_t  attr_handle 

Sends an Indication AT_BLE_INDICATION_CONFIRMED is received when indication has been correctly received by peer device.

[in]conn_handlehandle of the connection to be notified
[in]attr_handlehandle of the attribute originating the indication
If the value has been updated, it is required to use at_ble_characteristic_value_set first
Upon successful completion the function shall return AT_BLE_SUCCESS, Otherwise the function shall return at_ble_status_t

Referenced by blp_sensor_send_indication().

at_ble_status_t at_ble_notification_send ( at_ble_handle_t  conn_handle,
at_ble_handle_t  attr_handle 

Sends a Notification AT_BLE_NOTIFICATION_CONFIRMED is received as soon as notification PDU has been sent over the air.

[in]conn_handlehandle of the connection to be notified
[in]attr_handlehandle of the attribute originating the notification
If the value has been updated, it is required to use at_ble_characteristic_value_set first
Upon successful completion the function shall return AT_BLE_SUCCESS, Otherwise the function shall return at_ble_status_t

Referenced by bat_update_char_value(), blp_sensor_send_notification(), csc_serv_send_data(), hid_boot_keyboardreport_update(), hid_boot_mousereport_update(), hid_serv_report_update(), hr_sensor_send_notification(), and sps_scan_refresh_char_update().

at_ble_status_t at_ble_primary_service_define ( at_ble_uuid_t uuid,
at_ble_handle_t service_handle,
at_ble_included_service_t included_service_list,
uint16_t  included_service_count,
at_ble_characteristic_t charactristic_list,
uint16_t  charactristic_count 

Defines a new Primary service along with its included services and characteristics.

[in]uuidThe primary service UUID
[out]service_handlethe Service handle will be returned here
[in]included_service_listan array of included service references
[in]included_service_countnumber of elements in included_service_list
[in,out]charactristic_listan array of characteristics included in the service, this array is update with respective characteristics handles.
[in]charactristic_countnumber of elements in charactristic_list
Upon successful completion the function shall return AT_BLE_SUCCESS, Otherwise the function shall return at_ble_status_t

Referenced by bat_primary_service_define(), blp_primary_service_define(), csc_serv_init(), dis_primary_service_define(), esurl_conf_service_init(), hr_primary_service_define(), ias_primary_service_define(), lls_primary_service_define(), sps_primary_service_define(), and txps_primary_service_define().

at_ble_status_t at_ble_read_authorize_reply ( at_ble_handle_t  conn_handle,
at_ble_handle_t  attr_handle,
bool  grant_authorization 

Replies to a read authorization request requested by by AT_BLE_READ_AUTHORIZE_REQUEST event.

[in]conn_handlehandle of the connection
[in]attr_handlehandle of the attribute to read
[in]grant_authorizationif True, Authorization is granted
Upon successful completion the function shall return AT_BLE_SUCCESS, Otherwise the function shall return at_ble_status_t
at_ble_status_t at_ble_secondary_service_define ( at_ble_uuid_t uuid,
at_ble_handle_t service_handle,
at_ble_included_service_t included_service_list,
uint16_t  included_service_count,
at_ble_characteristic_t charactristic_list,
uint16_t  charactristic_count 

Defines a new Secondary service along with its included services and characteristics.

[in]uuidThe secondary service UUID
[out]service_handlethe Service handle will be returned here
[in]included_service_listan array of included service references
[in]included_service_countnumber of elements in included_service_list
[in,out]charactristic_listan array of characteristics included in the service, this array is update with respective characteristics handles.
[in]charactristic_countnumber of elements in charactristic_list
  • Secondary Services are only relevant in the context of the entity that references them, It is therefore forbidden to add a secondary service declaration that is not referenced by another service later in the ATT table
Upon successful completion the function shall return AT_BLE_SUCCESS, Otherwise the function shall return at_ble_status_t
at_ble_status_t at_ble_send_service_changed_indication ( at_ble_handle_t  conn_handle,
at_ble_handle_t  start_handle,
at_ble_handle_t  end_handle 

Sends a Service changed Indication.

AT_BLE_SERVICE_CHANGED_INDICATION_SENT should be received indicating status of sending the indication

[in]conn_handlehandle of the connection to which the indication will be sent
[in]start_handlestart of affected handle range
[in]end_handleend of affected handle range
Upon successful completion the function shall return AT_BLE_SUCCESS, Otherwise the function shall return at_ble_status_t
at_ble_status_t at_ble_service_define ( at_ble_service_t svc)

Defines a new service along with its included services and characteristics.

[in]svcThe primary service complete description
Upon successful completion the function shall return AT_BLE_SUCCESS, Otherwise the function shall return at_ble_status_t

Referenced by hid_service_dbreg().

at_ble_status_t at_ble_write_authorize_reply ( at_ble_characteristic_write_request_t param,
at_ble_status_t  status 

Replies to a write authorization request requested by by AT_BLE_WRITE_AUTHORIZE_REQUEST event.

[in]paramhandle at_ble_characteristic_write_request_t struct
[in]statusAT_BLE_SUCCESS to grant write, Otherwise at_ble_status_t
Upon successful completion the function shall return AT_BLE_SUCCESS, Otherwise the function shall return at_ble_status_t

Referenced by esurl_write_authorize_event(), and hr_sensor_char_write_request().