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Serial Interface Module

This module is responsible for encoding and decoding the serial bytes to/from Host into corresponding MAC APIs .


#define EOT   (4)
 The end of transmission delimiter. More...
#define MAC_PID   (1)
#define MAC_PID_LEN   (1)
#define SIO_BUF_COUNT   (5)
#define SIO_RX_BUF_SIZE   (156)
#define SOT   (1)
 The start of transmission delimiter. More...
#define UART_RX_STATE_DATA   (3)
 A UART state that expects the next data character to be received. More...
#define UART_RX_STATE_EOT   (4)
 A UART state that expects a EOT to be received as the next character. More...
#define UART_RX_STATE_LENGTH   (2)
 A UART state that expects the length to be received as the next character. More...
#define UART_RX_STATE_SOT   (1)
 A UART state that expects a SOT to be received as the next character. More...


void serial_data_handler (void)
 Function to handle the state machine serial data exchange. More...
void serial_interface_init (void)
 This function does the initialization of the Serial handler state Machine. More...

#define EOT   (4)

The end of transmission delimiter.

#define SIO_BUF_COUNT   (5)
#define SIO_RX_BUF_SIZE   (156)
#define SOT   (1)

The start of transmission delimiter.

#define UART_RX_STATE_DATA   (3)

A UART state that expects the next data character to be received.

#define UART_RX_STATE_EOT   (4)

A UART state that expects a EOT to be received as the next character.

#define UART_RX_STATE_LENGTH   (2)

A UART state that expects the length to be received as the next character.

#define UART_RX_STATE_SOT   (1)

A UART state that expects a SOT to be received as the next character.

void serial_data_handler ( void  )

Function to handle the state machine serial data exchange.

Function to handle the state machine serial data exchange.

Pulls the data from UART when activated.

Function to handle the state machine serial data exchange.

Function to handle the state machine serial data exchange.

Pulls the data from UART when activated.

References appPostTask(), buf_count, CMD_POS, CONT_WAVE_TX_CONFIRM, curr_tx_buffer_index, data, data_length, FUNC_PTR, head, LED_BLINK_RATE_IN_MICRO_SEC, led_blinker_timer_handler_cb(), node_ib_t::main_state, node_info, NULL, PER_TEST_RECEPTOR, PKT_STREAM_CONFIRM, process_incoming_sio_data(), PROCESS_TASK_HANDLER, RANGE_TEST_TX_OFF, RANGE_TEST_TX_ON, REMOTE_CMD_MASK, remote_cmd_rcvd, remote_serial_tx_failure, rx_index, send_remote_reply_cmd(), serialBuffer, sio2host_getchar_nowait(), sio2host_rx(), sio2host_tx(), SIO_BUF_COUNT, SIO_RX_BUF_SIZE, sio_tx_buf, startReceiving, SW_TIMEOUT_RELATIVE, sw_timer_start(), and T_APP_TIMER.

Referenced by main(), performance_analyzer_task(), and pktstream_test().

void serial_interface_init ( void  )

This function does the initialization of the Serial handler state Machine.

References sio2host_init(), sio_rx_state, and UART_RX_STATE_SOT.

Referenced by main().