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USB host Mass Storage interface for control access module

Layer added on UHI MSC interface to allow the usage of control access module.

The control access module provides a common access at all memories and it is used by the File Systems available in ASF.

See Quick start guide for USB host mass-storage module (UHI MSC).


 Quick Start Guide(s)
 In this section you can find a list of all Quick Start guides related to the USB host Mass Storage interface for control access module.
 Implementation of USB host Mass Storage
 interface for control access module


uint8_t uhi_msc_mem_get_lun (void)
 Gives the number of available LUN. More...
Ctrl_status uhi_msc_mem_read_10_ram (uint32_t addr, void *ram)
 Reads 512 bytes from the current LUN. More...
Ctrl_status uhi_msc_mem_read_capacity (uint8_t lun, uint32_t *u32_nb_sector)
 Returns the capacity of the LUN. More...
uint8_t uhi_msc_mem_read_sector_size (uint8_t lun)
 Returns the sector size of the LUN. More...
bool uhi_msc_mem_removal (void)
 Checks if the device is removed. More...
Ctrl_status uhi_msc_mem_test_unit_ready (uint8_t lun)
 Checks and update the status of the LUN. More...
bool uhi_msc_mem_wr_protect (uint8_t lun)
 Checks if the LUN is write protected. More...
Ctrl_status uhi_msc_mem_write_10_ram (uint32_t addr, const void *ram)
 Writes 512 bytes to the current LUN. More...

uint8_t uhi_msc_mem_get_lun ( void  )

Gives the number of available LUN.

A LUN can be available, but with a status not present. It is the case for a card reader without card.
Number of available LUN

References uhi_msc_get_lun(), and uhi_msc_is_available().

Referenced by main().

Ctrl_status uhi_msc_mem_read_10_ram ( uint32_t  addr,
void *  ram 
Ctrl_status uhi_msc_mem_read_capacity ( uint8_t  lun,
uint32_t *  u32_nb_sector 

Returns the capacity of the LUN.

lunLUN number
u32_nb_sectorPointer to store the last sector address possible on this LUN
Status of the LUN

References sbc_read_capacity10_data::block_len, uhi_msc_lun_t::capacity, CTRL_FAIL, sbc_read_capacity10_data::max_lba, NULL, uhi_msc_lun_t::status, uhi_msc_get_lun_desc(), uhi_msc_is_available(), uhi_msc_mem_lun, and uhi_msc_mem_translate_status().

uint8_t uhi_msc_mem_read_sector_size ( uint8_t  lun)

Returns the sector size of the LUN.

lunLUN number
Sector size (unit 512B)

References sbc_read_capacity10_data::block_len, uhi_msc_lun_t::capacity, NULL, uhi_msc_get_lun_desc(), uhi_msc_is_available(), and uhi_msc_mem_lun.

bool uhi_msc_mem_removal ( void  )

Checks if the device is removed.

Always true for USB Device
Ctrl_status uhi_msc_mem_test_unit_ready ( uint8_t  lun)
bool uhi_msc_mem_wr_protect ( uint8_t  lun)

Checks if the LUN is write protected.

lunLUN number
true, if write protected

References uhi_msc_lun_t::b_write_protected, sbc_read_capacity10_data::block_len, uhi_msc_lun_t::capacity, NULL, uhi_msc_get_lun_desc(), uhi_msc_is_available(), and uhi_msc_mem_lun.

Ctrl_status uhi_msc_mem_write_10_ram ( uint32_t  addr,
const void *  ram 