Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

at_ble_gap_whitelist_t Struct Reference

White-list structure.

#include <at_ble_api.h>

Data Fields

uint8_t addrCount
 Count of device addresses in array. More...
uint8_t irkCount
 Count of IRKs in array. More...
at_ble_addr_t ** ppAddrs
 Pointer to array of device address pointers, pointing to addresses to be used in white-list. More...
at_ble_gap_irk_t ** ppIrks
 Pointer to array of Identity Resolving Key (IRK) pointers, each pointing to an IRK in the white-list. More...

uint8_t at_ble_gap_whitelist_t::addrCount

Count of device addresses in array.

uint8_t at_ble_gap_whitelist_t::irkCount

Count of IRKs in array.

at_ble_addr_t** at_ble_gap_whitelist_t::ppAddrs

Pointer to array of device address pointers, pointing to addresses to be used in white-list.

NULL if none are given.

at_ble_gap_irk_t** at_ble_gap_whitelist_t::ppIrks

Pointer to array of Identity Resolving Key (IRK) pointers, each pointing to an IRK in the white-list.

NULL if none are given.