Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

ble_custom_event_cb Struct Reference

#include <ble_manager.h>

Data Fields

ble_event_callback_t custom_event
 Custom Event are used by application or in IRQ's to post the task which can be handled at user application. at_ble_event_user_defined_post. More...
ble_event_callback_t device_dead
 Device read condition occurs when the device reached condition where no request can be processed. The application must start from at_ble_init. More...
ble_event_callback_t device_out_of_sync
 BLE Device is in out-of-sync due loss of message that's not processed or not much memory pool available AT_BLE_DEVICE_OUT_OF_SYNC. More...
ble_event_callback_t device_ready
 Device Ready event's are used to inform the application the BLE device is ready for accepting the user request, AT_BLE_DEVICE_READY. More...
ble_event_callback_t event_max
 BLE Maximum events are reached AT_BLE_EVENT_MAX. More...

ble_event_callback_t ble_custom_event_cb::custom_event

Custom Event are used by application or in IRQ's to post the task which can be handled at user application. at_ble_event_user_defined_post.

ble_event_callback_t ble_custom_event_cb::device_dead

Device read condition occurs when the device reached condition where no request can be processed. The application must start from at_ble_init.

ble_event_callback_t ble_custom_event_cb::device_out_of_sync

BLE Device is in out-of-sync due loss of message that's not processed or not much memory pool available AT_BLE_DEVICE_OUT_OF_SYNC.

ble_event_callback_t ble_custom_event_cb::device_ready

Device Ready event's are used to inform the application the BLE device is ready for accepting the user request, AT_BLE_DEVICE_READY.

ble_event_callback_t ble_custom_event_cb::event_max

BLE Maximum events are reached AT_BLE_EVENT_MAX.