Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

sFTMPackageParams Struct Reference

Global FTMPackage parameters

#include <FTMPackageCore.h>

Data Fields

uint16_t BlockAckDelay
uint32_t Descriptor
uint8_t Encoding
uint8_t FragIndex
uint8_t FragSession
uint8_t FragSize
uint8_t McGroupBitMask
uint16_t NbFrag
uint8_t Padding
uint16_t Redundancy

uint16_t sFTMPackageParams::BlockAckDelay

Specifies random delay between request and device reply for multicast requests in seconds

uint32_t sFTMPackageParams::Descriptor

32bit number describing the file that is going to be transported through the fragmentation session. The encoding of this field is application specific.

uint8_t sFTMPackageParams::Encoding
uint8_t sFTMPackageParams::FragIndex
uint8_t sFTMPackageParams::FragSession
uint8_t sFTMPackageParams::FragSize

is the size in byte of each fragment.

uint8_t sFTMPackageParams::McGroupBitMask

specifies which multicast group addresses are allowed as input to this defragmentation session

uint16_t sFTMPackageParams::NbFrag
uint8_t sFTMPackageParams::Padding

specifies number of padding bytes

uint16_t sFTMPackageParams::Redundancy

specifies the total number of Redundancy fragments of the data block to be transported during the coming multicast fragmentation session