Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

tstrM2MAPConfig Struct Reference

AP Configuration.

This structure holds the configuration parameters for the M2M AP mode. It should be set by the application when it requests to enable the M2M AP operation mode. This mode supports either open, WEP or WPA/WPA2 mixed mode security types.

#include <m2m_types.h>

Data Fields

uint8 __PAD16__ [2]
uint8 au8DHCPServerIP [4]
uint8 au8Key [M2M_MAX_PSK_LEN]
uint8 au8SSID [M2M_MAX_SSID_LEN]
uint8 au8WepKey [WEP_104_KEY_STRING_SIZE+1]
uint8 u8KeyIndx
uint8 u8KeySz
uint8 u8ListenChannel
uint8 u8SecType
uint8 u8SsidHide

uint8 tstrM2MAPConfig::__PAD16__[2]

Padding bytes for forcing alignment

uint8 tstrM2MAPConfig::au8DHCPServerIP[4]
uint8 tstrM2MAPConfig::au8Key[M2M_MAX_PSK_LEN]

WPA key

uint8 tstrM2MAPConfig::au8SSID[M2M_MAX_SSID_LEN]

< Configuration parameters for the WiFi AP.AP SSID

Referenced by enable_disable_ap_mode(), main(), and wifi_ap_provision().

uint8 tstrM2MAPConfig::au8WepKey[WEP_104_KEY_STRING_SIZE+1]

Wep key

Referenced by main(), and wifi_ap_provision().

uint8 tstrM2MAPConfig::u8KeyIndx

Wep key Index

Referenced by main(), and wifi_ap_provision().

uint8 tstrM2MAPConfig::u8KeySz

Wep/WPA key Size

Referenced by main(), and wifi_ap_provision().

uint8 tstrM2MAPConfig::u8ListenChannel

Wi-Fi RF Channel which the AP will operate on

Referenced by enable_disable_ap_mode(), main(), and wifi_ap_provision().

uint8 tstrM2MAPConfig::u8SecType

Security type: Open, WEP or WPA/WPA2 mixed mode

Referenced by enable_disable_ap_mode(), main(), and wifi_ap_provision().

uint8 tstrM2MAPConfig::u8SsidHide

SSID Status "Hidden(1)/Visible(0)"