Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

tstrNetworkId Struct Reference

#include <m2m_wifi.h>

Data Fields

tenuM2mScanCh enuChannel
uint8 u8SsidLen

tenuM2mScanCh tstrNetworkId::enuChannel

Wi-Fi channel to connect on. If an appropriate AP cannot be found on this channel then connection fails. M2M_WIFI_CH_ALL may be used to allow scanning of all channels.

Referenced by m2m_wifi_connect_prepare_msg(), main(), and wifi_ap_connect().

uint8* tstrNetworkId::pu8Bssid

Pointer to BSSID (6 bytes). Optional (may be NULL). If present, this restricts the connection attempt to APs that have a matching BSSID.

Referenced by m2m_wifi_connect_prepare_msg(), main(), and wifi_ap_connect().

uint8* tstrNetworkId::pu8Ssid

Pointer to SSID. Required.

Referenced by m2m_wifi_connect_prepare_msg(), m2m_wifi_connect_sc(), main(), and wifi_ap_connect().

uint8 tstrNetworkId::u8SsidLen

Length of SSID in bytes. Permitted values are between 0 and 32.

Referenced by m2m_wifi_connect_prepare_msg(), m2m_wifi_connect_sc(), main(), and wifi_ap_connect().