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http_netconn_example HTTP Netconn Example


This example demonstrates how to use GMAC, TC, SPI in a real-time context, using the FreeRTOS kernel. The demo also features the LwIP stack on top of the GMAC driver.


This example can be used on the following boards:

  • SAM4E-EK


The demo relies on several FreeRTOS task to work:

  • GFX task : draws the IP configuration menu on screen. The device IP can either be configured statically ( or dynamically using DHCP.
  • HTTP task : handles the LwIP stack to accept remote client request.
  • HTTP-req task : instanciated by the HTTP task to answer the client request.

Once the IP address is configured from the touch screen interface, the board ressources can be accessed from any web browser providing the IP address. For instance, when the IP address is configured statically : The web page gives the following information about the board status:CPU core type.Chip name.SRAM size.Flash size.Board IP.Your IP.Total number of HTTP status requests.FreeRTOS thread usage.LwIP stats.GMAC transfer rate graph. The web page is periodically refreshed to keep the board status up-to-date.