Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

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Embedded Flash Service

The Embedded Flash service provides functions for internal flash operations.


#define GPNVM_NUM_MAX   2


static void compute_address (Efc *p_efc, uint16_t us_page, uint16_t us_offset, uint32_t *pul_addr)
 Compute the address of a flash by the given page and offset. More...
static void compute_lock_range (uint32_t ul_start, uint32_t ul_end, uint32_t *pul_actual_start, uint32_t *pul_actual_end)
 Compute the lock range associated with the given address range. More...
uint32_t flash_clear_gpnvm (uint32_t ul_gpnvm)
 Clear the given GPNVM bit. More...
uint32_t flash_enable_security_bit (void)
 Set security bit. More...
uint32_t flash_erase_all (uint32_t ul_address)
 Erase the entire flash. More...
uint32_t flash_get_descriptor (uint32_t ul_address, uint32_t *pul_flash_descriptor, uint32_t ul_size)
 Get flash descriptor. More...
uint32_t flash_get_page_count (const uint32_t *pul_flash_descriptor)
 Get flash total page count for the specified bank. More...
uint32_t flash_get_page_count_per_region (const uint32_t *pul_flash_descriptor)
 Get flash page count per region (plane) for the specified bank. More...
uint32_t flash_get_region_count (const uint32_t *pul_flash_descriptor)
 Get flash region (plane) count for the specified bank. More...
uint32_t flash_get_wait_state (uint32_t ul_address)
 Get flash wait state. More...
uint32_t flash_init (uint32_t ul_mode, uint32_t ul_fws)
 Initialize the flash service. More...
uint32_t flash_is_gpnvm_set (uint32_t ul_gpnvm)
 Check if the given GPNVM bit is set or not. More...
uint32_t flash_is_locked (uint32_t ul_start, uint32_t ul_end)
 Get the number of locked regions inside the given address range. More...
uint32_t flash_is_security_bit_enabled (void)
 Check if the security bit is set or not. More...
uint32_t flash_lock (uint32_t ul_start, uint32_t ul_end, uint32_t *pul_actual_start, uint32_t *pul_actual_end)
 Lock all the regions in the given address range. More...
uint32_t flash_read_unique_id (uint32_t *pul_data, uint32_t ul_size)
 Read the flash unique ID. More...
uint32_t flash_set_gpnvm (uint32_t ul_gpnvm)
 Set the given GPNVM bit. More...
uint32_t flash_set_wait_state (uint32_t ul_address, uint32_t ul_fws)
 Set flash wait state. More...
uint32_t flash_set_wait_state_adaptively (uint32_t ul_address)
 Set flash wait state. More...
uint32_t flash_unlock (uint32_t ul_start, uint32_t ul_end, uint32_t *pul_actual_start, uint32_t *pul_actual_end)
 Unlock all the regions in the given address range. More...
uint32_t flash_write (uint32_t ul_address, const void *p_buffer, uint32_t ul_size, uint32_t ul_erase_flag)
 Write a data buffer on flash. More...
static void translate_address (Efc **pp_efc, uint32_t ul_addr, uint16_t *pus_page, uint16_t *pus_offset)
 Translate the given flash address to page and offset values. More...


static uint32_t gs_ul_page_buffer [IFLASH_PAGE_SIZE/sizeof(uint32_t)]

#define GPNVM_NUM_MAX   2

static void compute_address ( Efc *  p_efc,
uint16_t  us_page,
uint16_t  us_offset,
uint32_t *  pul_addr 

Compute the address of a flash by the given page and offset.

p_efcPointer to an EFC instance.
us_pagePage number.
us_offsetByte offset inside page.
pul_addrComputed address (optional).

References flash_is_gpnvm_set(), FLASH_RC_YES, and UNUSED.

Referenced by flash_write().

static void compute_lock_range ( uint32_t  ul_start,
uint32_t  ul_end,
uint32_t *  pul_actual_start,
uint32_t *  pul_actual_end 

Compute the lock range associated with the given address range.

ul_startStart address of lock range.
ul_endEnd address of lock range.
pul_actual_startActual start address of lock range.
pul_actual_endActual end address of lock range.

Referenced by flash_lock(), and flash_unlock().

uint32_t flash_clear_gpnvm ( uint32_t  ul_gpnvm)

Clear the given GPNVM bit.

ul_gpnvmGPNVM bit index.
0 if successful; otherwise returns an error code.

References EFC_FCMD_CGPB, efc_perform_command(), EFC_RC_OK, flash_is_gpnvm_set(), FLASH_RC_ERROR, FLASH_RC_INVALID, FLASH_RC_NO, FLASH_RC_OK, and GPNVM_NUM_MAX.

uint32_t flash_enable_security_bit ( void  )

Set security bit.

0 if successful; otherwise returns an error code.

References flash_set_gpnvm().

uint32_t flash_erase_all ( uint32_t  ul_address)

Erase the entire flash.

Only the flash bank including ul_address will be erased. If there are two flash banks, we need to call this function twice with each bank start address.
ul_addressFlash bank start address.
0 if successful; otherwise returns an error code.

References EFC_FCMD_EA, efc_perform_command(), EFC_RC_OK, FLASH_RC_ERROR, FLASH_RC_OK, and translate_address().

uint32_t flash_get_descriptor ( uint32_t  ul_address,
uint32_t *  pul_flash_descriptor,
uint32_t  ul_size 

Get flash descriptor.

ul_addressFlash bank start address.
pul_flash_descriptorPointer to a data buffer to store flash descriptor.
ul_sizeData buffer size in DWORD.
The actual descriptor length.

References EFC_FCMD_GETD, efc_get_result(), efc_perform_command(), FLASH_RC_OK, and translate_address().

uint32_t flash_get_page_count ( const uint32_t *  pul_flash_descriptor)

Get flash total page count for the specified bank.

The flash descriptor must be fetched from flash_get_descriptor function first.
pul_flash_descriptorPointer to a flash descriptor.
The flash total page count.
uint32_t flash_get_page_count_per_region ( const uint32_t *  pul_flash_descriptor)

Get flash page count per region (plane) for the specified bank.

The flash descriptor must be fetched from flash_get_descriptor function first.
pul_flash_descriptorPointer to a flash descriptor.
The flash page count per region (plane).
uint32_t flash_get_region_count ( const uint32_t *  pul_flash_descriptor)

Get flash region (plane) count for the specified bank.

The flash descriptor must be fetched from flash_get_descriptor function first.
pul_flash_descriptorPointer to a flash descriptor.
The flash region (plane) count.
uint32_t flash_get_wait_state ( uint32_t  ul_address)

Get flash wait state.

ul_addressFlash bank start address.
The number of wait states in cycle (no shift).

References efc_get_wait_state(), and translate_address().

uint32_t flash_init ( uint32_t  ul_mode,
uint32_t  ul_fws 

Initialize the flash service.

ul_fwsThe number of wait states in cycle (no shift).
0 if successful; otherwise returns an error code.

References efc_init(), and FLASH_RC_OK.

Referenced by prvSetupHardware().

uint32_t flash_is_gpnvm_set ( uint32_t  ul_gpnvm)

Check if the given GPNVM bit is set or not.

ul_gpnvmGPNVM bit index.
Return values
1If the given GPNVM bit is currently set.
0If the given GPNVM bit is currently cleared. otherwise returns an error code.

References EFC_FCMD_GGPB, efc_get_result(), efc_perform_command(), EFC_RC_OK, FLASH_RC_ERROR, FLASH_RC_INVALID, FLASH_RC_NO, FLASH_RC_YES, and GPNVM_NUM_MAX.

Referenced by compute_address(), flash_clear_gpnvm(), flash_is_security_bit_enabled(), flash_set_gpnvm(), and translate_address().

uint32_t flash_is_locked ( uint32_t  ul_start,
uint32_t  ul_end 

Get the number of locked regions inside the given address range.

ul_startStart address of range
ul_endEnd address of range.
The number of locked regions inside the given address range.

References Assert, EFC_FCMD_GLB, efc_get_result(), efc_perform_command(), translate_address(), and UNUSED.

uint32_t flash_is_security_bit_enabled ( void  )

Check if the security bit is set or not.

Return values
1If the security bit is currently set.
0If the security bit is currently cleared. otherwise returns an error code.

References flash_is_gpnvm_set().

uint32_t flash_lock ( uint32_t  ul_start,
uint32_t  ul_end,
uint32_t *  pul_actual_start,
uint32_t *  pul_actual_end 

Lock all the regions in the given address range.

The actual lock range is reported through two output parameters.

ul_startStart address of lock range.
ul_endEnd address of lock range.
pul_actual_startStart address of the actual lock range (optional).
pul_actual_endEnd address of the actual lock range (optional).
0 if successful, otherwise returns an error code.

References compute_lock_range(), EFC_FCMD_SLB, efc_perform_command(), FLASH_RC_OK, and translate_address().

uint32_t flash_read_unique_id ( uint32_t *  pul_data,
uint32_t  ul_size 

Read the flash unique ID.

pul_dataPointer to a data buffer to store 128-bit unique ID.
ul_sizeData buffer size in DWORD.
0 if successful; otherwise returns an error code.

References EFC_FCMD_SPUI, EFC_FCMD_STUI, efc_perform_read_sequence(), FLASH_RC_ERROR, and FLASH_RC_OK.

uint32_t flash_set_gpnvm ( uint32_t  ul_gpnvm)

Set the given GPNVM bit.

ul_gpnvmGPNVM bit index.
0 if successful; otherwise returns an error code.

References EFC_FCMD_SGPB, efc_perform_command(), EFC_RC_OK, flash_is_gpnvm_set(), FLASH_RC_ERROR, FLASH_RC_INVALID, FLASH_RC_OK, FLASH_RC_YES, and GPNVM_NUM_MAX.

Referenced by flash_enable_security_bit().

uint32_t flash_set_wait_state ( uint32_t  ul_address,
uint32_t  ul_fws 

Set flash wait state.

ul_addressFlash bank start address.
ul_fwsThe number of wait states in cycle (no shift).
0 if successful; otherwise returns an error code.

References efc_set_wait_state(), FLASH_RC_OK, and translate_address().

uint32_t flash_set_wait_state_adaptively ( uint32_t  ul_address)

Set flash wait state.

ul_addressFlash bank start address.
ul_fwsThe number of wait states in cycle (no shift).
0 if successful; otherwise returns an error code.

References efc_set_wait_state(), sysclk_get_cpu_hz(), and translate_address().

uint32_t flash_unlock ( uint32_t  ul_start,
uint32_t  ul_end,
uint32_t *  pul_actual_start,
uint32_t *  pul_actual_end 

Unlock all the regions in the given address range.

The actual unlock range is reported through two output parameters.

ul_startStart address of unlock range.
ul_endEnd address of unlock range.
pul_actual_startStart address of the actual unlock range (optional).
pul_actual_endEnd address of the actual unlock range (optional).
0 if successful, otherwise returns an error code.

References compute_lock_range(), EFC_FCMD_CLB, efc_perform_command(), FLASH_RC_OK, and translate_address().

Referenced by fill_msg_fixed(), fill_msg_manual(), and fill_msg_random().

uint32_t flash_write ( uint32_t  ul_address,
const void *  p_buffer,
uint32_t  ul_size,
uint32_t  ul_erase_flag 

Write a data buffer on flash.

This function works in polling mode, and thus only returns when the data has been effectively written.
For dual bank flash, this function doesn't support cross write from bank 0 to bank 1. In this case, flash_write must be called twice (ie for each bank).
ul_addressWrite address.
p_bufferData buffer.
ul_sizeSize of data buffer in bytes.
ul_erase_flagFlag to set if erase first.
0 if successful, otherwise returns an error code.

References compute_address(), EFC_FCMD_EWP, EFC_FCMD_WP, efc_get_wait_state(), efc_perform_command(), efc_set_wait_state(), FLASH_RC_OK, gs_ul_page_buffer, Min, translate_address(), and UNUSED.

Referenced by fill_msg_fixed(), fill_msg_manual(), and fill_msg_random().

static void translate_address ( Efc **  pp_efc,
uint32_t  ul_addr,
uint16_t *  pus_page,
uint16_t *  pus_offset 

Translate the given flash address to page and offset values.

pus_page and pus_offset must not be null in order to store the corresponding values.
pp_efcPointer to an EFC pointer.
ul_addrAddress to translate.
pus_pageThe first page accessed.
pus_offsetByte offset in the first page.

References Assert, flash_is_gpnvm_set(), and FLASH_RC_YES.

Referenced by flash_erase_all(), flash_get_descriptor(), flash_get_wait_state(), flash_is_locked(), flash_lock(), flash_set_wait_state(), flash_set_wait_state_adaptively(), flash_unlock(), and flash_write().

uint32_t gs_ul_page_buffer[IFLASH_PAGE_SIZE/sizeof(uint32_t)]

Referenced by flash_write().