This example demonstrates how to configure BNO055 nine Axis sensor and check the values of nine axes by it.
This package can be used with SAME70 evaluation kits, ATBNO055-XPRO Sensor module.
This example first set BNO055 working mode and enable interrupt, then initialize it, and last get the sensor values of nine axes if the sensor position is changed.
- Connect ATBNO055-XPRO Sensor module to EXT1 on SAME70 Xplained Pro kit.
- Build the program and download it into the evaluation board.
- On the computer, open and configure a terminal application (e.g., HyperTerminal on Microsoft Windows) with these settings:
- 115200 bauds
- 8 bits of data
- No parity
- 1 stop bit
- No flow control
In the terminal window, the following text should appear (values depend on the board and the chip used):
-- BNO055 Example xxx --
-- xxxxxx-xx
-- Compiled: xxx xx xxxx xx:xx:xx --
* Cailbration
* Compass, M4G & NDOF_FMC_OFF:
* Make some random movements (for example: writing the number "8" on air)
* until the CALIB_STAT register indicates fully calibrated.
* It takes more calibration movements to get the magnetometer calibrated than in the NDOF mode.
* Step 1:The same random movements have to be made to calibrate the sensor as in the FMC_OFF mode,
* but here it takes relatively less calibration movements (and slightly higher current consumption)
* to get the magnetometer calibrated.
* Step 2:The register CALIB_STAT can be read to see the calibration status of the magnetometer.