Initialization prototypes and enumerations - Performance Analyzer application of AT86RF215 Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Microchip Technology Inc.
and its subsidiaries.
void | app_alert (void) |
retval_t | app_transmit_frame (trx_id_t trx, uint8_t dst_addr_mode, uint8_t *dst_addr, uint8_t src_addr_mode, uint8_t msdu_handle, uint8_t *payload, uint16_t payload_length, uint8_t ack_req) |
| Function to transmit frames as per 802.15.4 std. More...
void | config_node_ib (trx_id_t trx) |
| Function to init the information base for device. More...
void | init_after_disconnect (trx_id_t trx) |
| Function to perform initialization task after disconnect request. More...
void | init_state_init (trx_id_t trx, void *arg) |
| Initialization task for INIT STATE. More...
void | set_main_state (trx_id_t tranciever, main_state_t state, void *arg) |
| Function to set the main state of state machine. More...
void | wait_for_event_init (trx_id_t trx, void *arg) |
| Application task when the node is in the WAIT_FOR_EVENT state. More...
void | wait_for_event_rx_cb (trx_id_t trx, frame_info_t *frame) |
| Callback that is called if data has been received by trx in WAIT_FOR_EVENT state. More...
void | wait_for_event_task (trx_id_t trx) |
| Application task handling user events like key press or character on UART. More...