Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

at25dfx.h File Reference

API driver for AT25DFx SerialFlash component.

Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries.

#include "compiler.h"
#include "conf_at25dfx.h"


#define AT25_BLOCK_ERASE_32K   0x52
 Block erase command code (32K block) More...
#define AT25_BLOCK_ERASE_4K   0x20
 Block erase command code (4K block) More...
#define AT25_BLOCK_ERASE_64K   0xD8
 Block erase command code (64K block) More...
#define AT25_BYTE_PAGE_PROGRAM   0x02
 Byte/page program command code. More...
#define AT25_CHIP_ERASE_1   0x60
 Chip erase command code 1. More...
#define AT25_CHIP_ERASE_2   0xC7
 Chip erase command code 2. More...
#define AT25_DEEP_PDOWN   0xB9
 Deep power-down command code. More...
 Global protection data. More...
#define AT25_PROTECT_SECTOR   0x36
 Protect sector command code. More...
#define AT25_READ_ARRAY   0x0B
 Read array command code. More...
#define AT25_READ_ARRAY_LF   0x03
 Read array (low frequency) command code. More...
#define AT25_READ_JEDEC_ID   0x9F
 Read manufacturer and device ID command code. More...
#define AT25_READ_SECTOR_PROT   0x3C
 Read sector protection registers command code. More...
#define AT25_READ_STATUS   0x05
 Read status register command code. More...
#define AT25_RES_DEEP_PDOWN   0xAB
 Resume from deep power-down command code. More...
 Sector Protection Register value is 1 (sector is protected) More...
 Sector Protection Register value is 0 (sector is unprotected) More...
 Sequential program mode command code 1. More...
 Sequential program mode command code 2. More...
#define AT25_STATUS_EPE   (1 << 5)
 Erase/program error bit. More...
#define AT25_STATUS_EPE_ERROR   (1 << 5)
 Erase or program error is detected. More...
#define AT25_STATUS_EPE_SUCCESS   (0 << 5)
 Erase or program operation was successful. More...
#define AT25_STATUS_RDYBSY   (1 << 0)
 Device ready/busy status bit. More...
#define AT25_STATUS_RDYBSY_BUSY   (1 << 0)
 Device is busy with internal operations. More...
#define AT25_STATUS_RDYBSY_READY   (0 << 0)
 Device is ready. More...
#define AT25_STATUS_SPRL   (1 << 7)
 Sector protection registers locked bit. More...
#define AT25_STATUS_SPRL_LOCKED   (1 << 7)
 Sector protection registers are locked. More...
#define AT25_STATUS_SPRL_UNLOCKED   (0 << 7)
 Sector protection registers are unlocked. More...
#define AT25_STATUS_SWP   (3 << 2)
 Software protection status bitfield. More...
#define AT25_STATUS_SWP_PROTALL   (3 << 2)
 All sectors are software protected. More...
#define AT25_STATUS_SWP_PROTNONE   (0 << 2)
 No sector is software protected. More...
#define AT25_STATUS_SWP_PROTSOME   (1 << 2)
 Some sectors are software protected. More...
#define AT25_STATUS_WEL   (1 << 1)
 Write enable latch status bit. More...
#define AT25_STATUS_WEL_DISABLED   (0 << 1)
 Device is not write enabled. More...
#define AT25_STATUS_WEL_ENABLED   (1 << 1)
 Device is write enabled. More...
#define AT25_STATUS_WPP   (1 << 4)
 Write protect pin status bit. More...
#define AT25_STATUS_WPP_ASSERTED   (1 << 4)
 Write protect signal is asserted. More...
#define AT25_STATUS_WPP_NOTASSERTED   (0 << 4)
 Write protect signal is not asserted. More...
#define AT25_TYPE_PROTECT   0x1
 Protect type code. More...
#define AT25_TYPE_UNPROTECT   0x0
 Unprotect type code. More...
#define AT25_UNPROTECT_SECTOR   0x39
 Unprotect sector command code. More...
#define AT25_WRITE_DISABLE   0x04
 Write disable command code. More...
#define AT25_WRITE_ENABLE   0x06
 Write enable command code. More...
#define AT25_WRITE_STATUS   0x01
 Write status register command code. More...
#define AT25DFX_0161   3 /* AT26DF0161 */
#define AT25DFX_021   8 /* AT25DF021 */
#define AT25DFX_041A   0 /* AT25DF041A */
 Supporting AT25 device type. More...
#define AT25DFX_081A   2 /* AT26DF081A */
#define AT25DFX_161   1 /* AT25DF161 */
#define AT25DFX_161A   4 /* AT26DF161A */
#define AT25DFX_321   5 /* AT25DF321 */
#define AT25DFX_321A   6 /* AT25DF321A */
#define AT25DFX_512B   7 /* AT25DF512B */
#define AT25DFX_641A   9 /* AT25DF641A */


typedef enum at25_status at25_status_t
 AT25 operation status, each operation returns one of the following status. More...


enum  at25_status {
  AT25_SUCCESS = 0,
 AT25 operation status, each operation returns one of the following status. More...


at25_status_t at25dfx_erase_block (uint32_t address)
 Erase the specified block of the SerialFlash. More...
at25_status_t at25dfx_erase_chip (void)
 Erase all the content of the memory chip. More...
at25_status_t at25dfx_initialize (void)
 Initialize the SerialFlash. More...
at25_status_t at25dfx_mem_check (void)
 Check if the SerialFlash is valid. More...
at25_status_t at25dfx_protect_chip (uint8_t protect_type)
 Protect the SerialFlash device. More...
at25_status_t at25dfx_protect_sector (uint32_t address, uint8_t protect_type)
 Protect/unprotect the specific sector. More...
at25_status_t at25dfx_read (uint8_t *data, uint16_t size, uint32_t address)
 Read data from the specified address on the SerialFlash. More...
at25_status_t at25dfx_read_sector_protect_status (uint32_t address)
 Read sector protection status. More...
at25_status_t at25dfx_read_status (uint8_t *status)
 Read and return the status register of the SerialFlash. More...
void at25dfx_set_mem_active (uint8_t cs)
 Select the SerialFlash by the corresponding chip select. More...
at25_status_t at25dfx_write (uint8_t *data, uint16_t size, uint32_t address)
 Write data at the specified address on the serial firmware SerialFlash. More...
at25_status_t at25dfx_write_status (uint8_t status)
 Write the given value in the status register of the SerialFlash device. More...

#define AT25_BLOCK_ERASE_32K   0x52

Block erase command code (32K block)

#define AT25_BLOCK_ERASE_4K   0x20

Block erase command code (4K block)

#define AT25_BLOCK_ERASE_64K   0xD8

Block erase command code (64K block)

#define AT25_BYTE_PAGE_PROGRAM   0x02

Byte/page program command code.

Referenced by at25dfx_send_command(), and at25dfx_write().

#define AT25_CHIP_ERASE_1   0x60

Chip erase command code 1.

#define AT25_CHIP_ERASE_2   0xC7

Chip erase command code 2.

Referenced by at25dfx_erase_chip().

#define AT25_DEEP_PDOWN   0xB9

Deep power-down command code.


Global protection data.

Referenced by at25dfx_protect_chip().

#define AT25_PROTECT_SECTOR   0x36

Protect sector command code.

Referenced by at25dfx_protect_sector().

#define AT25_READ_ARRAY   0x0B

Read array command code.

#define AT25_READ_ARRAY_LF   0x03

Read array (low frequency) command code.

Referenced by at25dfx_read().

#define AT25_READ_JEDEC_ID   0x9F

Read manufacturer and device ID command code.

Referenced by at25dfx_read_dev_id().

#define AT25_READ_SECTOR_PROT   0x3C

Read sector protection registers command code.

Referenced by at25dfx_read_sector_protect_status().

#define AT25_READ_STATUS   0x05

Read status register command code.

Referenced by at25dfx_read_status().

#define AT25_RES_DEEP_PDOWN   0xAB

Resume from deep power-down command code.


Sector Protection Register value is 1 (sector is protected)

Referenced by at25dfx_read_sector_protect_status().


Sector Protection Register value is 0 (sector is unprotected)

Referenced by at25dfx_read_sector_protect_status().


Sequential program mode command code 1.


Sequential program mode command code 2.

#define AT25_STATUS_EPE   (1 << 5)

Erase/program error bit.

Referenced by at25dfx_write().

#define AT25_STATUS_EPE_ERROR   (1 << 5)

Erase or program error is detected.

Referenced by at25dfx_write().

#define AT25_STATUS_EPE_SUCCESS   (0 << 5)

Erase or program operation was successful.

#define AT25_STATUS_RDYBSY   (1 << 0)

Device ready/busy status bit.

Referenced by at25dfx_erase_block(), and at25dfx_wait_ready().

#define AT25_STATUS_RDYBSY_BUSY   (1 << 0)

Device is busy with internal operations.

#define AT25_STATUS_RDYBSY_READY   (0 << 0)

Device is ready.

Referenced by at25dfx_erase_block(), and at25dfx_wait_ready().

#define AT25_STATUS_SPRL   (1 << 7)

Sector protection registers locked bit.

Referenced by at25dfx_protect_chip().

#define AT25_STATUS_SPRL_LOCKED   (1 << 7)

Sector protection registers are locked.

#define AT25_STATUS_SPRL_UNLOCKED   (0 << 7)

Sector protection registers are unlocked.

#define AT25_STATUS_SWP   (3 << 2)

Software protection status bitfield.

Referenced by at25dfx_erase_block(), at25dfx_erase_chip(), at25dfx_protect_chip(), and run_test_at25dfx_protect().

#define AT25_STATUS_SWP_PROTALL   (3 << 2)

All sectors are software protected.

#define AT25_STATUS_SWP_PROTNONE   (0 << 2)

No sector is software protected.

Referenced by at25dfx_erase_block(), at25dfx_erase_chip(), and run_test_at25dfx_protect().

#define AT25_STATUS_SWP_PROTSOME   (1 << 2)

Some sectors are software protected.

#define AT25_STATUS_WEL   (1 << 1)

Write enable latch status bit.

#define AT25_STATUS_WEL_DISABLED   (0 << 1)

Device is not write enabled.

#define AT25_STATUS_WEL_ENABLED   (1 << 1)

Device is write enabled.

#define AT25_STATUS_WPP   (1 << 4)

Write protect pin status bit.

#define AT25_STATUS_WPP_ASSERTED   (1 << 4)

Write protect signal is asserted.

#define AT25_STATUS_WPP_NOTASSERTED   (0 << 4)

Write protect signal is not asserted.

#define AT25_TYPE_PROTECT   0x1
#define AT25_TYPE_UNPROTECT   0x0

Unprotect type code.

Referenced by run_test_at25dfx_data_access(), and run_test_at25dfx_protect().

#define AT25_UNPROTECT_SECTOR   0x39

Unprotect sector command code.

Referenced by at25dfx_protect_sector().

#define AT25_WRITE_DISABLE   0x04

Write disable command code.

#define AT25_WRITE_ENABLE   0x06

Write enable command code.

Referenced by at25dfx_enable_write().

#define AT25_WRITE_STATUS   0x01

Write status register command code.

Referenced by at25dfx_send_command(), and at25dfx_write_status().

#define AT25DFX_0161   3 /* AT26DF0161 */
#define AT25DFX_021   8 /* AT25DF021 */
#define AT25DFX_041A   0 /* AT25DF041A */

Supporting AT25 device type.

#define AT25DFX_081A   2 /* AT26DF081A */
#define AT25DFX_161   1 /* AT25DF161 */
#define AT25DFX_161A   4 /* AT26DF161A */
#define AT25DFX_321   5 /* AT25DF321 */
#define AT25DFX_321A   6 /* AT25DF321A */
#define AT25DFX_512B   7 /* AT25DF512B */
#define AT25DFX_641A   9 /* AT25DF641A */

typedef enum at25_status at25_status_t

AT25 operation status, each operation returns one of the following status.

AT25 operation status, each operation returns one of the following status.


Current operation successful.


Sector protected.


Sector unprotected.


Initialization error: p_at25->pdesc is not initialized.


The specific SerialFlash Not found.


Write error returned by the SerialFlash.


Current operation failed, SerialFlash is busy.


Current operation failed, SerialFlash is protected.


SPI transfer failed.

Current operation failed