Microchip® Advanced Software Framework

aws_iot_config.h File Reference

MAIN configuration.

AWS IoT specific configuration file.

Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries.


#define AWS_IOT_MQTT_HOST   "AGOO5J5NTHNQB.iot.us-west-2.amazonaws.com"
 Maximum time interval after which exponential back-off will stop attempting to reconnect. More...
 Minimum time before the First reconnect attempt is made as part of the exponential back-off algorithm. More...
 Maximum number of topic filters the MQTT client can handle at any given time. This should be increased appropriately when using Thing Shadow. More...
#define AWS_IOT_MQTT_PORT   8883
#define AWS_IOT_MQTT_RX_BUF_LEN   512
 Any message that comes into the device should be less than this buffer size. If a received message is bigger than this buffer size the message will be dropped. More...
#define AWS_IOT_MQTT_TX_BUF_LEN   512
 Any time a message is sent out through the MQTT layer. The message is copied into this buffer anytime a publish is done. This will also be used in the case of Thing Shadow. More...
 At Any given time we will wait for this many responses. This will correlate to the rate at which the shadow actions are requested. More...
 These are the max tokens that is expected to be in the Shadow JSON document. Include the metadata that gets published. More...
 This size includes the length of topic with Thing Name. More...
 All shadow actions have to be published or subscribed to a topic which is of the format $aws/things/{thingName}/shadow/update/accepted. This refers to the size of the topic without the Thing Name. More...
 This is size of the extra sequence number that will be appended to the Unique client Id. More...
 This is size of the the total clientToken key and value pair in the JSON. More...
 The Thing Name should not be bigger than this value. Modify this if the Thing Name needs to be bigger. More...
 Maximum size of the Unique Client Id. For More info on the Client Id refer Acknowledgments. More...
 We could perform shadow action on any thing Name and this is maximum Thing Names we can act on at any given time. More...
 Maximum size of the SHADOW buffer to store the received Shadow message. More...

#define AWS_IOT_MQTT_HOST   "AGOO5J5NTHNQB.iot.us-west-2.amazonaws.com"

Maximum time interval after which exponential back-off will stop attempting to reconnect.


Minimum time before the First reconnect attempt is made as part of the exponential back-off algorithm.


Maximum number of topic filters the MQTT client can handle at any given time. This should be increased appropriately when using Thing Shadow.

#define AWS_IOT_MQTT_PORT   8883
#define AWS_IOT_MQTT_RX_BUF_LEN   512

Any message that comes into the device should be less than this buffer size. If a received message is bigger than this buffer size the message will be dropped.

Referenced by aws_iot_mqtt_connect().

#define AWS_IOT_MQTT_TX_BUF_LEN   512

Any time a message is sent out through the MQTT layer. The message is copied into this buffer anytime a publish is done. This will also be used in the case of Thing Shadow.

Referenced by aws_iot_mqtt_connect().


At Any given time we will wait for this many responses. This will correlate to the rate at which the shadow actions are requested.

Referenced by AckStatusCallback(), getNextFreeIndexOfAckWaitList(), HandleExpiredResponseCallbacks(), and initializeRecords().


These are the max tokens that is expected to be in the Shadow JSON document. Include the metadata that gets published.

Referenced by initDeltaTokens(), and registerJsonTokenOnDelta().


All shadow actions have to be published or subscribed to a topic which is of the format $aws/things/{thingName}/shadow/update/accepted. This refers to the size of the topic without the Thing Name.


This is size of the extra sequence number that will be appended to the Unique client Id.


This is size of the the total clientToken key and value pair in the JSON.

Referenced by AckStatusCallback(), addToAckWaitList(), aws_iot_shadow_delete(), aws_iot_shadow_get(), and iot_shadow_action().


The Thing Name should not be bigger than this value. Modify this if the Thing Name needs to be bigger.

Referenced by addToAckWaitList(), and aws_iot_shadow_connect().


Maximum size of the Unique Client Id. For More info on the Client Id refer Acknowledgments.

Referenced by aws_iot_shadow_connect().


We could perform shadow action on any thing Name and this is maximum Thing Names we can act on at any given time.


Maximum size of the SHADOW buffer to store the received Shadow message.

Referenced by AckStatusCallback(), and shadow_delta_callback().